
  1. karachiwala

    Screwed by corporate America

  2. canadian

    Corporate memories after marriage !!!

    Corporate memories after marriage Nida Raza Mohsin May 29, 2011 If I look back on the three years of my hardcore corporate life, I remember nothing nothing but the fact that I was busy and going insane. I remember the times I would look up from my cubicle for some blood circulation and...
  3. karachiwala

    Vandana & Mira Shiva on Corporate Malpractice in India and its Devastating Impact on Health ia_and_the_devastating_impact_on_health On Earth Day, Democracy Now! revisits a 2010 conversation with world-renowned environmentalist Vandana Shiva and her sister, Dr. Mira Shiva, about...
  4. biomat

    Psywar" explores corporate and government use of propaganda and public

    "Psywar" explores corporate and government use of propaganda and public relations to manipulate American people. The movie explores how the U.S. government staged events to manipulate public opinion about the Iraq war, like the rescue of Private Jessica Lynch, the supposedly spontaneous mob...