Recent content by Alsadeeqalameen

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    Do the suicide bombers belong to human race?

    They are neither humans nor animals; they are "Shiatan's evil progeny" and devil's worshipper of violence, terror, murder and hate. They could not be Muslims because they kill inoocent human beings and they could not be humans because they kill for joy, pleasure and money.
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    Re: PPP's/Zardaris vision of Democracy

    Well and beautifully said Jabral Tariq. Islam offers the best constitutional, political, diplomatic, economics, social welfare, penal, legal, judicial, equal, and fair and just Nizam in the world. For those who do not know: the concept of social welfare state as practiced in the West is...
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    Blackwater Recruiting Agents Fluent In Urdu & Punjabi

    They are murderers, killers, saboteurs, insurgents, conspirators and their sole objective is to destroy Pakistan. Blackwater must be thrown out from Pakistan before it disintegrates Pakistan as it did in Iraq. :evil: :twisted:
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    Pakistan has become a country for the greedy pirates

    In a country where it poor masses are dying queuing for a bag of flour but its government spends several lakhs of rupees for an Iftar party for the filthy rich and where its majority poor scraps for one meal; and where its government spends 43 crores of rupees to renovate Bhuttos resting place...
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    Pervaiz Musharaf Drinking Alchohol!! - British Newspaper

    They are all sharabis, kebabis, zanis, choors, uchakeys, mujrims aur miulk ko lootney wale aur bachene wale hain. Does not President Zardai drink alchol?
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    PPP is a party of the rich, for the rich and by the rich

    It is also a party of watan faroosh, choors, dakus, mujrims, looterays who rob their country dry and leave poor masses dying for a bag of flour and a kilo of sugar. :oops: [zardari] [rehman-malik] [taseer] [fozia] :evil: :twisted: :oops:
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    Altaf Hussain was wrong - Where?

    Re: MQM haters ka phr Muu kala Altaf Hussein ka bih muu **** ha ****** nahi ha.
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    Army of God? The rise of Israel's military rabbis

    Israel is not a democracy but Zionist Jews dictatorship. It is based on racism, discrimination and apartheid of its Arabs citizens and killing in hundreds of thousands of innocent Palestinians. Zionist fundamentalist, fanatic terrorists Jews are increasingly recruited by the Israel armed forces...
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    Nawaz Sharif In a Traffic Jam

    If this story is true then Nawaz Shariff must publicly apologize to the nation, and the same principle should be applied for all those who think that Pakistan belongs to them, their children, families and close friends.
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    yes i hate altaf hussain

    Altaf Hussein is a fake, cheat, liar, mafia don, two-face British national who wants to rule Pakistan. He lives in the United Kingdom and protected by MI5, MI6, CIA and Indian Mossad and financially helped by them. If any Pakistani believes that he is a patriot; either he/she is a zombie or...
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    I want to make history: Gilani

    He wants to make history by wearing a new suit, tie and a handkerchief each day of the year. I do not like his habit of twitching his nose. He must consult an ENT specialist to remedy it.
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    Mr. Bilal Qureshi descibes the qualities of Nawaz Sharif

    I would like to ask Nawaz Sharif to cut down his weight and try to be more mobile on his feet. At present, he looks like a glutton and "miti ka gogou". [nawaz] Every Pakistani politician must declare their assets to be seen to be transparent. [nawaz] [shahbaz sharif] [rasheed] [imran]...
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    Pakistan's kitchen politics

    Pakistanis awam do not deserve these dishonest, insincere, choors, dakus, lalchees, qatils, mujrims, zanis, rishwat koors, jagirdars, looterays to rule us. It is our fault that we elect them and allow them to play with our destinies.
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    MQM, answer with logic

    As long as MQM and its Karachi wala followers do not shed its' snake's skin and throw and pledge honest allegiance to Pakistan, they will never be trusted by majority of Pakistanis. Those who have lived in Karachi in 50s' 60s', 70s', 80s' and early 90s' remember their true colours and mentality...
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    The Real Face Of Altaf Hussain - Let's Discuss The Truth!!!

    Karachi walas who still consider themselves as 'Hindustani Muhajirs' despite born, brought up and bred in Pakistan. They are a shame to the integrity and dignity of Pakistan. In 60s' and 70s', 80s', I was living in Karachi and know for fact how these Urdu speaking Hindustanis calling theselves...