
  1. Geek

    Conversation between a soldier Maulvi and Takfeeri Mufti

    This is a very interesting dialouge between a soldier molvi who has some good knowledge about Deen and a takfeeri mufti. the mufti is justifying the killing of innocent people and call all those murtid who don't accept their ideology. even he called Imam e kaaba a puppit and munafiq.
  2. L

    Ishaq Na Puchay Zaat - A normal girl marries a midget

  3. fahid_asif

    Imran Khan proved right again:Why DABANG Brigader was arrested: report on BBC urdu

    Lower ranks army officials thinking differently to their boss's. کالعدم تنظیم حزب التحریر کے ساتھ مبینہ تعلقات پر زیرحراست پاکستانی فوج کے بریگیڈیئر علی خان، ان کے بعض ساتھیوں اور سینئر افسران کے مطابق، گزشتہ کئی سالوں میں پاکستانی فوج میں امریکہ مخالف جذبات کے نمائندے کے طور پر سامنے آئے...
  4. Z

    False Alarm - Bush Administration raised threat level for political gains - Conspiracy theory prove

  5. S

    President Zardari & his corrupt boot-licking government of the USA proved its worthlessness

    "Paani Paani Ker Gayi Mujh Ko Qalandar Ki Yeh Baat Tu Jhuka Jab Ghair Ke Agay Na Mun Tera Na TanN." Pakistan has become a slave state of USA under Pakistani leaders are shameless, faceless and gutless dogs and liars but the people of Pakistan are not for sale and will never live like slaves...
