Rehman malik involved in assisination of Benazir

sarbakaf - Blogger

Chaudhry Mohummad Aslam, one of Ms Bhutto's protocol officers who was guarding her vehicle when she was shot, said that Pakistan's interior minister Rehman Malik and current law minister Babar Awan were to blame for security lapses which allowed her killers to strike.
Ms Bhutto was killed on December 27, 2007 as she left an election campaign rally in Rawalpindi's Liaqat Bagh. She was standing through the sunroof of her Pajero jeep waving to supporters as she left the venue when she was shot through the head by a marksman. She slumped down into the car and died in the arms of her political secretary Naheed Khan. An explosion which followed the gunfire left more than 20 people dead.

Her death convulsed Pakistan and provoked a series of claims that establishment figures, including then president General Musharraf, one of his intelligence chiefs and Punjab Chief Minister Pervez Elahi were part of a conspiracy to kill her. All have denied the claims.
But according to Mr Aslam, who was himself wounded in the bomb blast, Ms Bhutto's killers were able to get close to her because of the sudden departure of Mr Malik and Mr Awan in a private Mercedes reserved as an alternative car for Ms Bhutto.
The United Nations was on Thursday night due to release a report into the circumstances surrounding Ms Bhutto's assassination and sources close to the investigation have said it is expected to highlight a series of security failings.
In an exclusive interview with The Daily Telegraph, Mr Aslam said there was a car was in front of Ms Bhutto's Pajero as she prepared to leave, and that the two ministers commandeered it in breach of protocol rules and ordered the driver to speed to the home of her husband Asif Zardari, now the country's president.
When the police and private security teams saw the car speed away, they followed quickly behind, he said, leaving Ms Bhutto with no security protection.
"Rehman Malik and Babar Awan forced the driver of the Mercedes to leave immediately. When the [motorbike] pilot saw the car was going at full speed, he drove his bike to lead them. The police security squad and private security also followed them. When the Mitsubishi Pajero in which Benazir Bhutto was sitting came out of the gate there was no police, no private security, nothing was there the security thought she was in the Mercedes," he said.
Mr Aslam said he saw laser beams flash past his party leader's car and that she slumped down inside the car as the sound of bullets flew around. An explosion followed the shots, leaving 35 people dead, he said.
He had been just in front of Ms Bhutto's car when a bomb exploded a few metres away. He was seen in television footage at the time sitting bewildered among dead colleagues and stray shoes with an open leg wound.
Fauzia Wahab, the Pakistan Peoples Party's information secretary and a close aide of President Asif Zardari, confirmed that Mr Malik and Mr Awan had left Ms Bhutto behind in Liaqat Bagh. "Once she [Ms Bhutto] was down [from the stage], they grabbed the car and rushed to Mr Zardari's house to welcome her," she said.
She said on the night before the rally, Ms Bhutto had been visited at her residence by the head of the ISI intelligence agency to warn her there was a threat to her life and that she should cancel the meeting in Liaqat Bagh. It is not clear whether Mr Malik, as her head of security, was aware of the threat when he left Ms Bhutto's convoy.


MPA (400+ posts)
Looks right![/QUO
FIR and inquiry shuold be launched against them.


MPA (400+ posts)
PPP not looking for revenge: Zardari

ISLAMABAD: President Asif Zardari said on Friday the PPP was not looking for any revenge. Democracy is the best revenge, he said.
We were not and we are not looking for any revenge. We are looking to get history corrected. We are looking to punish those who deserve punishment, the president said at a dinner hosted by the prime minister for members of the Parliamentary Committee on Constitutional Reforms.
I think the 18th Amendment is a better revenge for the dictators of all times than anything could have been in the light of Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhuttos mindset and in the memories of Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto.


Senator (1k+ posts)
Why would he? It was only his wife and the most popular leader of the country. Just let them go who cares. I'm with you Tarkari...I'm mean



MPA (400+ posts)
Pakistan practically set Bhutto up for assassins

The UN has investigated the assassination of Pakistan’s former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, overcoming hindrances by Pakistani officials. The UN report accuses authorities of failing to protect her, of destroying evidence after the attack, and of deliberately investigating the assassination improperly.

The report maintained that if the district police, provincial government, and federal government had taken advisable, requested, adequate security measures, they could have prevented the murder. They knew the risk but did not act. The federal government informed her about the risk, but left her on her own.

The local government did not exercise crowd control, did not provide a police escort, and had no plan for handling an attack. Instead of sealing the crime scene, they destroyed evidence. Within an hour forty minutes, they used a fire hose on the crime scene, alleging civil unrest, but, according to the UN’s informants, hosed at the order of intelligence agencies. They obtained 23 pieces of evidence instead of the thousands expected.

Within a day of the attack, and without an autopsy report, the Interior Ministry held a press conference at which it identified cause of death. The Ministry assumed, oddly, that the 15-year-old suicide bomber acted alone.

The UN report urges Pakistan to end “impunity for political crimes.” (Joe Lauria, Wall St. J., 4/16/10, A8).

The newspaper report should have compared Pakistani detectives’ performance in this case with non-political cases. Israeli detectives have made mistakes of a similar level and been interfered with by intelligence agencies, too. Rabin’s assassination also occurred during lapses of security. It was investigated and tried without a proper chain of evidence and with illogical rulings and conclusions. Some of those who were responsible for failure to protect Rabin received promotions or other perks from the official who took Rabin’s place, Shimon Peres.


MPA (400+ posts)
بینظیر بھٹو قتل رپورٹ پر 24 گھنٹوں میں کاررو&a


لاہور (اُردو پوائنٹ اخبار تازہ ترین ۔18اپریل ۔2010ء) وفاقی وزیر قانون بابر اعوان نے کہا ہے کہ اقوام متحدہ کمیشن کی بینظیر قتل کی تحقیقاتی رپورٹ کے مطابق چوبیس گھنٹوں میں کارروائی کا آغاز کردیا جائے گا اور نامزد افراد کے نام ای سی ایل میں ڈالنے کے احکامات دیدئے گئے۔ لاہور میں ڈاکٹر اسراراحمد کی رہائشگا ہ پر انکےاہلخانہ کےساتھ تعزیت کے بعدمیڈیا سے گفتگو کرتے ہوئے انھوں نےکہا کہ کوئی جنتا بھی طاقتور ہو قانو نی گرفت سے نہیں بچ سکے گا۔ انھوں نے کہاکہ اقوام متحدہ کی رپورٹ بالکل ٹھیک ہے اور رپورٹ میں جنتے بھی نام آئے ہیں ان میں سے کوئی نہیں بچ سکے گا۔`
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
What the hell...everyone knows Zardari murdered Benazir!

All the more reason to bring Musharraf back to spill the beans. He would not volunteer himself for docks but will say everything to save his skin. If Zardari is part of the BB elimination conspiracy, Musharraf would be the last person to let Zardari go scot free. Sap Nu Sap Laray Tay Vis Kinoo Charay, let it be a fight between two snakes.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
these guys, Awan, Malik, Zardari et al are criminals, murderers.f Zardari can kill Murtaza Bhtto and others, he can easily kill BB. Awan and Malik will never disclose why they left in the black mercedez in a hurry leaving BB behind alone, and went to zaradri. Probably to inform him that all has been set and she should be dead soon.

In this scenario, one can only conclude that the US was responsible for her murder to install Zardari, so they can twist his arm as needed to neutralize our nuclear lab and arsenals.

This brings up another point. Have our nukes been neutralized? YES! I think so. Zardrai has sold them for few billions in his account. Even a child can vouch that that is the reason US is leaving Afghan in 2011. Mission accomplished, no more need to stay. All these strategic dialogue is just a hogwash to show Pakistanis that nukes are still inside Pak and the US is scared of them. Only time will tell. Hopefully I am wrong.....


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Govt takes action on UN probe of Benazir's assassination

Sunday, 18 Apr, 2010


ISLAMABAD: Following the UN report on Benazir Bhutto's assassination, the Interior ministry has placed several names on the Exit Control List including former spy chiefs.

Seven police officials who were actively doing their job during Musharraf's regime have been put on duty suspension list.

According to sources, the Federal Govt has has issued orders to the establishment asking them to take strict actions against them and put their name on exit control list.
It is also pertinent to mention that two of the serving army officials named in the UN report are still safe.

The suspension has been confirmed by the PPP spokesperson Fozia Wahab who said that those who performed their jobs carelessly will be punished and it is due to the their negligence of duties that the govt has taken such stern action.

The UN commission report on Benazir's assassination urged Pakistani authorities to take action against those included in the report for showing negligence in doing their jobs.
Sources in the Interior Ministry have told DawnNews that the former DG ISI Hameed Gul, former DG Intelligence Bureau Ejaz shah and former secretary interior Kamal Shah were also included on the Exit Control List.

Police officials including DIG Police Saood Aziz, SSP Farooq Yasin, ASP Ashfaq Ahmad and the former DCO of Rawalpindi Irfani Elahi have been placed on the ECL.

It should be mentioned that the government has not placed a single serving military official’s name on the ECL. -DawnNews

Gazoo Note: The ECL does not include Awan, Malik, Fauzia, and Zardari


Councller (250+ posts)
I have never been a fan of PPP and I was a hard fan of PML (N) but as Benazir was our national leader I'm very sad on what has happened to her. Promise to God, we have lost such an incredible leader(regardless of my political affiliations). She really has inspired me as I had the opportunity to listen her. Unbelievably this is the most important loss, after Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah, of Pakistan.

Today I had the opportunity to read the UN report and I don't understand that what they have probed? I can't believe that how incompetent people have prepared this report left out uncountable questions. I think this report could be prepared by a very small consultancy firm in Pakistan. If no mandate was vested upon them, then how could they work on this case. The wording used in this report in its own sense is dubious and at parts have no sense of discussion at all. Findings are below par standard, mediocre is much better word for this. If we look very critically on the general discussion and findings of the commission you will realize, for sure, that this is nothing more than retelling of what we already know. To me this is no more than a bachelor level study report that can be prepared by a political science student.

The Government of Pakistan*, on the other hand, as always played a very weired role in this all case. These so called, "OUR LEADERS" must be thrown in the Sea in Karachi without any further delay if we want to save Pakistan.

*: I'm referring people those who were then, and now in power.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
I have never been a fan of PPP and I was a hard fan of PML (N) but as Benazir was our national leader I'm very sad on what has happened to her. Promise to God, we have lost such an incredible leader(regardless of my political affiliations). She really has inspired me as I had the opportunity to listen her. Unbelievably this is the most important loss, after Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah, of Pakistan.

Today I had the opportunity to read the UN report and I don't understand that what they have probed? I can't believe that how incompetent people have prepared this report left out uncountable questions. I think this report could be prepared by a very small consultancy firm in Pakistan. If no mandate was vested upon them, then how could they work on this case. The wording used in this report in its own sense is dubious and at parts have no sense of discussion at all. Findings are below par standard, mediocre is much better word for this. If we look very critically on the general discussion and findings of the commission you will realize, for sure, that this is nothing more than retelling of what we already know. To me this is no more than a bachelor level study report that can be prepared by a political science student.

The Government of Pakistan*, on the other hand, as always played a very weired role in this all case. These so called, "OUR LEADERS" must be thrown in the Sea in Karachi without any further delay if we want to save Pakistan.

*: I'm referring people those who were then, and now in power.
kash ji, you should remember that the report were given two weeks prior to its final release. Zardari used an excuse that officials from three countries need to be interviewed also. Former Sec of State, C. Rice was one of them but she refused citing ' I don't have time for this'.

Do you see something wrong here? Why did the investigators not talk to them BEFORE. How do we know that nobody tampered the report after its first arrival in Zardari's hands.? What was altered in the report. Why did the investigators not report that there has been some change in the report. Were they paid off? Anything can happen in two weeks.
