
  1. canadian

    A tale of two wives:Out with the old,in with the new !!!

    A tale of two wives: Out with the old, in with the new Published: July 26, 2011 Muhammad Akram openly flogged his first wife Kalsoom in front of a crowd of over 50 people following his wedding to Masooma. MULTAN: A man beat up his wife and shaved her head for not welcoming his second wife...
  2. mohib

    Indian Muslims: A Tale of Wows and Woes

    According to the 2001 Census, Indias Muslim population was over 138 million, next only to that of Pakistan and Indonesia. As the final figures from the Census 2011 havent been disclosed yet, the current Muslim population is estimated at 180 million, which is roughly 15% of Indias population of...
  3. Rana Tahir Mahmood

    Heaven is a fairy tale, says physicist Hawking

    http://img.news.makcdn.com/2602633/three_cols.jpg By Reuters LONDON (Reuters Life!) - Heaven is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark, the eminent British theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking said in an interview published on Monday. Hawking, 69, was expected to die within a few...
  4. canadian

    Harrowing tale of Pakistani policemen lynched in Bahrain !!!

    Harrowing tale of Pakistani policemen lynched in Bahrain By Salman Siddiqui Published: March 21, 2011 Kashif was lynche­d and murder­ed by an angry mob when his police unit was ordere­d to move in agains­t protes­tors. KARACHI: Kashif Mehmood joined the...
  5. Geek

    A tale of conspiracy: Why cant we handle the truth?

    Pakistanis welcome anything that rejects official explanations and prefer to adopt absurd theories. It’s no secret: we love conspiracy theories. We love hearing about them, we love entertaining them and we love spreading them. Perhaps it’s a third world phenomenon, where we instinctively...
