
  1. L

    Bolivia, Venezuela and Iran - Anti American Club

    The Islamo-Bolivarian threat Should the US be worried about the close relationship between Iran and Venezuela? Recent years have seen an increasingly close relationship between Venezuela and Iran [EPA] In early July, the US Congressional Subcommittee on Counterterrorism and...
  2. Capital Talk

    Capital Talk - 11th July 2011 - Mazhar Abbas - Special Programe from Karachi Press Club

  3. mohib

    Obedient Wives Club of Malaysia

    RAWANG, Malaysia As a new bride, 22-year-old Ummu Atirah believes she knows the secret to a blissful marriage: obey her husband and ensure he is sexually satisfied. Ummu and some 800 other Muslim women in Malaysia are members of the "Obedient Wives Club" that is generating controversy in one...
  4. Arslan

    Breaking News - Bomb Blast in Rummy Club Lyari - 21st April 2011

  5. A Khokar

    Will UN also show its Consistence and move against The Arab Dictators Club?

    Arab lands are infested with more than dozen dictatorial regimes. Lately the class less, non violent and secular uprising Jasmine Revolution has brought a wide spread wind of change in the region. This uprising has broken the threshold of fear which kept the masses subjugated and enslaved for...
  6. F

    Bilawal Bhutto in Lava Ignite Club, Oxford

    The pseudo intellectual and 'princess' of Zardari's wealth BILAWAL BHUTTO often enjoys his nights in the posh clubs of Oxford. On 5th May 2010 around 2239 exactly, he arrived at LAVA IGNITE club. Park End Street Oxford, Oxfordshire OX1 1JD And enjoyed his night with half naked girls and his...
