Gando ...Fool me once shame on you
Fool me twice shame on me
Fool me once shame on you
Fool me twice shame on me
2.0 my ass. This is just fancy media talk. These are the same assholes which were there in 1996. Just a little more cautious and diplomatic this time around because last time they failed miserably.Twice supposed to 2.0...
Verdict is already given without actual results!!!
2.0 my ass. This is just fancy media talk. These are the same assholes which were there in 1996. Just a little more cautious and diplomatic this time around because last time they failed miserably.
Lets see how many new tricks these old dogs have learnt.
2.0 my ass. This is just fancy media talk. These are the same assholes which were there in 1996. Just a little more cautious and diplomatic this time around because last time they failed miserably.
Lets see how many new tricks these old dogs have learnt.
Solution is deport all these bastard Afghanis back to Afghanistan and seal all the borders. Let them do whatever the fuck they want to do, we just don't want any of their shit spilling over to our side.What's the solution...
Welcome back Ghani???
Thier press conference was encouraging but it is yet to be seen in coming days and months if they stand by their claims.
Hahaha…Don't kid yourself…Taliban always liked attractive women…..Ab is mien kia ?
At least a good start!!!
A Talib speaking face to face with a rather attractive woman!!!
Who doesn't like attractive women.....Hahaha…Don't kid yourself…Taliban always liked attractive women…..Ab is mien kia ?
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