
  1. V

    Hazrt Esa Alaih Salam Alive!

    Dear Members, Assalam o Alaikum, There are some members on this form who claim to be muslims but believe Hazrat Esa Alaih Salam is dead! Response#30 According to this...
  2. gazoomartian


    can anybody please tell me if I wrote it correctly, correct it please if its wrong لا الہہ الا ا للہ If you have one with zer-zabar-pesh, please give to me. jazakallah
  3. omerkashmiri

    Sohail ahmad ki jurat ko salam--- Javed Chaudhery

  4. gazoomartian

    Salam all And Wish Me Happy Birthday - Gazoomartian

    Tuesday, July 5th is my birthday. All you brothers and sisters, who want to, please send your cash gift to the moderator here, who will forward it to me. Please do not send more than CDN$100 or I will be really upset (bigsmile) Thank you Gazoo Martian
  5. S

    Durood & Salam

    Bismillah Assalam o Alaikum,
  6. ealtaf

    Pak army ko salam... !
  7. C

    Pakistanis can get milk even from a bull- Mulla Abdul Salam Zaeef

    Mulla Abdul Salam Zaeef(Afghan ambassador to Pakistan before the US invasion of Afghanistan) said “Pakistanis can get milk even from a bull. They have two tongues in one mouth, and two faces on one head so they can speak everybody’s language; they use everybody, deceive everybody. They...
  8. Hasb e Haal

    Hasb -e- Haal - 9th April 2011 - Knowledge of Graphology, Salam of Altaf Hussain, Situation of Babbu

  9. C

    Afridi Teri "Team" Ko Salam by Darling

  10. mush_dewana

    PAK Politicians/Army/Nation Tujay Salam for (Great Achivemetns)

  11. H

    hello every 1 salam 2 all.

    hello every 1 salam 2 all.
