
  1. Wadaich

    14 Conspiracy Theories That The Media Now Admits Are Conspiracy Facts

    How many times have you heard the mainstream media dismiss certain points of view as conspiracy theories? It seems as though one of the easiest ways to brush something off is to label it as something that only conspiracy theorists would believe. Well, you know what? A whole lot of the time...
  2. ealtaf

    The Federal Reserve ADMITS that Its 12 Banks Are PRIVATE Not Government Entities

    July 26, 2011 ( Much of the tens of trillions in bailout money and easy money from quantitative easing went to foreign banks (and see this, this and this). Indeed, Ron Paul noted recently that one-third of all fed bailout loans and essentially 100% of loans from the New York Fed...
  3. WatanDost


    Altaf Hussain claimed in this interview at 3:00 that "MAI PAKISTAN SAI BAGHA NAHI HOON BALKEY MAI NAI LONDON HIJRAT KI HAI" In ISLAM "HIJRAT" is for RAZA E ELAHI How can we define this "LONDON CHALO" sort of HIJRAT Your comments Please.
  4. maksyed

    Hillary Clinton Admits the U.S. Government Created Mujahidin

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  5. Rathore

    Hasan Nisar Finally Admits the height of Musharraf's personality

  6. Night_Hawk

    Pak Navy admits security failure in PNS Mehran incident

    * Pakistan Navy Vice Admiral Shafqat Javed briefs Senate Standing Committee for Defence about the incident By Tanveer Ahmed ISLAMABAD: The Pakistan Navy, on Tuesday, admitted that security failure led to the terrorist attack on PNS Mehran naval airbase. The navy also assured that it would...
  7. biomat

    Even MSNBCs Chris Matthews Admits the CIA is Engaging in Psy-Ops With The Bin Laden Raid

    Matthews says that the CIA is using psy-ops to put out little colonels of information to humiliate Bin Laden, with particular reference to the ludicrous story of the porno stash allegedly found in his compound.
  8. Wadaich

    Presence of Osama was an Intelligence Failure, Pak Army Officially Admits the CIA Stance---Unbelieva

  9. haqiqat

    CIA admits: no live footage of raid

    The head of the CIA admitted yesterday that there was no live video footage of the raid on Osama bin Laden's compound as further doubts emerged about the US version of events. So, the story about watching a live feed was a total lie, and this...
