Those who think Off-Shore companies are just OK...


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)

آزاد خیال

MPA (400+ posts)
Here in Swiss and UK , there are thousand of legal firms who offer off shore consultancy... it's completely legal to avoid taxes...

Companies like Apple and Google have offshore firms even..


Minister (2k+ posts)
Here in Swiss and UK , there are thousand of legal firms who offer off shore consultancy... it's completely legal to avoid taxes...

Companies like Apple and Google have offshore firms even..

Its not about legality, its about the price that a common man pay. In Switzerland you can probably open an offshore company for your cat too. they need just money no matter black or white to pour into these countries. In the end you will find no moral values though legal would it be. in case of Pakistan when and how the shareefs took their money out. If the money was a gift or credit, who and when paid it to them. these answers of these questions from shareefs you will never get, never in their lives or even in your i guess. :)
Here in Swiss and UK , there are thousand of legal firms who offer off shore consultancy... it's completely legal to avoid taxes...

Companies like Apple and Google have offshore firms even..

There are two issues here:

1. The money transferred by Google and Apple is not public money. They didn't looted it from anyone unlike Nawaz.

2. Transferring money like that is morally wrong but may not be legally. Google and Apple can do it because they are private corporations but Nawaz is public servant. It is unbecoming for the person of this stature to indulge in such activity.


MPA (400+ posts)
Offshore companies are perfectly legal. Even Shaukat Khanum Memorial Hospital invested money (through HBG) in British Virgin Island registered offshore companies. There is nothing wrong with owning or operating offshore companies. However, (just like in case of normal onshore companies) legal problems may arise if the money being invested through offshore companies comes from illegal sources. So the real issue is not offshore companies but the trail of the money going through these companies.

Zain Itrat

Minister (2k+ posts)
How Money Parked In Tax Havens Is Funding Global Conflict

The world is buzzing with ICIJ's latest adventure titled Panama Papers which is now called the world's largest data leak.Amidst the papers, is information about hundreds of big names from across the worlds who have parked their money in Panama; among them our very own Big B, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and world's favourite footballer Lionel Messi .

But that's not all, this teaser documentary by ICIJ shows how this money could be used to fund the ongoing conflict in Syria and many international crime syndicates.Some of this information can really shock you!

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Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: Victims of Offshore : The Panama Papers

SO the people who are promising to change the situation of country to provide employment to provide business to common people ,health,education,better system are actual criminals,
They just want to build there own empire ....
But till when .... Specially the peoples of PAKISTAN will trust them ,vote them to destroy itself more ????????
