Dear bother Khalid bhai, I respect your point of view.. I think u have made your point, & many might have seen the videos (incl my self), i think we should give credit to that they are allowing these topics to be discussed. As these topics are v sensitive & should be discussed in the special forum, but not on common forum with common people. No one here is aalim, here they are sharing their point of view only. On the other hand if u search on google or youtube there are tons of data in which one sect is blaiming other one as kafir , mushrik etc.. So we cannot discuss here as it will create BREAKUP among ummah. We should be patience, logical, humble & with hikmat present our point of view, and try to unite our ummah. To accept or reject is upto reader & ALLAH hidayat..
Jaza-k-ALLAH for every one sharing & accepting that TAUHEED & SHIRK has v thin line if u cross it u will fall in v different catagory. Hope u will understand..
Thanks to admin & mods for their support. 100% consensus on any point is impossible.
Jaza-k-ALLAH again.