Why middle east is burning??


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
After abandoning Ahlul Bayt a.s. The family of The Prophet Mohammad s.a.w. Muslim Ummah have not created a real Islamic country independent from USA, Britian and Israel.....even in the article below one may observe that the author is suggesting that UN be asked to intercede - is UN an Islamic body?....are muslims incapable and not able to resolve without being dependent on third parties?

Why Muslim Ummah abandoned Ahlul Bayt a.s.
after Prophet Mohammad s.a.w.w.) passed away?

What happened to the strong Traditions of Prophet Mohammad s.a.w.w.?

Surely if people who make claims that they follow Quran and the Sunnah
should never fail or be helpless in any way...and so what does this tell us?
where and how are we going wrong?..Allah says Reflect and Ponder !!!!

Unless you are able to obtain a favour from the primordial decree "hukm i mafrugh" and then from the subsequent decree..." hukm i musta'nif", there is NO act of submission "taslim" that is complete which is based on insight i.e. " basirat" and so there is no peace for such folks and no protector (Wali) and that is why we see so much turbulence all around us and poor judgment and hypocrisy...

When God gives the Command HE knows it since the return things go back to HIM from where they started...

People must Follow what Allah has sent down and what the Prophet(saw) told them to hold onto firmly...

The Prophet (saww) said:

"The likeness of my Ahlul-Bayt amongst my Ummah (followers)
is similar to Noah's Ark. Those who embarked on it were rescued
and those who rejected it perished."
(Bihar-Ul-Anwar, vol. 27 p. 113).