Siddique Jan update

Dr Adam

Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
May Allah keep SJ safe and sound. Aameen.

The anti Pakistan lafafas have given opportunity to the people of Pakistan to sort them out one by one now.
This is a God send opportunity and people should avail it and clear this garbage once and for all.
If government takes any action these lafafas hide behind freedom of speech.

Pakistanio abhi nahi tow kabhi nahi. Pharka do sahafat ki in twaifoun aor randio ko.

Citizen X

(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
Arshad and his goons should be arrested and I hope criminal case is registered and S.Jaan should sue the skin off Arshad's ass.

What a great macho man, sucker punched and jumped on one man with his posse.

Lets see how the "sahafi biradari" try to rescue one of their own pati bhais


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Arshad and his goons should be arrested and I hope criminal case is registered and S.Jaan should sue the skin off Arshad's ass.

What a great macho man, sucker punched and jumped on one man with his posse.

Lets see how the "sahafi biradari" try to rescue one of their own pati bhais
lol, weak guys like you could only support the sissy jaan. Siddique jaan should use his youtube billions and join a gym. Now your supporters are doing a maatam.

Be a man sissy jaan, kick the hell out of all other YouTubers. Hire rauf klasra as your body guard.

Wake up Pak

President (40k+ posts)
Arshad and his goons should be arrested and I hope criminal case is registered and S.Jaan should sue the skin off Arshad's ass.

What a great macho man, sucker punched and jumped on one man with his posse.

Lets see how the "sahafi biradari" try to rescue one of their own pati bhais
Sahafi baradari will definitely rescue their own paytee bhai
It's a shame how things work in Pakistan. When it comes to justice it is not for the weak and the poor


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
lol, weak guys like you could only support the sissy jaan. Siddique jaan should use his youtube billions and join a gym. Now your supporters are doing a maatam.

Be a man sissy jaan, kick the hell out of all other YouTubers. Hire rauf klasra as your body guard.
What the fuck are you on about you twat. A guy is assaulted and you are talking out of your arse.
