
  1. Pride.of.Pakistan

    We are heroes tonight - A Tribute to SSG Commandos

    Duration : 3 Minutes 31 Seconds یہ غازی یہ تیرے پر اسرار بندے جنہیں تو نے بخشا ہے ذوق خدائی دو نیم ان کی ٹھوکر سے صحرا و دریا سمٹ کر پہاڑ ان کی ہیبت سے رائی دو عالم سے کرتی ہے بیگانہ دل کو عجب چیز ہے لذت آشنائی شہادت ہے مطلوب و مقصود مومن نہ مال غنیمت نہ کشور کشائی
  2. L

    The US military's secret military, US commandos are deployed in about 75 countries

    Special US commandos are deployed in about 75 countries around the world - and that number is expected to grow. US special forces, like the Navy Seals, are now more actively engaged in more overseas operations[GALLO/GETTY] Somewhere on this planet a US commando is carrying out a...
  3. karachiwala

    Navy Commandos Expect Their Shrinks to Be Waterboarded

    Want to help Navy SEALs stay mentally fit enough to survive capture by the enemy? Good. Just let me put this cloth over your face while I fill my water bucket. The military trains its troops to deal with the contingencies of getting stranded behind enemy lines. That involves passing a...