
  1. hassan.te

    Those who think Off-Shore companies are just OK...

  2. L

    US failed to produce diplomatic papers of 40 (BlackWater) Agents working in Pakistan as Embassy Staf

  3. WatanDost

    Declassified Papers Shed Light on US Role in Liaquats Murder

    Declassified Papers Shed Light on US Role in Liaquats Murder Syed Rashid Husain, Arab News Liaquat Ali Khan ALKHOBAR, 18 July 2006 Oil, Iran and air bases, seem to be issues of recent times. Not indeed. It was some 55 years back that these issues were very much in play and a recently...
  4. D

    Pro pak army and pakistani government advertisements in papers today!!!!and answer to this propogan

    read this funny advertisement that appeared in nawaiwaqt and some other newspapers today!it appears to be from pakistani army and government to gain support of pakistani people. read it than i will explain how lame and nonsense this is! now anaylse this ad!! this clearly seems...
  5. C

    Exams Poetry- Barhi Insult Hoti Hai Ye Papers Jub B Aatay Hain
