What is Dengue Virus Symptoms & Causes


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Dengue is an old time virus generated fever. It is a febrile illness that affects infants, young children and adults. It is acute febrile diseases which occur in the tropics, can be life-threatening, and are caused by four closely related viruses.

It is also known as break bone fever. It occurs widely in the South Asia, East Asia, South American and Africa region. Unlike malaria,dengue is just as prevalent in the urban districts of its range as in rural areas. Dengue is transmitted to humans by the bite of an Aedes mosquito which feed during the day time. This Aedes mosquito infected with any one of the fourdengue viruses. People infected with dengue can pass on the infection only through mosquitoes or blood products and only while they are still febrile. The classic dengue fever lasts about two to seven days, with a smaller peak of fever at the trailing end of the disease. Dengue also known by other names, including "breakbone" or "dandy fever." Victims of dengue often have contortions due to the intense joint and muscle pain, hence the name breakbone fever.


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
In this disease , Admi aisa ho jata hae.
