What you can do for Aafia this Ramadan


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
What you can do for Aafia this Ramadan

Ramadan 2011 or 1432. Whichever calendar you prefer does not change the fact that the new moon has been sighted, and Ramadan has begun. My healthy Muslim friends will be spending the daylight hours refraining from food and drink, and all of them will spend the month contemplating the good things God has provided. And, of course, they will be spending the month with family and friends, celebrating Gods message to humanity as it was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

In any year there will be Muslims who are unable to celebrate with family and friends. Many of them tell stories of injustice and oppression that we as individuals can do nothing to correct. However, as individuals we can ease some of the suffering that others endure.

If you have managed to find this page, I dont need to repeat the story of Dr. Aafia. None of us can bring her home for Eid with her children and her mother. We cannot arrange a visit for her brother.
There is something you can do: send her a postcard. It doesnt have to be fancy. Aafia is partial to nature scenes. You cant talk about her case, but there isnt that much room on a postcard, so any message would have to be short. All you really need to write is:

Dear Aafia,
We believe you. We are praying for you and your children and your mother.
Ramadan Mubarak.

It will take you longer to break your fast than it will to write this on a postcard and put a stamp on it, but the joy it will bring to Aafia will last longer than filling an empty stomach.

To contact Aafia from outside the United States:

Aafia Siddiqui
P.O. BOX 27137

by Andrew Purcell
Houston, Texas.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
we can make dua that we and our sisters are kept away from terrorists like aafia siddiqui who with their stupid jhadist mindset forget about their children and just care about their madness


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
Can we send Pee Mush in the jail instead of Afiah?

Then better to send this piiig instead of Afia.