Syed Zaid Zaman Hamid's Advisory to the Pakistanis Living in Saudia & UAE


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
[h=5]Syed Zaid Zaman Hamid [Official][/h]2 hrs

All those Pakistanis who are living in Saudi Arabia or UAE, pl do not post any hostile comments against those governments. Those governments are very nervous and panicky these days and can arrest anyone over FB or twitter posts. Pl be careful.

I see total confusion and disinformation over our concept that Pakistan should lead the MPKF.
I have gone to jail in Saudi arabia because I opposed sending Pakistanis troops to Yemen. There is a world of difference between Sending forces to Yemen AND forming a Muslim Peace keeping force.
Also, those who say that non-Muslims cannot enter Makkah and Medina, for their information, all the construction of Haram is being done by Kafir Chinese labors and engineers and a special fatwa has been given by the Muftis to facilitate this haram act.. !
In the past French troops were also called in by Saudis to clean Khana e Kaaba from Kharji attackers in 1979.
Today, India is bidding for Saudi defense contracts to replace Pakistan and would be trying to take over security duties in Haramain and within the Kingdom.
So, what I say, listen to it carefully and DO NOT argue because you DO NOT know the facts and cannot understand the unwritten deep secrets of covert operations. If you already know too much, then dont come here please. this page is for those who want to learn and listen with sincerity.
listen to this video.



Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
who asked you? why are you not giving us your expert opinion on Iran gate?? we know you are being paid by Irani mullah and and I see momins are loving you for that [hilar]


Minister (2k+ posts)
لال ٹوپی شریف نے ایران سے آے ہندو جاسوس اور اسکے ایرانِ مقدس میں چپھے ساتھیوں کے بارے کچھ نہ فرمایا ؟


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
If this is reality what ZH wrote.then very sad....
MKPF honi musalmano ke lia
doob marnay wala muqam ha ke hamaray
hi maslo ke lia..hamay UN..USA ki forces
ki madad mangi parti shame..hamaya
apnay masail khud hal karnay chahay..


BRILLIANT IDEA ONLY PAKISTAN CAN DO THIS. MINUS THE FILTH WHO IS RULING THE LAND OF PURE, with the stolen land of jati umrah of jahil lohars.death to nawaza regime.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
یار ڈرامہ جی یہ تم اتنے بڑے تجزیہ نگار ہو مگر بھارت ایران گٹھ جوڑ پر تم نے چپ کا روزہ رکھ لیا؟ یعنی پیسہ تمہارے ایمان سے زیادہ ہے؟تم بھی اپنے کذاب نبی کے صحیح چیلے ہو۔ وہ بھی پیسہ کے پیچھے لوگوں کو زیارت کراتا تھا اور تم بھی پیسوں کیلیئے فتنے پھیلاتے ہو۔ شرم تو تم کو کیا آئے گی اگر آتی تو یہ گول مول باتیں کرنے کی بجائے تم ابھی تک تو اپنے گھوڑے پر آدھا ایران فتح کر چکے ہوتے۔
