Do the suicide bombers belong to human race?

Saladin A

Minister (2k+ posts)
These suicide bombers could not be Humans because they kill with evil intent and deliberately innocent human beings. They could not be Muslims because Islam considers suicide as one the most evil sins and any one committing a suicide will go to Jahanum for disobeying Allahs commandment, Life is sacred and His ammanat. And also Islam was never spread by sword or violence but instead, it forbids violence and killing of one human being as of killing the whole humanity.

These suicide bombers are wolves, hyenas, jackals, dingo dogs, wild dogs, street dogs and evil monsters in human clothings and unfit to be called humans. They must be flushed out from their holes and eliminated in bundles for the sake of innocent Pakistanis.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: Do the suicide bombers belong to animal specie?

What about those,
who have been supporting and use to give justification
of suicidal attacks?

Despite, they are accepting that, India, US, etc. are supporting them,
they are not supporting army operation.


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
They are neither humans nor animals; they are "Shiatan's evil progeny" and devil's worshipper of violence, terror, murder and hate.

They could not be Muslims because they kill inoocent human beings and they could not be humans because they kill for joy, pleasure and money.


Voter (50+ posts)
Hold on one little second here brothers...if you wanna get to root cause with respect to the bombers....I am afraid, they're right under our noses and have been...we just lolly-gaged around with them for many years......Yes indeed! it's the dreaded savage mullaa followed by the politicians as well as some of the media anchors and the laugahble "Azaad Adliya".

Those above are the real culprit. Our beloved Nation is in shambles! However, I am afraid killing the freaks in remote areas will not do it for us. The Army & the entire Nation must unite against the dreaded mullaaa and their madrassas (terror factories) accross Pakistan and shut them down! or continue to be bombed by their ignorant brainwashed kids....


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
