
Prime Minister (20k+ posts)

Few days ago I posted a thread where I called the tahaffuz maulvis as Ghaddars. I earned quiet a bit of reprimends from our respected and learned Siasat members. The following analytical post taken from the Takmeel.pk proves my stance against the maulvis well. In my lifetime, never been a time when our maulvi community has actually come out united and supported a mard-e-momin who is trying to bring the Ummah together for the betterment of Ummah. Everybody knows Quaid-e-azam Jinnah was labelled as kafir-e-azam by maulvis of the great calibre and stature.

The following article proves that maulvis are acting to protect their own and some other agenciy's (RAW may be?) agenda. At the end, the writer also issue testimonials, under oath, that Honorable Mr Zaid Hamid, a motivator, a orator and a patriot, is innocent against all accusations of suporting any Kazib......

If people still have doubts and feel unease in accepting the testimony of the author then this is all I can say:

Allah aap ko aql-e-saleem ata farma'ay, ameen

Due to the limit of only 10,000 characters I could not post the entire article.
Please read the article to clear your mind against our patriot, honorable Mr. Zaid Hamid.


the above article was posted April 5th, 2010.

Gazoo Martian


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Gazoo please do not treat the people on this forum as stupid. I am not sure what your religion is but for Muslims the first thing that matters is their identity of Islam after that we are Pakistanis. Pakistan was established in the name of Islam. It seems you are ignorant of zaid hamid's history if so then please read the article(s) at the address below:


Lastly please stop calling the Ulema of this ummat mullahs, this is being disrespectful, I am not sure who read your nikah (if you are a Muslim) but if it is worth anything to you, please be respectful. We value Islam and Islam is not someone's imagination and according to a Hadith of the Holy prophet SAW the person who does respect the elders, love the children and give reverence to our scholars is not from the muslim ummah.


Councller (250+ posts)
Too right brother

It is actually the takmeel of Pakistan that people fear.

Politicians would have to find a new career.
Lawyers in their currents roles will no longer be needed.
With out disrespect to some great ullemas, the current bunch of mullahs who want to be known as muftis would be flogged for the hatred that they preach.

others also fear how they would survive in a corruption free Pakistan. they fear for their bellies. Unfortunatly these people are affraid of justice..

May Allah speed up the process of the Takmeel of Pakistan...Ameen


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Gazoo please do not treat the people on this forum as stupid.

I did not call any member a stupid, but you just called me an ignorant.

I am not sure what your religion is but for Muslims the first thing that matters is their identity of Islam after that we are Pakistanis.

Alhamdulillah, I am a Muslim firmly believing in oneness of Allah and Mohammad (s.a.w.) as the final messenger.

Pakistan was established in the name of Islam. YES it WAS, do you see Islam anywhere? only on siasat.pk may be.

It seems you are ignorant of zaid hamid's history if so then please read the article(s) at the address below:


I am not ignorant at all. Alhamdulillah, I see what you can never see. You see satah (surface) I see tah (bottom). You see manzar (front), I see pas-e-manzar (background).

Lastly please stop calling the Ulema of this ummat mullahs, this is being disrespectful

Respect can only be given to those who deserve. There are lotta good maulana, ulama, and maulvis (one just passed away) but they can not be mentioned here. Take this example. You do not mention a airplane that lands safely, but only when disaster happens. I hope you catch the drift.

I am not sure who read your nikah: Thank God it wasn't a maulvi from your favorite group

We value Islam and Islam is not someone's imagination and according to a Hadith of the Holy prophet SAW the person who does respect the elders, love the children and give reverence to our scholars is not from the muslim ummah.

I think you must have meant 'who doesn't respect'

You just branded ma KAFIR. I value Islam too and I totally agree Islam is NOT anyone's imagination. if any one doesn't respect any alim, maulvi or shows some disagreement or discontent with a maulvi, he becomes a KAFIR? How does that work? There is a big difference between these scholars NOW and scholars in the earlier days. These days, scholars, with the exception of few, just sit in their office and collect donations to survive on. Tell me honestly, how many of your maulvis have come out of their comfy hujra and make even one statement about the condition of the Pakistani people? Any stmt on water issue, any on Zardari's loot of $billions, any stmt of suiccide bombing, any on killings of over 5000 so far in 2, 3 years, list goes on. Be sincere, tell me how many statements, much less do anything about it. Lest face it, most of our ualamas, are lost these days and have no desire or ability to guide the ummah. Did any maulvi guide people at the time of election that Pak should not vote PPP?.... so please do not start preaching Islam to me.......

Zaid Hamid Zindabad, the only positive alternative
Pakistan Paindabad
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Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
It is actually the takmeel of Pakistan that people fear.

Politicians would have to find a new career.
Lawyers in their currents roles will no longer be needed.
With out disrespect to some great ullemas, the current bunch of mullahs who want to be known as muftis would be flogged for the hatred that they preach.

others also fear how they would survive in a corruption free Pakistan. they fear for their bellies. Unfortunatly these people are affraid of justice..

May Allah speed up the process of the Takmeel of Pakistan...Ameen

well said bro.

Zaid Hamid Zindabad, the only positive alternative
Pakistan Paindabad


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
You just branded ma KAFIR. I value Islam too and I totally agree Islam is NOT anyone's imagination. if any one doesn't respect any alim, maulvi or shows some disagreement or discontent with a maulvi, he becomes a KAFIR? How does that work? There is a big difference between these scholars NOW and scholars in the earlier days. These days, scholars, with the exception of few, just sit in their office and collect donations to survive on. Tell me honestly, how many of your maulvis have come out of their comfy hujra and make even one statement about the condition of the Pakistani people? Any stmt on water issue, any on Zardari's loot of $billions, any stmt of suiccide bombing, any on killings of over 5000 so far in 2, 3 years, list goes on. Be sincere, tell me how many statements, much less do anything about it. Lest face it, most of our ualamas, are lost these days and have no desire or ability to guide the ummah. Did any maulvi guide people at the time of election that Pak should not vote PPP?.... so please do not start preaching Islam to me.......

Issue is NOT if you disagree with a certain scholar it is when you call all ulema mullahs!!! When you looked at the bottom you did not come across all those people who know both yousuf kazzab and your beloved zh??? Never say there is a difference between today and earlier days. You have good and bad every where. What part of society is left pure?? When we come to being hypocrite it is your beloved who has been playing that role in first denying that he had anything to do with kazzab and then you can see him in youtube defending that same kazzab by saying he never called himself a prophet. How many people on that link are lying??? Whatever things you have mentioned if you read and look deeep and read deeep and you find the ulema raising their voices where ever and when ever there was a need. There have been numerous statements from Ulema regarding suicide attacks and all other issues. you only need to look a little harder. May be widen your angle of view. It took a very very long time for your beloved to come clean and categorically say that yusuf kazzab was kazzab but then what about that video which again is still on youtube where he is defending that kaafir?? My friend stop thinking with your emotions alone. Pakistan does not need a kazzab for its survival. It will survive because it is a gift ALLAH SW to the whole ummah. My love for Pakistan is not less than anyone in the group. I have lived in many countries but never broke my relations with the motherland. Any zaid hamid or any other person with shaddy past comes out and says he is more patriot then me, I do not give a rats ass to such person if he is associated with with anyone who is munkir-e-khatam-nabuwwat. I have a responsibility towards my beloved Prophet and I do not want to come across my beloved on the day of judgement wherein He as me what was your reaction to the man who was associated witha kazzab. Once again my brother think rationally what will you say if you were proved wrong a few months later??? Already zh has changed his story a few times.
My apologies for my outburst earlier but I stand by beliefs.



Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Issue is NOT if you disagree with a certain scholar it is when you call all ulema mullahs!!! When you looked at the bottom you did not come across all those people who know both yousuf kazzab and your beloved zh??? Never say there is a difference between today and earlier days. You have good and bad every where. What part of society is left pure?? When we come to being hypocrite it is your beloved who has been playing that role in first denying that he had anything to do with kazzab and then you can see him in youtube defending that same kazzab by saying he never called himself a prophet. How many people on that link are lying??? Whatever things you have mentioned if you read and look deeep and read deeep and you find the ulema raising their voices where ever and when ever there was a need. There have been numerous statements from Ulema regarding suicide attacks and all other issues. you only need to look a little harder. May be widen your angle of view. It took a very very long time for your beloved to come clean and categorically say that yusuf kazzab was kazzab but then what about that video which again is still on youtube where he is defending that kaafir?? My friend stop thinking with your emotions alone. Pakistan does not need a kazzab for its survival. It will survive because it is a gift ALLAH SW to the whole ummah. My love for Pakistan is not less than anyone in the group. I have lived in many countries but never broke my relations with the motherland. Any zaid hamid or any other person with shaddy past comes out and says he is more patriot then me, I do not give a rats ass to such person if he is associated with with anyone who is munkir-e-khatam-nabuwwat. I have a responsibility towards my beloved Prophet and I do not want to come across my beloved on the day of judgement wherein He as me what was your reaction to the man who was associated witha kazzab. Once again my brother think rationally what will you say if you were proved wrong a few months later??? Already zh has changed his story a few times.
My apologies for my outburst earlier but I stand by beliefs.

Of course, Zh said truly doesn't believe Yousuf claimed to be a prophet or such. He also said that Yousuf was liar and corrupt but never declared himelf as a prophet. EVEN if Yousuf did procalim to be a prophet, does that give you rmaulvi or anyne for that matter the right to kill him? Shouldn't the qatal be left up to the courts? Could it your maulvis were trying to prevent Yousuf from disclosing something? Allah only knows.

You said: but I stand by beliefs. dont I have the same rights?
