Watch how the FSA Fighters in Syria treat an Alawite Oldster


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)

Since the start of the Syrian revolution in 2011, the Syrian regime has brutally killed tens of thousands of civilians including women, children, oldsters and unarmed civilians, while the FSA fighters treat them with kindness, protect them and offer them shelter to ensure their safety. In this video, in reply to the lies that are being spread by the Syrian regime, the rebels are telling the world that these are the teachings of Islam according to which they treat their enemies.

sarbakaf - Blogger
these FSA terrorists seldom show such humanity
but this will not change the fact that FSA ARE TERRORISTS


Minister (2k+ posts)
wdf is happening, west promoted sunni shia conflict and idiot ignorant few muslims are killing eachother, how stupid are we, that's why we are suffering cuzz of our own illiteracy and stupidness, we are all Muslims. I would be focusing more on people who are fuelling such secretarism.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
It is extremely tragic Muslims are fighting with each other despite knowing who are the ultimate beneficiaries of this infighting. Muslim govts are mere puppets in the hands of Israel and USA.


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Good video. I have also seen video where FSA people are cleaning streets, giving food etc.
Bashar ul Assad meanwhile doesn't want to leave his seat of power, given to him by his daddy hafiz assad who also brought a martial law and ruled for over 30 years!
They have killed more innocents in 2 years than America killed in 10


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
It is extremely tragic Muslims are fighting with each other despite knowing who are the ultimate beneficiaries of this infighting. Muslim govts are mere puppets in the hands of Israel and USA.

Yes, this is a complex war but please dont confuse Bashar as a Muslim. He is a Nusairi. Even Shias have given fatwa against Nusariris. you can search youtube if you don't believe it.

Besides, it is about Humanity. He is a tyrant!


Minister (2k+ posts)
Nabipbuh kay ashab kaay mazar tu bakhshay nahain aur baaray aiy bazurgoan ka ihtaram karnay walay- FSA dehshatgard are eating body parts "heart" as hinda did with Nabipbuh uncle Janab e Hamza:Allaih:

Khubaib Alam

Minister (2k+ posts)
100 baton ki aik bat ha,Vast Majority of Syrian Muslims don't want bashar anymore to decide their he must be get lost..Same is the case for every country..KSA kio awam nae chahti kings ko then they must be thrown out of palace..who the hell are we people to interfere and forcefully impose minority over majority?...simple question...

Zulfi Khan

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Be Muslims and respect one another.Even if disbelievers are not stopping
Muslims from their ways of Allah ; we must not kill them.


Minister (2k+ posts)
@salmakh I just dnt agree in killing fellow muslims/any innocent people whatever the reason is and whatever BS fatwa, if he's a criminal, catch him have a trail and prosecute him, levelling allegations against anyone is serious offence if you don't have proof, if sunni kills shia cuzz of sect and some BS reason I am against it if shia kills sunni I am against it, beauty of islam is in peace not random people issuing fatwas and misusing Islam for political gains. Massive atrocities are being done over there, war needs to stop, israelis and US drone and fighter attacks, I just don't know when these stupid people will realise, someone's has a huge stake in all this conflict otherwise why would US and Israel bother....

M Ali Khan

Minister (2k+ posts)
not sure how accurate this pic is depicting, but if true then FSA is a foreign-aided and foreign-armed proxy.

but then again, Syrian Army is also foreign aided and armed.



Chief Minister (5k+ posts)

القاعدہ کے اسلام کے ٹھیکیدار دیگر مسلمانوں کے ساتھ شام میں کیا سلوک کرتے ہیں؟

یہ ایک تصویر آپ کو بتلا دے گی۔ مزید ہزاروں تصاویر اور ویڈیوز آپ کو اس لنک پر مل جائیں گے (



We understand your Projection of love for Taliban. It comes in many ways ....

One thing you ever noticed.... We hardly find Real FSA Syrian locals in control of Opposition... all seem to be imported. Dont you agree?

Even if they are local they are all sitting in Qatar or on Saudi Arabia Pay Hand outs.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
We understand your Projection of love for Taliban. It comes in many ways ....

One thing you ever noticed.... We hardly find Real FSA Syrian locals in control of Opposition... all seem to be imported. Dont you agree?

Even if they are local they are all sitting in Qatar or on Saudi Arabia Pay Hand outs.

The Mujahideen in this video are all local Muslims fighting against bashar al khinzeer.


SEE you speak the Truth now... only Original Citizen of Syria can be good to its fellow Citizen.. not Terror Groups from other parts of World.
If this Poor man was caught by Al Nusrat front that be another story.

Dont you agree????

Taliban are not Muslims .... agree on this. Feel the Iblis that comes out of Taliban and its supporters.
The Mujahideen in this video are all local Muslims fighting against bashar al khinzeer.


Syria Special: Whos Important Within the Insurgencyand Who Funds Them



Pierret opens with a key point that we have been stressing since the spring about the Islamist faction Jabhat al-Nusra: like the even-larger group Ahrar al-Sham, it has increasingly emphasized the Syrian, rather than global, character of its fight. That emphasis included a public break from the Islamic State of Iraq and as-Sham, defying the easy and misleading label of an Al Qaeda bloc taking over the insurgency.

Then Pierret gets to the key point about the real relationship with outside forces. While he can shed little light on who might be providing assistance to Jabhat al-Nusra, he offers details about the reasons for the strength of Ahrar al-Sham, as well as the potential for tensions:

The identity of [its] silent partners remains totally obscure to this day, but the idea that Gulf monarchs may support the franchise of an organization i.e. al Qaeda that brands them as apostates and waged an armed insurgency on Saudi soil a decade ago does not make sense.

As for Ahrar al-Sham, it has been funded from the onset by the politicized wing of the Kuwaiti Salafi movement. [That movement's] ideologue Hakim al-Mutayri holds views that are particularly abhorrent to Saudi rulers, namely a curious mixture of political liberalism, Jihadi-like anti-Westernism, and hostility to Gulf regimes.

Saudi authorities, which have banned private fund-raising campaigns in favor of Syrian insurgents, have also actively opposed attempts by politicized Kuwaiti Salafis at using their relatively liberal homeland as a hub for Saudi donations to their favorite armed factions in Syria.


Pierret sees the Syrian Islamic Front, of which Ahrar al-Sham is a leading member, as the most credible hard-line Salafi opponent to the regime. Beyond that label is a specific note of interest about foreign backing:

The group seems to have benefitted from increasingly warm relations with Qatar recently, probably as a reaction to Saudi Arabias success in buying FSA-aligned factionsout of Dohas sphere of influence. In Idlib province, Ahrar al-Sham and its (loosely) FSA-affiliated Salafi partner Suqur al-Sham have made intensive use of Russian-made Konkurs, anti-tank missiles purchased in Libya by Qatar.


But what of the Islamic State of Iraq and as-Sham, the group which has increasingly pre-occupied many observers with its role in the conflict, especially in northern Syria?

Pierret says little about the faction, beyond its break with Jabhat al-Nusra and the claim that its trans-national rather than local emphasis is causing its difficulties with its idiosyncratic project of state-building:

This has resulted in an unimpressive record of military confrontation with the regime, [a] rigid and at times brutal implementation of an Islamic lifestyle upon the population, and increasingly tense relations with the proponents of competing projects of state-building, namely the FSA and Kurdish nationalists.

Pierret also does not mention Jaish al-Muhajireen wal Ansar, led by the Chechen-born Abu Omar al-Shishani, which received much media attention during last weeks final stages of the capture of Menagh Airbase.



Interestingly, Pierret says little about the headline elements of the Free Syrian Army, namely the Supreme Military Command under General Salem Idriss. Instead, he focuses on other parts of the FSA, include the Syrian Islamic Liberation Front.

Initially, Pierret notes, the SILF was bolstered by the funding of Muhammad Surur Zayn al-Abidin, an Amman-based Syrian activist who inspired the Sahwa (Awakening) movement that challenged the Saudi monarchy in the early 1990s. Saudi hostility towards the effort was reinforced by conflict with the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood.


This is where the story gets complicated, however, demolishing any notion of a single Free Syrian Army.

Because of its suspicion of the SILF, Saudi Arabia supported other initiatives to organize the FSA under the aegis of defector officers rather than of the civilian volunteers that run most Islamist groups. These included the Revolutionary Military Council, the Syrian National Army, as well as Idrisss Supreme Military Command.

Even more interesting, however, is Pierrets indication that the Saudis spread their bets on the ground through the provision of arms to a range of groups, sometimes loosely affiliated to the FSA these weapons overwhelmingly empowered FSA-affiliates such as the Yarmuk Brigade, the Fajr al-Islam Brigade, and the Omari Brigade.

Pierret says that these supplies supported insurgent advance in the south and continues:

Arms deliveries from Jordan have also enabled the rebels to withstand the pressure of loyalist forces around Damascus. In that region too, hardline Salafis are minor players, with the insurgent scene dominated by FSA-affiliates like the Maghawir Forces, the Shuhada al-Islam Brigade, the Sufi-leaning al-Habib al-Mustafa Brigade, and the Salafi al-Islam Brigade.

And then he adds the significant note a striking contrast to the narrative that foreign fighters have commanded recent operations in the north:

Mainstream insurgents have also been on the rise in the north, where the sieges of the air bases of Abu al-Zuhur (Idlib), Menagh, and Kwayris (Aleppo) have been dominated by groups like Ahfad al-Rasul, Shuhada Suriyya, the al-Fath Brigade, the Asifat al-Shamal Brigade, the Nur al-Din Zanki Battalions and the Abu Bakr al-Siddiq Brigade.

Although members of the [Islamic State of Iraq and as-Sham] led the final assault on Menagh in early August, what brought the nine-month siege to an end was the destruction of the tanks defending the base with Chinese HJ-8 guided missiles provided by Saudi Arabia to moderate factions.The new weaponry allowed insurgents to neutralize the regimes armored units in the region and to launch a successful offensive on Khan al-Asal, a strategic location that commands the entrance of the regime-held part of Aleppo.

Other major recipients of Saudi-funded weaponry in the area are the Nur al-Din Zanki Battalions, whose successive affiliations illustrate the capacity of Saudi state funding to extract rebel factions out of the Jihadi nexus.


But what of Pierrets relative neglect of the moderate Free Syrian Army backed by the US and European allies and heavily-promoted by US-based advocacy groups under General Salem Idriss?

Is it an oversight or does it bring out the point that, with the US reluctant to back over arms supplies, it is the Saudi-backed brigades within the FSA which are taking the key role in the insurgency?


IMAGE: Free Syrian Army commander Abdul Jabbar al-Oqaidi and the Islamic State of Iraqs Abu Jandal after the capture of the regimes Menagh Airbase last week


Now Compare above with Current TTP Activity in Pakistan.... does it not relate same behaviour? Technically we know who is financing and supporting Terror in Pakistan.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: Syria Special: Whos Important Within the Insurgencyand Who Funds Them

Sir jee tell me this is ISI n Army on the same page or ISI is independent in its decisions clue Zaid Hamid unofficial ISI spokesman has different view about insurgency than the narrative by ISPR
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