Video shows Pakistan army abuse

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stop this propaganda u dick heads..these people must be helping out Taliban..Army cant hand them flowers...this video is all over the place ..knock it off..this is just to creat fuss among people of pakistan..i m not favouring Army but we should not project such videos bcoz this is all propaganda and brings bad name to the country..

Zaidi Qasim

Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
shakoor_buddy said:
stop this propaganda u dick heads..these people must be helping out Taliban..Army cant hand them flowers...this video is all over the place ..knock it off..this is just to creat fuss among people of pakistan..i m not favouring Army but we should not project such videos bcoz this is all propaganda and brings bad name to the country..


When did the army Start to fear the truth, Mr. Buddy ? Don't let those who have experienced the Army brutality open their mouth during 1971 war.Keep them shut, Mr. Buddy. It may harm the perfect Imagine of our army. There should be any restrictions on an open forum. And the Army should not be scared of the truth if they are on Haq.


Minister (2k+ posts)
"chota aftab" who flogged the 17 year old girl was arrested . you guys are denying i dont know why.You guys are talking about the flogged girl tape as fake then how the army caught him .These talibans deserve a real good ,disgrace to religion and nation.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: Army of Pakistan Beating Pashtun Elders.

First of all it has nothing to do with Pashtuns. A terrorist is a terrorist, he has not nationality or religion.
So the title of this post should've been:
Army of Pakistan dealing with the terrorist supporters!
Whoever has seen videos where these people are slaughtering the personnel of Pak Army or Frontier Corps will think that the Army people are very kind to these animals. One such video was posted on this forum few months ago and then was taken out as it was too horrible. These barbarians had tied a FC Jawan like a goat and with a big knife they cut his throat. And they were your teenagers who carried out this horrendous crime in the name of Islam.
This whole generation of brain washed terrorists and their supporters need to be wiped out.
Thats what was done in the past by people to the Fitna of Khawarij and it needs to be done again.
And btw whoever wants to propagate that it is Punjab Army etc etc, FYI most of the FC comprises of Pashtuns. And there are lot of Pashtuns who don't agree with the terrorist activities of these Talibaan and their school of thought. And by the grace of they are Muslims and a lot better Muslims than these non-educated (about Islam) barbarians.

Pak Army Zindabad
Pakistan Painda Bad!








Zaidi Qasim

Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Re: Army of Pakistan Beating Pashtun Elders.

khalid100 said:
First of all it has nothing to do with Pashtuns. A terrorist is a terrorist, he has not nationality or religion.
So the title of this post should've been:
Army of Pakistan dealing with the terrorist supporters!
Whoever has seen videos where these people are slaughtering the personnel of Pak Army or Frontier Corps will think that the Army people are very kind to these animals. One such video was posted on this forum few months ago and then was taken out as it was too horrible. These barbarians had tied a FC Jawan like a goat and with a big knife they cut his throat. And they were your teenagers who carried out this horrendous crime in the name of Islam.
This whole generation of brain washed terrorists and their supporters need to be wiped out.
Thats what was done in the past by people to the Fitna of Khawarij and it needs to be done again.
And btw whoever wants to propagate that it is Punjab Army etc etc, FYI most of the FC comprises of Pashtuns. And there are lot of Pashtuns who don't agree with the terrorist activities of these Talibaan and their school of thought. And by the grace of they are Muslims and a lot better Muslims than these non-educated (about Islam) barbarians.

Pak Army Zindabad
Pakistan Painda Bad!

Your army and you just realize that this is a fitna ? and you brought in centuries old bloodshed which according to you only happened bacause of the political differences between those ( you call them kharjies) and the ruling ellite . They are fitna now because they turned around against American interest and saudi interest. But they were not fitna at the time when Amercians and saudi's and arabs of UAE were providing them with arms and dollars and sending them in droze to figth USSR ? And do you like to answer me who raised these Talibans from the maddarssa's of Pakistan and send them to take over Kabul from other fractions ? This was also your pak army and its millionaire Generals who did that back in 90's. I guess they were not fitna at that time when they were fighting Americans proxy war in Afghanistan and were trained by Pak army so some of the army generals could double their foreign accounts. What you think these patty things will get you beside Amercian dollars ? I assume according to your interpretation, who ever doesn't buy your school of thought is deseved to be killed. Right ? There is no freedom of opinion for another schools of thought other than the ruling ellite . The Saudi Royal family is the most loyal family to Americans. I guess you like Pakistan to follow their steps as well to get some more monetary help so some of the new members of the currents Government and Army who couldn't get any penny during last regime, can also get their share.

Zaidi Qasim

Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
samy99 said:
why are some so damn ignorant about the real facts.just read the post on this site "chota aftab" who flogged the 17 year old girl arrested by the army.this is a fact which you guys are denying i dont know why,update your knowledge.You guys are talking about the flogged girl tape as fake then how the army caught him with others.These talibans deserve a real good beating,disgrace to religion and nation.

You stepped right in to the propaganda war. What a timing of capturing that guy who flogged 17 years old girl. After some months and very hard searched for the culprit. They managed to capture him right after their own video of torture started to show up on internet and youtube. Wonder, why is this coincident Samy99 ?


MPA (400+ posts)
i was not expecting this sort of behaviour from trained pak army we are not talking about some illetrate bunch of idiots its well tranied peshawar core of pak army doing this sort of things to his own people

really shamefull and disgaceful attitude they can never win war with this sort of attitude
i am sorry for all those people effected and army cheif must immediately take action and court marshall all those thugs invloved in this incident

other wise turst on pak army will be gone forever

they should remember that they are protector of people not accupier

i think pak got no hope for surivival soon i think we will disintegrate if we carry on this attitude all f888king amry officers are drinkers and drugees and their cheif [musharaf] we all know led them by example and now they will be controlled by karry loger bill and i think eventully we need to fight pak army for our independence if they dont repend and do tuba

i remember the time when i was kid growing up in cantt area in pakistan we use to salute pak army officers wherever we see them but now they dont wear uniform bec of fear i dont know why they dont learn and grow up

only god can save us we are failed as a nation after 62 years look at us we all are sitting ourside pakistan why cant pak utilize us for its good look what the did to Dr qadier who devoted his life to pak where ever u look u just look destruction and there is no hope left after watching this video

even god wont help if our country is run by criminals like [nawaz] [altaf] [zardari] [rehman-malik] [musharaf]

may god give us hadith ameen

Zaidi Qasim

Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Re: Army of Pakistan Beating Pashtun Elders.


Some more food for thoughts. If this torturing and Humiliation is helping Army or hurting it.


Re: Army of Pakistan Beating Pashtun Elders.

Zaidi Qasim said:
khalid100 said:
First of all it has nothing to do with Pashtuns. A terrorist is a terrorist, he has not nationality or religion.
So the title of this post should've been:
Army of Pakistan dealing with the terrorist supporters!
Whoever has seen videos where these people are slaughtering the personnel of Pak Army or Frontier Corps will think that the Army people are very kind to these animals. One such video was posted on this forum few months ago and then was taken out as it was too horrible. These barbarians had tied a FC Jawan like a goat and with a big knife they cut his throat. And they were your teenagers who carried out this horrendous crime in the name of Islam.
This whole generation of brain washed terrorists and their supporters need to be wiped out.
Thats what was done in the past by people to the Fitna of Khawarij and it needs to be done again.
And btw whoever wants to propagate that it is Punjab Army etc etc, FYI most of the FC comprises of Pashtuns. And there are lot of Pashtuns who don't agree with the terrorist activities of these Talibaan and their school of thought. And by the grace of they are Muslims and a lot better Muslims than these non-educated (about Islam) barbarians.

Pak Army Zindabad
Pakistan Painda Bad!

Your army and you just realize that this is a fitna ? and you brought in centuries old bloodshed which according to you only happened bacause of the political differences between those ( you call them kharjies) and the ruling ellite . They are fitna now because they turned around against American interest and saudi interest. But they were not fitna at the time when Amercians and saudi's and arabs of UAE were providing them with arms and dollars and sending them in droze to figth USSR ? And do you like to answer me who raised these Talibans from the maddarssa's of Pakistan and send them to take over Kabul from other fractions ? This was also your pak army and its millionaire Generals who did that back in 90's. I guess they were not fitna at that time when they were fighting Americans proxy war in Afghanistan and were trained by Pak army so some of the army generals could double their foreign accounts. What you think these patty things will get you beside Amercian dollars ? I assume according to your interpretation, who ever doesn't buy your school of thought is deseved to be killed. Right ? There is no freedom of opinion for another schools of thought other than the ruling ellite . The Saudi Royal family is the most loyal family to Americans. I guess you like Pakistan to follow their steps as well to get some more monetary help so some of the new members of the currents Government and Army who couldn't get any penny during last regime, can also get their share.

Taliban were not a "fitna" when they were fighting against USSR because at that time they were fighting for the freedom of their country, those "Taliban" are also not a "fitna" who are fighting against NATO and USA in Afghanistan, because they are fighting against occupied forces in their country, but the so called Taliban who are fighting against Pakistan is a "fitna", the so called Talibans who are slaughtering innocent people are a "fitna", the so called Talibans who are involved in suicide bombings are a "fitna". And eliminating this "fitna" is duty of Govt. of Pakistan and people of Pakistan.

Zaidi Qasim

Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Re: Army of Pakistan Beating Pashtun Elders.

commander said:
Zaidi Qasim said:
khalid100 said:
First of all it has nothing to do with Pashtuns. A terrorist is a terrorist, he has not nationality or religion.
So the title of this post should've been:
Army of Pakistan dealing with the terrorist supporters!
Whoever has seen videos where these people are slaughtering the personnel of Pak Army or Frontier Corps will think that the Army people are very kind to these animals. One such video was posted on this forum few months ago and then was taken out as it was too horrible. These barbarians had tied a FC Jawan like a goat and with a big knife they cut his throat. And they were your teenagers who carried out this horrendous crime in the name of Islam.
This whole generation of brain washed terrorists and their supporters need to be wiped out.
Thats what was done in the past by people to the Fitna of Khawarij and it needs to be done again.
And btw whoever wants to propagate that it is Punjab Army etc etc, FYI most of the FC comprises of Pashtuns. And there are lot of Pashtuns who don't agree with the terrorist activities of these Talibaan and their school of thought. And by the grace of they are Muslims and a lot better Muslims than these non-educated (about Islam) barbarians.

Pak Army Zindabad
Pakistan Painda Bad!

Your army and you just realize that this is a fitna ? and you brought in centuries old bloodshed which according to you only happened bacause of the political differences between those ( you call them kharjies) and the ruling ellite . They are fitna now because they turned around against American interest and saudi interest. But they were not fitna at the time when Amercians and saudi's and arabs of UAE were providing them with arms and dollars and sending them in droze to figth USSR ? And do you like to answer me who raised these Talibans from the maddarssa's of Pakistan and send them to take over Kabul from other fractions ? This was also your pak army and its millionaire Generals who did that back in 90's. I guess they were not fitna at that time when they were fighting Americans proxy war in Afghanistan and were trained by Pak army so some of the army generals could double their foreign accounts. What you think these patty things will get you beside Amercian dollars ? I assume according to your interpretation, who ever doesn't buy your school of thought is deseved to be killed. Right ? There is no freedom of opinion for another schools of thought other than the ruling ellite . The Saudi Royal family is the most loyal family to Americans. I guess you like Pakistan to follow their steps as well to get some more monetary help so some of the new members of the currents Government and Army who couldn't get any penny during last regime, can also get their share.

Taliban were not a "fitna" when they were fighting against USSR because at that time they were fighting for the freedom of their country, those "Taliban" are also not a "fitna" who are fighting against NATO and USA in Afghanistan, because they are fighting against occupied forces in their country, but the so called Taliban who are fighting against Pakistan is a "fitna", the so called Talibans who are slaughtering innocent people are a "fitna", the so called Talibans who are involved in suicide bombings are a "fitna". And eliminating this "fitna" is duty of Govt. of Pakistan and people of Pakistan.

The responsibility of the Pakistani Government is to stop the voilation of their airspace by Amercians and stop the killing of innocents people in tribal area.That is the real responsibility of the Goverenment of Pakistan and the Army of Pakistan.The colleteral damage as American call it is a brutal messacre of the innocent people who get killed each and every day. If you want to be resonsible of anything. This should be the priority of the Government of Pakistan and the Army of Pakistan. I don't think you feel the messace is that important. What you see in Pakistan is a direct result of this idiotic policy of Pakistan when they don't protest and unable to stop drone attacks which kill more innocent than guilty and creating more suicide bombers. I guess you can't bite the hand which is feeding you. so the messacre will continue and the more killing will follow.Don't be biased when you count innocent people being slaughtered.The bomb droped from the plane or the Bomb blast from the suicides attack don't see who is being killed.The attitude is the same only the time has been advanced.I hope that story of 1970's wouldn't be repeated here.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: Army of Pakistan Beating Pashtun Elders.

No matter if those army were from Punjab or from NWFP , they should respect old people.
They have all rights to introgate but not in this way with those old people.
This is a shame for all of us .


Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: Army of Pakistan Beating Pashtun Elders.

Fitna is a fitna doesn't matter whatever it is doing or whatever cause they have. If someone was fooled by Americans then it is his responsibility as why he was fooled. And US had a big hand in creation of Tailbaan with the aid of Benazir and Nasirullah Babar.
If someone thinks that having a beard and a gun in your hand gives u a license to kill innocent people, then u are living in fools paradise.
It is pay back time that these terrorists are facing in Sawat and the other areas.
It has nothing to do with Pashtuns it is Terrorists paying back what they gave to the innocent people of Sawat.

Zaidi Qasim

Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Re: Army of Pakistan Beating Pashtun Elders.

khalid100 said:
Fitna is a fitna doesn't matter whatever it is doing or whatever cause they have. If someone was fooled by Americans then it is his responsibility as why he was fooled. And US had a big hand in creation of Tailbaan with the aid of Benazir and Nasirullah Babar.
If someone thinks that having a beard and a gun in your hand gives u a license to kill innocent people, then u are living in fools paradise.
It is pay back time that these terrorists are facing in Sawat and the other areas.
It has nothing to do with Pashtuns it is Terrorists paying back what they gave to the innocent people of Sawat.

So, the Pakistani Army has taken up the job of deciding who is Fitna, when is he fitna ? And they are the one who will decide who is real Muslim and who is not and at what time they are real Muslim and what time they are really not Muslim.? Dealling with the problem of terrorism and the fall out of Amercian presence in Afghanistan is the actual question.No one is so stupid to stop any army taking actions against the unlawfull activities within their country.In regards to tackling the terrorism problem and suicide attacks, the question of drone attacks by Americans come in to front , left , right and centre, In order to stop the unwanted suicide attacks in Pakistani cities, the Drone attacks of another country have to stop and Army has to stand up against these attacks before they start their own compaign of looking for the terrorist within their country.The drone attacks are the main reason for these suicide attacks.It is creating more sympathy for the people and those innocent who get killed, their relatives take things in their own hands.There are obvious reasons to believe that pakistani Government is collaborating with Americans in order to faciliate their attacks within the country. For some, they see the present Army and the Pakistani Government is an extension of American army, and you can't blame them for it.

I totally disagree with this notion that if there is a difference of opinion ( at the political level) within the groups inside the country, the ellite ruling group's opinion should prevail and if the bloodshed is needed for this to prevail, it is all right to kill the people belong to other group.This is totally barbaric view and I know this belongs to wahabi sects of ruling royal family in Saudi Arabia and they are propagating it to keep control of the country.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: Army of Pakistan Beating Pashtun Elders.

1. It is just for correction. Do u know the meaning of Wahabi? Wahab is Allah's name and calling someone Wahabi is not correct. Some scholars might consider it as Shirk as well. But anyway it is my point of view. Also b4 u jump to any further conclusions, I don't belong to any Firqa or Fitna group. Just an ordinary muslim and thats all and enough for me.
2. This Fitna of Talibaan was sponsored by Saudis so u r wrong here as well.
3. Fitna-e-Talibaan are getting their own medicine i.e they were killing innocent people and now they are being dealt with an iron hand. They were trying to enforce their own brand of Islam and now they are being stopped forcefully. They are lucky that these so called elders and their supporters are alive. Otherwise what they've been doing to their opponents has been very barbaric by any standards.
4. And last but not the least I am and always critical of Pak Army's role that they have played in our politics and I hate it. But this dealing with the terrorists in Sawat is one of few occasions that I've to salute them.

Zaidi Qasim

Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Re: Army of Pakistan Beating Pashtun Elders.

khalid100 said:
1. It is just for correction. Do u know the meaning of Wahabi? Wahab is Allah's name and calling someone Wahabi is not correct. Some scholars might consider it as Shirk as well. But anyway it is my point of view. Also b4 u jump to any further conclusions, I don't belong to any Firqa or Fitna group. Just an ordinary muslim and thats all and enough for me.
2. This Fitna of Talibaan was sponsored by Saudis so u r wrong here as well.
3. Fitna-e-Talibaan are getting their own medicine i.e they were killing innocent people and now they are being dealt with an iron hand. They were trying to enforce their own brand of Islam and now they are being stopped forcefully. They are lucky that these so called elders and their supporters are alive. Otherwise what they've been doing to their opponents has been very barbaric by any standards.
4. And last but not the least I am and always critical of Pak Army's role that they have played in our politics and I hate it. But this dealing with the terrorists in Sawat is one of few occasions that I've to salute them.

The Saudi royal family themselves like to be called wahabis/ This is not something new which I just related. The foundation of Taliban wasn't the wishes of the Saudi Royal Family only. This foundation started up long before they gather Arabs from around the world and help them settled in Afghanistan on Americans wish list. You have avoided the main cause and the reason for the suicide attacks.Since, the Army is looking for the handouts in American dollars, there is a defening quitness on this drone issue.You keep pressing the case of innocents who died in suicide attacks, which I also Condemned, but you are quite on the slaughters of innocents pahtuns in tribal areas from the result of these attacks. The way they are interrogating these people will get them nothing but disgrace.there is no methological apparatus avaialble for their use to extract the information if they are after it.The usual 3rd degree torture of those who they only think belong to Taiban will get them what they deserve. A very Negative propaganda tool against their will. If you care to look at thier historical record in the times of troubles.You will find that the arrogance didn't get them anywhere in east Bangal and in Baluchistan. It only beget the hatred and that is the crop they are good at sowing.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: Army of Pakistan Beating Pashtun Elders.

If someone calls themselves a thing that is wrong according to Islam, it doesn't make it right. So i personally try to avoid using this term since I found the meaning.
Yes that's rite that the interrogation method is wrong. But the way this whole thing has been portrayed i.e Pashtun elders being insulted/beaten is totally wrong. They would never put "Punjabi elders being beaten by...."
And at the end of the day if someone is looking for cheap publicity by using the Pashtun card, then they've miserably failed.
If u want to discuss drone attacks, what a misery it is. We are a nation of international beggars and those give us money also want to command us. BTW ANP is also Pashtun and they are fully backing up this operation in the FATA area. Any thoughts on as why no one is saying anything against them?

Zaidi Qasim

Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Re: Army of Pakistan Beating Pashtun Elders.

khalid100 said:
If someone calls themselves a thing that is wrong according to Islam, it doesn't make it right. So i personally try to avoid using this term since I found the meaning.
Yes that's rite that the interrogation method is wrong. But the way this whole thing has been portrayed i.e Pashtun elders being insulted/beaten is totally wrong. They would never put "Punjabi elders being beaten by...."
And at the end of the day if someone is looking for cheap publicity by using the Pashtun card, then they've miserably failed.
If u want to discuss drone attacks, what a misery it is. We are a nation of international beggars and those give us money also want to command us. BTW ANP is also Pashtun and they are fully backing up this operation in the FATA area. Any thoughts on as why no one is saying anything against them?

I never like to play this race card. I am dead against those who use Punjabi or any other community card. on the same token, I am not willing to povide someone blank cheque on the name of fighting terrorism. I have been watching the Isreali Palestinian conflict for ages. Isreali always claimed that they are fighting Arab terrorism and that is their reason to demolish Arab homes, kill the innocents with their UAV , bomb the places where they suspects teh Palestinian combatatns are hiding without any consideration of civilian deaths .This is the same anology , I see my army is applying. The only difference is that Isrealis are using occupied terroteries while our army have access to these places.These area are accessible to our army and security forces. There is no justification for blind drone attacks when on ground army can reach and apprehend those it thinks are trouble makers.But this is not what is happening. You can't win a war without winning the hearts and minds of the civilian population.If you have a stigma of being a foreign tool, the local population wouldn't appreciate it.


inn bagairtoon ko chahye tha bandey ki umar ka hi khiyal kar leitey....that was ruthless
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