انصار عباسی کے کالم پر میرے تحفظات


Minister (2k+ posts)
انصار عباسی کا کالم آپ اس لنک پر پڑھ سکتے ہیں۔

انصار عباسی کے اس کالم میں بہت ساری ایسی باتیں ہیں جن کا جواب دینا یا ان پر مزید سوال اٹھانا ضروری ہے۔
انصار عباسی صاحب کے مطابق جیو نیوز کی ملک دوستی پر شک کرنا ٹھیک نہیں۔ خیر یہ بھی دیکھ لیتے ہیں کہ جیو نیوز یا جنگ گروپ کتنا محب وطن ہیں مگر یہ بات تو انصار عباسی صاحب نہیں رد کرسکتے پاکستانی میڈیا میں بہت زیادہ پیسہ چلایا جارہا ہے تاکہ رائے عامہ کو مخصوص معاملات میں ہموار اور بعض معاملات میں خراب کیا جائے۔ اب بحثیت قوم کیا ہم اتنے بیوقوف ہیں کہ کسی پر اسکا الزام بھی مت لگائیں۔ الزام لگایا جاسکتا ہے اور لگانا بھی چاہیے کیونکہ ہر پاکستانی کا یہ بنیادی حق ہے کہ قومی معاملات میں اپنی رائے دے یا شک کا اظہار کرے۔ رہی بات کسی بیگناہ پر الزام لگانے کی تو بلکل بیگناہ پر بھی الزام لگ سکتا ہے اور سزا بھی مل سکتی ہے باوجود اسکی بیگناہی کے کیونکہ جب تک یہ سزا ملے گی نہیں انصاف کا عمل شروع نہیں ہوسکتا۔ جب کسی بیگناہ کو سزا ملے تو وہ خود اصل گناہگار تک پہنچنے کی کوشش کرتا ہے۔ یا کم از کم اصل مجرم کو یہ باور کروایا جاتا ہے کہ ضروری نہیں ہر بار اسکے کیے کی سزا کسی اور کو ملے۔

اب آجاتے ہیں جیو نیوز اور جنگ گروپ پر کے یہ کتنے معصوم ہیں۔
یہ جو مسلمانوں سے تکے لگائے جارہے ہیں کیا یہ کافی نہیں ہے اسلام دشمنی کو ثابت کرنے کے لیے۔ ہم کیوں نہ کہیں کہ جیو نیوز بکا ہوا چینل ہے جو پاکستان تو پاکستان بلکہ اسلام کے خلاف کام کررہا ہے۔
یہ جو ہر خبر میں بھارتی گانے بجائے جاتے ہیں اس سے ہم کیوں نہ سمجھیں کہ یہ بھارت نوازی کی جارہی ہے۔ بلکل یہ بھی درست ہے کہ خبروں میں بھارتی گانے صرف جیو نیوز نہیں بلکہ تقریباً ہر چینل چلاتا ہے تو جواب یہ ہے کہ یہاں تزکرہ کیا جارہا ہے جیو نیوز کا نہ کہ ہر بیوقوف چینل کا جسے عادت ہے بھارتی مواد پیش کرنے کا۔ اور ویسے بھی ہر معاشرے میں کچھ لوگ شوقیا طور پر ایک متنازعہ کام کرتے ہیں جبکہ بعض لوگ کسی خاص مقصد کی تکمیل کے لیے۔ اور مجھے کوئی شک نہیں ہے کہ جیو نیوز کا بھارتی مواد چلانا ہماری دینی اقدار پر ایک تخریبی کاروائی ہے۔ کتنا مشکل ہے خبروں کو گانوں سے پاک باوقار انداز سے پیش کرنا؟ یاد رہے کہ گانے بھارتی ہوں یا پاکستانی' جس ملک میں ہر روز اموات ہورہی ہوں وہاں جیونیوز دیکھ کر لگتا ہے کہ خوشی کے شامیانے بج رہے ہیں۔ یہ وہ بے حسی ہے جو متنقل کی جارہی ہے ہماری قوم میں جسکے بعد لوگوں پر کسی سنجیدہ بات کا اثر ہی نہیں ہوتا۔ بلکہ جب کوئی سنجیدہ بات کرنا چاہے تو اس کا ٹھٹھہ لگایا جاتا ہے۔ اور جیسا کہ میں نے عرض کرچکا ہوں کہ یہ بے حسی کی وبآ پھیلانا ہی جیو نیوز اور اس جیسے بکے ہوئے دوسرے چینلوں کا کام ہے۔
جب ہم جنس پرستی کی خبریں نشر کی جائیں اور وہ بھی بڑی خوشی سے تو اسے ہم اسلام دوستی سمجھیں؟ کتنا مشکل ہے یہ سمجھنے کے لیے کہ ایسی خبریں ایک مردہ دل انسان ہی دے سکتا ہے جبکہ مسلمان تو بعد کی بات ہے۔ جی ہاں ایسی بیہودا خبرتو پاکستان میں بسنے والے غیر مسلم حضم نہیں کرسکتے کجا ایک اکثریت جو کہ مسلم ہو۔
یہ حامد میر جعفر ٹائپ مخلوق جسے انسان کہتے ہوئے بھی ایک بار سوچنا پڑتا ہے اسکی باتیں کیا پاکستان کے مفاد میں ہوتی ہیں یہ اسکا کام صرف ڈنگ مارنا ہی رہ گیا ہے۔
پھوٹے منہ ہی سہی کبھی بھارتی مواد کی بجائے کشمیر میں بھارتی مظالم بھی دکھا دینے چاہییں۔
سب سے اہم بات تو میں بھول ہی گیا۔ یہ اجمل قصاب کا ڈرامہ کس نے رچایا تھا۔ کیا اس درامے کے بعد بھی انصار عباسی جیو نیوز کو ملک دوست چینل سمجھتے ہیں۔
پتہ نہیں کیا ہوگیا ہے انصار عباسی کو۔ میں تو سمجھتا تھا کہ انصار عباسی بھی کسی نہ کسی مجبوری میں جیونیوز سے چپکے بیٹھے ہیں مگر یہ مجھے اب پتا چلا کہ انصار عباسی نے اصل میں آنکھیں بند کی ہوئی ہیں۔
شائد جس کا نمک کھایا جائے اسکی کھلم کھلا مخالفت نہیں کی جاسکتی۔ میں صرف اتنا مارجن انصار عباسی کو دے سکتا ہوں کہ یہ ان کی خام خیالی ہے جو وہ جیو نیوز کے بارے میں کہتے ہیں۔ عباسی صاحب دیکھ لیں' میں آپ کو کسی کا ایجنٹ نہیں کہہ رہا مگر آپ یا تو ہمیں احمق سمجھتے ہیں یا۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔
نمک حلالی کی کوئی حد رکھیں۔ اگر جیو نیوز کی ہماری روایات پر تخریب کاری پر آپ کھل کر بات نہیں کرسکتے تو کم از کم اسکی حمائت بھی نہ کریں۔



Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
ansar abbasi aur hamid meer ki hub ul watni aur zameer us waqt marr jata hai jab GEO NEWS ki baat aati hai


Voter (50+ posts)
Dear xshadow
Today is 6th september, our most glorious day. I would like to share something from my life here today, in response to Geo and Hamid Mir's role. They are traitors of Pakistan.

The day I was posted in North Waziristan from FR Bannu we faced a fierce TTP militants attack on our camp. They had constant supply, were heavily armed and we fought fearlessly despite being outnumbered. My senior officers witnessed to Allah to win or die as martyr. Col. Haider received burst of bullets on his chest, said kalma, and got martyred in my arms. The blood rushed into my eyes, and I attacked on front wing of militants with my small and outnumbered formation. My lips were reciting kalma shahadat and my heart was rhyming "Aey Nigar e watan tu salamat rahe (اے نگار وطن تو سلامت رہے) the song my mother taught me since my childhood. 5 hours of battle resulted in our victory, and we eliminated each of the militant. Best of my friends and brave soldiers of Pak sar zameen got martyred around, and I lost my leg, with several injuries and was shifted to first aid and then hospital to DI Khan the next day.

My mother was informed of the attack and she kept praying for our victory and remained on jaey namaz throughout. But when she turned the TV on, it was traitor Hamid Mir who was claiming to report from Bannu and was saying that we have lost entire Bannu, this place is all captured by Taliban and Pak Army cannot be seen anywhere, and this place doesn't seem to be part of Pakistan anymore. (Plz note Bannu was never ever taken and miles of areas much ahead of Bannu, Tank, and NW were already cleared by Pak Army many days before).

When I called my mother the same day, she was very angry at me how I couldn't defend my motherland. I told her, "my mother, can I ever sell u? Is this what u have taught me. Never my lovely mother. You and Pakistan are same for me. I would have died defending both of u instead of this telephone call. We have won Alhumdullilah". My mother who had cried for no idea how many hours, said Shukar Alhumdullilah loudly and I can still feel that honour, pride, and thankfullness to Allah in her voice. And then she said, may this Hamid Mir and Geo TV go to hell.

2 weeks later, when I arrived home and my mother found that I have lost my leg, she said, beta agar jaan bhi chali jaey to perwah na kerna, mujhe fakhar he tum per aur apne Pakistan per.

I hope u got my point from this short personal chapter from story of my life. And u now fully realize what this Hamid Mir Jafar is and from whom he receives money to misguide the nation and barks against sons of soil who write the love for Pakistan with their blood.

Adeel Rehman

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Dear xshadow
Today is 6th september, our most glorious day. I would like to share something from my life here today, in response to Geo and Hamid Mir's role. They are traitors of Pakistan.

The day I was posted in North Waziristan from FR Bannu we faced a fierce TTP militants attack on our camp. They had constant supply, were heavily armed and we fought fearlessly despite being outnumbered. My senior officers witnessed to Allah to win or die as martyr. Col. Haider received burst of bullets on his chest, said kalma, and got martyred in my arms. The blood rushed into my eyes, and I attacked on front wing of militants with my small and outnumbered formation. My lips were reciting kalma shahadat and my heart was rhyming "Aey Nigar e watan tu salamat rahe (اے نگار وطن تو سلامت رہے) the song my mother taught me since my childhood. 5 hours of battle resulted in our victory, and we eliminated each of the militant. Best of my friends and brave soldiers of Pak sar zameen got martyred around, and I lost my leg, with several injuries and was shifted to first aid and then hospital to DI Khan the next day.

My mother was informed of the attack and she kept praying for our victory and remained on jaey namaz throughout. But when she turned the TV on, it was traitor Hamid Mir who was claiming to report from Bannu and was saying that we have lost entire Bannu, this place is all captured by Taliban and Pak Army cannot be seen anywhere, and this place doesn't seem to be part of Pakistan anymore. (Plz note Bannu was never ever taken and miles of areas much ahead of Bannu, Tank, and NW were already cleared by Pak Army many days before).

When I called my mother the same day, she was very angry at me how I couldn't defend my motherland. I told her, "my mother, can I ever sell u? Is this what u have taught me. Never my lovely mother. You and Pakistan are same for me. I would have died defending both of u instead of this telephone call. We have won Alhumdullilah". My mother who had cried for no idea how many hours, said Shukar Alhumdullilah loudly and I can still feel that honour, pride, and thankfullness to Allah in her voice. And then she said, may this Hamid Mir and Geo TV go to hell.

2 weeks later, when I arrived home and my mother found that I have lost my leg, she said, beta agar jaan bhi chali jaey to perwah na kerna, mujhe fakhar he tum per aur apne Pakistan per.

I hope u got my point from this short personal chapter from story of my life. And u now fully realize what this Hamid Mir Jafar is and from whom he receives money to misguide the nation and barks against sons of soil who write the love for Pakistan with their blood.

No words to express feelings... "We salute U and the most respectable mother of the world" (clap)(clap)(clap)


Minister (2k+ posts)
Dear xshadow
Today is 6th september, our most glorious day. I would like to share something from my life here today, in response to Geo and Hamid Mir's role. They are traitors of Pakistan.

The day I was posted in North Waziristan from FR Bannu we faced a fierce TTP militants attack on our camp. They had constant supply, were heavily armed and we fought fearlessly despite being outnumbered. My senior officers witnessed to Allah to win or die as martyr. Col. Haider received burst of bullets on his chest, said kalma, and got martyred in my arms. The blood rushed into my eyes, and I attacked on front wing of militants with my small and outnumbered formation. My lips were reciting kalma shahadat and my heart was rhyming "Aey Nigar e watan tu salamat rahe (اے نگار وطن تو سلامت رہے) the song my mother taught me since my childhood. 5 hours of battle resulted in our victory, and we eliminated each of the militant. Best of my friends and brave soldiers of Pak sar zameen got martyred around, and I lost my leg, with several injuries and was shifted to first aid and then hospital to DI Khan the next day.

My mother was informed of the attack and she kept praying for our victory and remained on jaey namaz throughout. But when she turned the TV on, it was traitor Hamid Mir who was claiming to report from Bannu and was saying that we have lost entire Bannu, this place is all captured by Taliban and Pak Army cannot be seen anywhere, and this place doesn't seem to be part of Pakistan anymore. (Plz note Bannu was never ever taken and miles of areas much ahead of Bannu, Tank, and NW were already cleared by Pak Army many days before).

When I called my mother the same day, she was very angry at me how I couldn't defend my motherland. I told her, "my mother, can I ever sell u? Is this what u have taught me. Never my lovely mother. You and Pakistan are same for me. I would have died defending both of u instead of this telephone call. We have won Alhumdullilah". My mother who had cried for no idea how many hours, said Shukar Alhumdullilah loudly and I can still feel that honour, pride, and thankfullness to Allah in her voice. And then she said, may this Hamid Mir and Geo TV go to hell.

2 weeks later, when I arrived home and my mother found that I have lost my leg, she said, beta agar jaan bhi chali jaey to perwah na kerna, mujhe fakhar he tum per aur apne Pakistan per.

I hope u got my point from this short personal chapter from story of my life. And u now fully realize what this Hamid Mir Jafar is and from whom he receives money to misguide the nation and barks against sons of soil who write the love for Pakistan with their blood.

Dear friend. I don't have words to regard what you did for us being their. I salute you and specially the noble lady, your mother who is not only yours but the mother of our nation. We honor your courage and bravery with all other Juwans who are presenting their blood to defend our homeland. No matter what happens, we're here to back you.
پاک فوج زندہ آباد' پاکستان پائندہ آباد۔

Having said that I would address Ansar Abbasi to ask what moral ground do you have to support Jew TV network. I know Mr. Ansar Abbasi, one of your friend will email you again and tell you what I have said about you. Mr. Ansar Abbasi, if you feel a little shame then stop defending Jew news network and Jang group.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Dear xshadow
Today is 6th september, our most glorious day. I would like to share something from my life here today, in response to Geo and Hamid Mir's role. They are traitors of Pakistan.

The day I was posted in North Waziristan from FR Bannu we faced a fierce TTP militants attack on our camp. They had constant supply, were heavily armed and we fought fearlessly despite being outnumbered. My senior officers witnessed to Allah to win or die as martyr. Col. Haider received burst of bullets on his chest, said kalma, and got martyred in my arms. The blood rushed into my eyes, and I attacked on front wing of militants with my small and outnumbered formation. My lips were reciting kalma shahadat and my heart was rhyming "Aey Nigar e watan tu salamat rahe (اے نگار وطن تو سلامت رہے) the song my mother taught me since my childhood. 5 hours of battle resulted in our victory, and we eliminated each of the militant. Best of my friends and brave soldiers of Pak sar zameen got martyred around, and I lost my leg, with several injuries and was shifted to first aid and then hospital to DI Khan the next day.

My mother was informed of the attack and she kept praying for our victory and remained on jaey namaz throughout. But when she turned the TV on, it was traitor Hamid Mir who was claiming to report from Bannu and was saying that we have lost entire Bannu, this place is all captured by Taliban and Pak Army cannot be seen anywhere, and this place doesn't seem to be part of Pakistan anymore. (Plz note Bannu was never ever taken and miles of areas much ahead of Bannu, Tank, and NW were already cleared by Pak Army many days before).

When I called my mother the same day, she was very angry at me how I couldn't defend my motherland. I told her, "my mother, can I ever sell u? Is this what u have taught me. Never my lovely mother. You and Pakistan are same for me. I would have died defending both of u instead of this telephone call. We have won Alhumdullilah". My mother who had cried for no idea how many hours, said Shukar Alhumdullilah loudly and I can still feel that honour, pride, and thankfullness to Allah in her voice. And then she said, may this Hamid Mir and Geo TV go to hell.

2 weeks later, when I arrived home and my mother found that I have lost my leg, she said, beta agar jaan bhi chali jaey to perwah na kerna, mujhe fakhar he tum per aur apne Pakistan per.

I hope u got my point from this short personal chapter from story of my life. And u now fully realize what this Hamid Mir Jafar is and from whom he receives money to misguide the nation and barks against sons of soil who write the love for Pakistan with their blood.

salute to you and your GREAT MOTHER.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Dear xshadow
Today is 6th september, our most glorious day. I would like to share something from my life here today, in response to Geo and Hamid Mir's role. They are traitors of Pakistan.

The day I was posted in North Waziristan from FR Bannu we faced a fierce TTP militants attack on our camp. They had constant supply, were heavily armed and we fought fearlessly despite being outnumbered. My senior officers witnessed to Allah to win or die as martyr. Col. Haider received burst of bullets on his chest, said kalma, and got martyred in my arms. The blood rushed into my eyes, and I attacked on front wing of militants with my small and outnumbered formation. My lips were reciting kalma shahadat and my heart was rhyming "Aey Nigar e watan tu salamat rahe (اے نگار وطن تو سلامت رہے) the song my mother taught me since my childhood. 5 hours of battle resulted in our victory, and we eliminated each of the militant. Best of my friends and brave soldiers of Pak sar zameen got martyred around, and I lost my leg, with several injuries and was shifted to first aid and then hospital to DI Khan the next day.

My mother was informed of the attack and she kept praying for our victory and remained on jaey namaz throughout. But when she turned the TV on, it was traitor Hamid Mir who was claiming to report from Bannu and was saying that we have lost entire Bannu, this place is all captured by Taliban and Pak Army cannot be seen anywhere, and this place doesn't seem to be part of Pakistan anymore. (Plz note Bannu was never ever taken and miles of areas much ahead of Bannu, Tank, and NW were already cleared by Pak Army many days before).

When I called my mother the same day, she was very angry at me how I couldn't defend my motherland. I told her, "my mother, can I ever sell u? Is this what u have taught me. Never my lovely mother. You and Pakistan are same for me. I would have died defending both of u instead of this telephone call. We have won Alhumdullilah". My mother who had cried for no idea how many hours, said Shukar Alhumdullilah loudly and I can still feel that honour, pride, and thankfullness to Allah in her voice. And then she said, may this Hamid Mir and Geo TV go to hell.

2 weeks later, when I arrived home and my mother found that I have lost my leg, she said, beta agar jaan bhi chali jaey to perwah na kerna, mujhe fakhar he tum per aur apne Pakistan per.

I hope u got my point from this short personal chapter from story of my life. And u now fully realize what this Hamid Mir Jafar is and from whom he receives money to misguide the nation and barks against sons of soil who write the love for Pakistan with their blood.

The Princess of Jannat-Ul-Firdos Hazarat-e-Fatima receives her sons by kissing their foreheads....this is what for which U have done the deal.....the most coveted one ever for a believer. I can feel little bit of the feelings of your blessed mother and family as my younger Bro lead some ops in Miran Shah when 15--- was their back in 2009-10.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)

داستانِ مجاہد

بھائی آپ کو سلام ہے۔

آپ پر حملہ ان مسلح دہشتگردوں نے ہی نہیں کیا، بلکہ انکے حامد میر جیسے سپورٹرز بھی اس حملے میں شامل ہیں، وہ حکمران بھی شامل ہیں جو طالبان کا نام آتے ہیں بزدلوں کی طرف چوڑیاں پہن لیتے ہیں۔

پاک فوج کے خلاف ان دہشتگرد سپورٹرز کی طرف سے شدید ترین حملے جاری ہیں اور پاک فوج کو کمزور کرنے کی سازش کی جا رہی ہے۔

پاک فوج طالبان کے خلاف آخری دفاعی حصار ہے۔

جس دن یہ آخری دفاعی حصار ان لوگوں کی سازشوں سے کمزور ہوا، وہ دن اسلام آباد پر طالبان قبضے کا دن ہو گا۔

Dear xshadow
Today is 6th september, our most glorious day. I would like to share something from my life here today, in response to Geo and Hamid Mir's role. They are traitors of Pakistan.

The day I was posted in North Waziristan from FR Bannu we faced a fierce TTP militants attack on our camp. They had constant supply, were heavily armed and we fought fearlessly despite being outnumbered. My senior officers witnessed to Allah to win or die as martyr. Col. Haider received burst of bullets on his chest, said kalma, and got martyred in my arms. The blood rushed into my eyes, and I attacked on front wing of militants with my small and outnumbered formation. My lips were reciting kalma shahadat and my heart was rhyming "Aey Nigar e watan tu salamat rahe (اے نگار وطن تو سلامت رہے) the song my mother taught me since my childhood. 5 hours of battle resulted in our victory, and we eliminated each of the militant. Best of my friends and brave soldiers of Pak sar zameen got martyred around, and I lost my leg, with several injuries and was shifted to first aid and then hospital to DI Khan the next day.

My mother was informed of the attack and she kept praying for our victory and remained on jaey namaz throughout. But when she turned the TV on, it was traitor Hamid Mir who was claiming to report from Bannu and was saying that we have lost entire Bannu, this place is all captured by Taliban and Pak Army cannot be seen anywhere, and this place doesn't seem to be part of Pakistan anymore. (Plz note Bannu was never ever taken and miles of areas much ahead of Bannu, Tank, and NW were already cleared by Pak Army many days before).

When I called my mother the same day, she was very angry at me how I couldn't defend my motherland. I told her, "my mother, can I ever sell u? Is this what u have taught me. Never my lovely mother. You and Pakistan are same for me. I would have died defending both of u instead of this telephone call. We have won Alhumdullilah". My mother who had cried for no idea how many hours, said Shukar Alhumdullilah loudly and I can still feel that honour, pride, and thankfullness to Allah in her voice. And then she said, may this Hamid Mir and Geo TV go to hell.

2 weeks later, when I arrived home and my mother found that I have lost my leg, she said, beta agar jaan bhi chali jaey to perwah na kerna, mujhe fakhar he tum per aur apne Pakistan per.

I hope u got my point from this short personal chapter from story of my life. And u now fully realize what this Hamid Mir Jafar is and from whom he receives money to misguide the nation and barks against sons of soil who write the love for Pakistan with their blood.

v r imran k

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
jang group geo and times and india ka ishtraaak ....mulk ki nazriyati assas k khilaf aik khoofnak sazish hay


Dear xshadow
Today is 6th september, our most glorious day. I would like to share something from my life here today, in response to Geo and Hamid Mir's role. They are traitors of Pakistan.

The day I was posted in North Waziristan from FR Bannu we faced a fierce TTP militants attack on our camp. They had constant supply, were heavily armed and we fought fearlessly despite being outnumbered. My senior officers witnessed to Allah to win or die as martyr. Col. Haider received burst of bullets on his chest, said kalma, and got martyred in my arms. The blood rushed into my eyes, and I attacked on front wing of militants with my small and outnumbered formation. My lips were reciting kalma shahadat and my heart was rhyming "Aey Nigar e watan tu salamat rahe (اے نگار وطن تو سلامت رہے) the song my mother taught me since my childhood. 5 hours of battle resulted in our victory, and we eliminated each of the militant. Best of my friends and brave soldiers of Pak sar zameen got martyred around, and I lost my leg, with several injuries and was shifted to first aid and then hospital to DI Khan the next day.

My mother was informed of the attack and she kept praying for our victory and remained on jaey namaz throughout. But when she turned the TV on, it was traitor Hamid Mir who was claiming to report from Bannu and was saying that we have lost entire Bannu, this place is all captured by Taliban and Pak Army cannot be seen anywhere, and this place doesn't seem to be part of Pakistan anymore. (Plz note Bannu was never ever taken and miles of areas much ahead of Bannu, Tank, and NW were already cleared by Pak Army many days before).

When I called my mother the same day, she was very angry at me how I couldn't defend my motherland. I told her, "my mother, can I ever sell u? Is this what u have taught me. Never my lovely mother. You and Pakistan are same for me. I would have died defending both of u instead of this telephone call. We have won Alhumdullilah". My mother who had cried for no idea how many hours, said Shukar Alhumdullilah loudly and I can still feel that honour, pride, and thankfullness to Allah in her voice. And then she said, may this Hamid Mir and Geo TV go to hell.

2 weeks later, when I arrived home and my mother found that I have lost my leg, she said, beta agar jaan bhi chali jaey to perwah na kerna, mujhe fakhar he tum per aur apne Pakistan per.

I hope u got my point from this short personal chapter from story of my life. And u now fully realize what this Hamid Mir Jafar is and from whom he receives money to misguide the nation and barks against sons of soil who write the love for Pakistan with their blood.

اس دھرتی کی ایسی بلند اخلاق ممتا اور بہادر سپوت کو سلام۔۔۔
یومِ دفاع پر اس فورم پر یہ سب سے زیادہ پراثر پوسٹ ھے۔۔


Adeel Rehman

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Dear xshadow
Today is 6th september, our most glorious day. I would like to share something from my life here today, in response to Geo and Hamid Mir's role. They are traitors of Pakistan.

The day I was posted in North Waziristan from FR Bannu we faced a fierce TTP militants attack on our camp. They had constant supply, were heavily armed and we fought fearlessly despite being outnumbered. My senior officers witnessed to Allah to win or die as martyr. Col. Haider received burst of bullets on his chest, said kalma, and got martyred in my arms. The blood rushed into my eyes, and I attacked on front wing of militants with my small and outnumbered formation. My lips were reciting kalma shahadat and my heart was rhyming "Aey Nigar e watan tu salamat rahe (اے نگار وطن تو سلامت رہے) the song my mother taught me since my childhood. 5 hours of battle resulted in our victory, and we eliminated each of the militant. Best of my friends and brave soldiers of Pak sar zameen got martyred around, and I lost my leg, with several injuries and was shifted to first aid and then hospital to DI Khan the next day.

My mother was informed of the attack and she kept praying for our victory and remained on jaey namaz throughout. But when she turned the TV on, it was traitor Hamid Mir who was claiming to report from Bannu and was saying that we have lost entire Bannu, this place is all captured by Taliban and Pak Army cannot be seen anywhere, and this place doesn't seem to be part of Pakistan anymore. (Plz note Bannu was never ever taken and miles of areas much ahead of Bannu, Tank, and NW were already cleared by Pak Army many days before).

When I called my mother the same day, she was very angry at me how I couldn't defend my motherland. I told her, "my mother, can I ever sell u? Is this what u have taught me. Never my lovely mother. You and Pakistan are same for me. I would have died defending both of u instead of this telephone call. We have won Alhumdullilah". My mother who had cried for no idea how many hours, said Shukar Alhumdullilah loudly and I can still feel that honour, pride, and thankfullness to Allah in her voice. And then she said, may this Hamid Mir and Geo TV go to hell.

2 weeks later, when I arrived home and my mother found that I have lost my leg, she said, beta agar jaan bhi chali jaey to perwah na kerna, mujhe fakhar he tum per aur apne Pakistan per.

I hope u got my point from this short personal chapter from story of my life. And u now fully realize what this Hamid Mir Jafar is and from whom he receives money to misguide the nation and barks against sons of soil who write the love for Pakistan with their blood.

No words... Only tears, I read this post uncountable times... And all the time with tears in my eyes...

beeta tu kamal ka insan hy hi Lakin keya baat hy esi maa ki, theek hi kaha gaya hy k "achi maayin hi achi qoum banati han" .... Maa G ! Meri Omer bhi app ko lug jaye kya ehsan keya hy app ny is qoum per esi kamal perwarish ker k apny beetay ki... (clap)(clap)(clap)


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Dear xshadow
Today is 6th september, our most glorious day. I would like to share something from my life here today, in response to Geo and Hamid Mir's role. They are traitors of Pakistan.

The day I was posted in North Waziristan from FR Bannu we faced a fierce TTP militants attack on our camp. They had constant supply, were heavily armed and we fought fearlessly despite being outnumbered. My senior officers witnessed to Allah to win or die as martyr. Col. Haider received burst of bullets on his chest, said kalma, and got martyred in my arms. The blood rushed into my eyes, and I attacked on front wing of militants with my small and outnumbered formation. My lips were reciting kalma shahadat and my heart was rhyming "Aey Nigar e watan tu salamat rahe (اے نگار وطن تو سلامت رہے) the song my mother taught me since my childhood. 5 hours of battle resulted in our victory, and we eliminated each of the militant. Best of my friends and brave soldiers of Pak sar zameen got martyred around, and I lost my leg, with several injuries and was shifted to first aid and then hospital to DI Khan the next day.

My mother was informed of the attack and she kept praying for our victory and remained on jaey namaz throughout. But when she turned the TV on, it was traitor Hamid Mir who was claiming to report from Bannu and was saying that we have lost entire Bannu, this place is all captured by Taliban and Pak Army cannot be seen anywhere, and this place doesn't seem to be part of Pakistan anymore. (Plz note Bannu was never ever taken and miles of areas much ahead of Bannu, Tank, and NW were already cleared by Pak Army many days before).

When I called my mother the same day, she was very angry at me how I couldn't defend my motherland. I told her, "my mother, can I ever sell u? Is this what u have taught me. Never my lovely mother. You and Pakistan are same for me. I would have died defending both of u instead of this telephone call. We have won Alhumdullilah". My mother who had cried for no idea how many hours, said Shukar Alhumdullilah loudly and I can still feel that honour, pride, and thankfullness to Allah in her voice. And then she said, may this Hamid Mir and Geo TV go to hell.

2 weeks later, when I arrived home and my mother found that I have lost my leg, she said, beta agar jaan bhi chali jaey to perwah na kerna, mujhe fakhar he tum per aur apne Pakistan per.

I hope u got my point from this short personal chapter from story of my life. And u now fully realize what this Hamid Mir Jafar is and from whom he receives money to misguide the nation and barks against sons of soil who write the love for Pakistan with their blood.

In certain circumstances words become meaningless. I hope you are taken care of by Pakistan, the way you taken care of her.

Pakistani journalists worst in the world, they are absolute garbage.
Last edited:


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
کاش میں فوجی ھوتا اور روزانہ آپکی ماں جی کو اور پھر آپکو سیلیوٹ کرتا۔جب تک ان جیسی مائیں اور آپ جیسے بھادر سپوت اس دھرتی پر موجود ھیں پاکستان سلامت رھے گا۔دھشت گرد ناکام ھونگے جیسے آپ نے بنوں اور ٹانک کو ان کے ناپاک وجودوں سے پاک کیا تھا اسی طرح کراچی ،لاھور اور باقی ملک بھی ان بدبودار لمبی زلفوں اور ڈھکے چھروں والی چڑیلوں سے پاک ھو جاے گا۔جنکو نماز باترجمہ نھیں آتی وھ چلے ھیں اسلام کے مامے بننے۔اس دن کا بے چینی سے انتظار ھے جب فوج پورے ملک سے دھشت گردوں کی نرسریاں تباھ کر دے گی۔

Adeel Rehman

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
کاش میں فوجی ھوتا اور روزانہ آپکی ماں جی کو اور پھر آپکو سیلیوٹ کرتا۔جب تک ان جیسی مائیں اور آپ جیسے بھادر سپوت اس دھرتی پر موجود ھیں پاکستان سلامت رھے گا۔دھشت گرد ناکام ھونگے جیسے آپ نے بنوں اور ٹانک کو ان کے ناپاک وجودوں سے پاک کیا تھا اسی طرح کراچی ،لاھور اور باقی ملک بھی ان بدبودار لمبی زلفوں اور ڈھکے چھروں والی چڑیلوں سے پاک ھو جاے گا۔جنکو نماز باترجمہ نھیں آتی وھ چلے ھیں اسلام کے مامے بننے۔اس دن کا بے چینی سے انتظار ھے جب فوج پورے ملک سے دھشت گردوں کی نرسریاں تباھ کر دے گی۔

Thanks Bhai, btw the way my youngest sister is in PAK Navy she the youngest one of us and about 26, 27 of age... Behan bata rahi thi k pechay dino Karachi me jis Navy officer ko shaheed keya gaya hy wo by-enteha qabil officer tha, she had duty with him and was telling us that he was the brilient person and had lot course recently he did one course from UK, she told us we as PAK Navy considering him a loss for us...


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Thanks Bhai, btw the way my youngest sister is in PAK Navy she the youngest one of us and about 26, 27 of age... Behan bata rahi thi k pechay dino Karachi me jis Navy officer ko shaheed keya gaya hy wo by-enteha qabil officer tha, she had duty with him and was telling us that he was the brilient person and had lot course recently he did one course from UK, she told us we as PAK Navy considering him a loss for us...
میں نے پڑھا تھا اس شھادت کے بارے میں لگتا ھے کہ اچھے انسان ٹارگٹ کیے جارھے ھیں۔میں نے جی ڈی پی کیلیے ائرفورس میں اپلای کیا تھا وھاں دو سو کینیڈیٹ آے ھوے تھے۔سب کے سب فیسیلیٹیز اور کلین سروس اور فائٹر جیٹ اڑانے کے شوقین دکھای دیتے تھے انٹرویو ھوا تو مجھے یھی سوال ھوا کہ ائرفورس میں بھت سھولیات ھیں اور بھت ھی اچھی جاب ھے آپ کی کیا راے ھے؟
میں نے جواب دیا کہ سر میں نے سھولیات کا تو سوچا ھی نھیں کیونکہ میں تو یھاں شھادت کیلیے آیا ھوں ھم نے پاکستان بنایا تھا ھم بنانے والوں میں سے ھیں مزے اڑانے والے کوی اور ھونگے۔مجھے دل چسپی نھیں۔ شائد جواب انکو پسند نھیں آیا اور مجھے ناٹ ریکمنڈڈ کا لیٹر بھجوا دیا گیا۔اللہ تعالی کی میرے لیے اسی میں بھتری ھوگی۔آپکی بھن کو اللہ تعالی ھر شر سے محفوظ رکھے آمین


Voter (50+ posts)
No words to express feelings... "We salute U and the most respectable mother of the world" (clap)(clap)(clap)

Dear Brother. Me and my fellow soldiers are there for brothers like u, always. Inshallah. Social media is your gun and your patriotism is your ammunition. A request that always use best of your abilities for this Pakistan, the gift of Allah, its our home. Then we all will be succeed when we will face our Holy Prophet SAW one day, Inshallah taala


Voter (50+ posts)
I had shown this thread to my mother and she said u all brother are sons of this soil. Aap sab ko maan ka salaam.

Dear friend. I don't have words to regard what you did for us being their. I salute you and specially the noble lady, your mother who is not only yours but the mother of our nation. We honor your courage and bravery with all other Juwans who are presenting their blood to defend our homeland. No matter what happens, we're here to back you.
پاک فوج زندہ آباد' پاکستان پائندہ آباد۔

Having said that I would address Ansar Abbasi to ask what moral ground do you have to support Jew TV network. I know Mr. Ansar Abbasi, one of your friend will email you again and tell you what I have said about you. Mr. Ansar Abbasi, if you feel a little shame then stop defending Jew news network and Jang group.


Voter (50+ posts)
The Princess of Jannat-Ul-Firdos Hazarat-e-Fatima receives her sons by kissing their foreheads....this is what for which U have done the deal.....the most coveted one ever for a believer. I can feel little bit of the feelings of your blessed mother and family as my younger Bro lead some ops in Miran Shah when 15--- was their back in 2009-10.

Jazakallah brother Wadaich. May Allah bless u.
