

    Fox News hacked for Barack Obama assassination hoax

    FOX NEWS : US President Barack Obama is Dead Hackers took control of an official Fox News Twitter account and posted false updates claiming that President Barack Obama had been assassinated The verified Twitter account for Fox News Politics has been hacked and been used to claim that...
  2. sherazopel

    Former Head Of CIA Bin Laden Unit: Main Recruitment Sergeant For Al Qaida Is Barack Obama

    Counterterrorism expert says war on terror is based entirely on fabrications Steve Watson May 30, 2011 Ex CIA intelligence officer turned whistleblower and activist, Michael Scheuer, has launched a blistering attack on the political establishment, over its handing of the...
  3. K

    Barack Obama's car, nicknamed 'The Beast', gets stuck

    Barack Obama's cavalcade car caused some drama when it got stuck emerging from the gates of the US embassy in Dublin. The low bottom of the car, nicknamed The Beast because of its bomb-proof features, seemed to catch on a ramp crossing over the gateway. It is not clear if Mr...
  4. biomat

    Thanks Barack... China Has Already Inspected Downed US Chopper in Pakistan

  5. pakistan1947

    Osama bin Laden raid: did Barack Obama slip secret message to general?

    The internet is buzzing after a news broadcaster in Italy appeared to have caught Barack Obama exchanging secret messages with a senior US General just two days before Osama bin Laden was killed. In the video President Obama is seen stepping off Air Force One at Cape Caneveral on April 29...
