Tonight with Najam Sethi - Monday, July 19, 2010 - Clinton Visits Pakistan for security, Afghanistan


Senator (1k+ posts)
He sounds like an american correspondent giving justifications for Mrs Clinton. May be thats why Mrs Clinton gives more time to Dunya TV.
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Minister (2k+ posts)
Hilory Clinton said few things about our economic policies which are very true in real sense but who is gonna tell this govt that the need of the day is to generate more revenue by extending the base of the tax payers, impose the wealth tax , also levy the tax on feudals and landlords, cut down the expenses -adopt a simple life style.Bring honesty and control the corruption in the govt .we can do a lot better by adopting these policies but is anyone in this govt care about the common man or they have to commit suiside because they were born in the wrong country.Please for God sake,you people have done enough for yourself, now do something for the country and its people.
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