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  • AOA
    Plz correct the spelling of Sarraz(to Sarfraz) in post title in below post

    Final and Decisive Battle will be fought in Panipat India (Syed Sarraz A. Shah)

    Imaan sey yaar kya himaqat hai. I just cant login as the Admin

    You havent disabled yet? SPAM is piling up

    or tell me how to do it...

    Is hostmonster or bhashatv owned / operated by your company?

    Aslamooalikum :) Adeel paa ji main munawar hussain sial .meray chootay bahi ka nam.Adeel ahmed hai.Allah hafiz
    salam Adeel bhai

    I am not there yet, starting the job on Mon, 11-29.

    I am sleeping over tonight at Albert Lea, Minnesota. Only400km left to travel, then I am done

    Mr. Adeel,

    I highly commend your efforts and respect your opinion.Please respond to my reply.
    Salam Adeel saheb

    May I highly recommend that you Close the following thread? Its serving no purpose at all. It has one to 11 pages and cross firing continues.



    The Qadiani Ahmadiyya Lahore Tragedy By Truth Unvield
    Adeel Bhai, Assalam Alaikum
    the icon to insert image dose not work, when i click that icon it ask for http:// and i am not able to upload any image.

    I tired to post عیسائیت - کراچی کا ماضی اور مستقبل , the image didnt upload and now i want to delete that post, i dont know how to delete it,

    I request you to delete this post and also tell me how to do that in future.

    Jazak Allah Khair
    Dear Mode,
    This is my second reminder to you about the "indecent writings" by Samar on Islamic Forum, the
    thread is "death of Prophet(pbuh), Will you please do something. Or the right of reply in the same
    language should be exercised to give him a shut up call.
    Dear Mr. Adeel,
    The post No.72 on the "death of Prophet" titles contains very abusive and hurting sentence in
    urdu language written in english style. Will you please remove this post and issue a warning to
    Mr. Samar. Thanks.
    adeel bahi, just created a thread, after 10 minutes i realised someone created the same thread with different topic but same video and my thread is disappear?
    i don't know why?
    please check, what happen?

    Salam Adeel

    Can you tell me or find out what would it cost me to put a thread in 'Sticky' so its always there> I need to put something about my party. I had talked to Abbasi bahi but its been a long time, not sure if he remembers that at al


    [email protected]
    Adeel Bhai,


    Hope all is well with you.

    Can you please let me know how to create a new thread. Shame on me after so long but I have never created a new thread and couldn't figure out how to do it.

    Thanks and Kind Regards.
    Salam, Can you please add the shows as a single clip instead of posting in 5 or 6 parts, as done in past???? Please. As Mr. SV is posting every show in parts. It becomes very convinient to see the show as a single clip.
    Thanks a lot in advance.
    Dear Adeel,

    Your immediate action required.

    There are some Gay dating and other inappropriate add are continously running on home page as well as in threads,

    You need to remove all these, as its really making very cruel eddect on our reputation

    Dear Adeel Bhai

    I just wanted to understand the current position on my account.
    Does this mean I will never be able to post in future like a ordinary member?

    Kind Regards.

    Yar, I accidentally posted a video in Siasi Videos. Can you kindly send it to Non Siasi / Random videos please.

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