R U Man Enough to say NO to INDIAN Movies/Songs


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
pakistan nationality....i will prefer to die but not get pakistani nationality(thumbsdown)(thumbsdown)(thumbsdown)(thumbsdown)(thumbsdown)(thumbsdown)

oh come on...you dont hate pakistan so much...you care enough to show up on a pakistani forum..:)


Senator (1k+ posts)
stop watching indian stuff. I have nt watched any indian movie in ages. But then, our media mafia is no different. Even worse than them..:angry_smile: TRAITOR..MONEY SNIFFING, GREEDY ANIMALS.


oh come on...you dont hate pakistan so much...you care enough to show up on a pakistani forum..:)

there are so many paksitanis on inidan forum also..few days back 37 hindus migrated from pakistan to india.and even in my neighborhood,a family from pakistan lives which came from sindh.
now tell me,how many muslims are intersted in going to pakistan from here;)


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
there are so many paksitanis on inidan forum also..few days back 37 hindus migrated from pakistan to india.and even in my neighborhood,a family from pakistan lives which came from sindh.
now tell me,how many muslims are intersted in going to pakistan from here;)

aww..but we were talking about your hatred not if others go to to indian forums or not..
oh i dont know..why dont you ask kashmiris, you want to move out of india...


aww..but we were talking about your hatred not if others go to to indian forums or not..
oh i dont know..why dont you ask kashmiris, you want to move out of india...

surely we hate you but we love to tease each other and make fun ...
and regarding to kashmiris..let me to give u a fig.
1)leh-ladakh=>no problem.
2)Resident of jammu=>no problem,
3)REsident of kashmir=>30-40 % are against indian occupation and want independent antion not joining with pakistan.

so here u get point..no body wants to go pakistan..may be independence..even baluchs wants independence from u..tell me how many are killed in karachi from last two years and compare with kashmiris.

so my advice is..manage ur own house..its near to collapse and will result in other blunder.
u support terrorist and same are haunting and killing u.:D


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
surely we hate you but we love to tease each other and make fun ...
and regarding to kashmiris..let me to give u a fig.
1)leh-ladakh=>no problem.
2)Resident of jammu=>no problem,
3)REsident of kashmir=>30-40 % are against indian occupation and want independent antion not joining with pakistan.

so here u get point..no body wants to go pakistan..may be independence..even baluchs wants independence from u..tell me how many are killed in karachi from last two years and compare with kashmiris.

so my advice is..manage ur own house..its near to collapse and will result in other blunder.
u support terrorist and same are haunting and killing u.:D

dude, you asked if i knew any muslims who wanted to move and i told you..I dont remember saying everyone in kashmir wanted to move here...:)
Just like there are people in kashmir who want to stay in india, there are people in baluchistan who want to stay in pakistan as well...
comparison?..:lol:...I think you have forgotten the mass graves found in kashmir...:)
my advice to you: you manage all the separatist movements going on in india and deal with why Rahul Gandhi thinks hindu extremists are the biggest thread to the state of india.. :D


MPA (400+ posts)

Honey, i sincerely wish u cud find remedy for ur fits on this Pakistani website.. all u need is a doctor.. ur heartly desire to get Pakistani Nationality will not cure ur illness either...


MPA (400+ posts)
surely we hate you but we love to tease each other and make fun ...
and regarding to kashmiris..let me to give u a fig.
1)leh-ladakh=>no problem.
2)Resident of jammu=>no problem,
3)REsident of kashmir=>30-40 % are against indian occupation and want independent antion not joining with pakistan.

so here u get point..no body wants to go pakistan..may be independence..even baluchs wants independence from u..tell me how many are killed in karachi from last two years and compare with kashmiris.

so my advice is..manage ur own house..its near to collapse and will result in other blunder.
u support terrorist and same are haunting and killing u.:D

honestly, this surely shows ur insanity and craze to get Pakistani Nationality... and ur concern abt my country makes me think.. some one is trying really hard to be more loyal than the king himself...



MPA (400+ posts)
there are so many paksitanis on inidan forum also..few days back 37 hindus migrated from pakistan to india.and even in my neighborhood,a family from pakistan lives which came from sindh.
now tell me,how many muslims are intersted in going to pakistan from here;)

not only u.. all ur crazy friends who r always found on this website r surely more than interested to migrate to Pakistan to get shelter from indo insanity...


Minister (2k+ posts)
ok..then let me explain why i quit them...
I hate how they portray women
I hate the way women are dressed
I hate how mostly the guy falls in love with the girls looks
I hate the flying dupatta..tripping and falling in guy's arms
I hate the testosterone cheap fantasy of a romance
I hate how people with issues are shown as cool and drool worthy
I hate how the son in law is treated like god..

You are very right with your points, thanks.
Why I quit Indian movies because their mission is to spread Hinduism, nudity, sex, vulgarity
and brutality. (Hollywood shows only sex and brutality and endos copy them) & we copy them further.
In hindu religion (dharam) singing, playing with musical instruments and lady dance is their worship.
When they are performing such events, actually they are worshiping where as our lads and girls
search some kind of entertainment and are unattentionally influenced. Where as,
we have very humorous jokes and dramas and are near to reality. Lollywood can do a lot to expose
the dark and unexposed events in the soceity positively with jokes and happy end for entertainment.

In this computer cyber world everybody has the responsibility to check his ethical, moral and
religious values to choose reasonable healthy entertainment , Allah is watching you everywhere. Wasslam.


MPA (400+ posts)
stop watching indian stuff. I have nt watched any indian movie in ages. But then, our media mafia is no different. Even worse than them..:angry_smile: TRAITOR..MONEY SNIFFING, GREEDY ANIMALS.

our media will get better, once audiance stop demanding same crap as they see in indo movies...

my request is just to stop watching indo stuff.. it will increase creativity here once we are out of indo crap... :)


honestly, this surely shows ur insanity and craze to get Pakistani Nationality... and ur concern abt my country makes me think.. some one is trying really hard to be more loyal than the king himself...

enough of pakistani citizenship word..its quite boring now.try smthing else:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:


dude, you asked if i knew any muslims who wanted to move and i told you..I dont remember saying everyone in kashmir wanted to move here...:)
Just like there are people in kashmir who want to stay in india, there are people in baluchistan who want to stay in pakistan as well...
comparison?..:lol:...I think you have forgotten the mass graves found in kashmir...:)
my advice to you: you manage all the separatist movements going on in india and deal with why Rahul Gandhi thinks hindu extremists are the biggest thread to the state of india.. :D

huh...another delusional aunty:D
Rahul gandhi party said that anna hazare movement is sponsored by america ,RSS etc
they blame every thing on others ,so try smthing else to write..and BJP is the only opponent in country..so behind every bomb blast,they say RSS is behind it.

and regarding to mass grave,the freedom fighters u send are to be burried some where,they are thrown in this kind of graves.and we have killed thousands of freedom fighters and it is necessary to kill who are supporting them or who are paid for stone throwing.
but manage ur own karachi graveyard and bluchistan where innocents are found hanging with trees and are killed by ur army or agencies


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
huh...another delusional aunty:D
Rahul gandhi party said that anna hazare movement is sponsored by america ,RSS etc
they blame every thing on others ,so try smthing else to write..and BJP is the only opponent in country..so behind every bomb blast,they say RSS is behind it.

and regarding to mass grave,the freedom fighters u send are to be burried some where,they are thrown in this kind of graves.and we have killed thousands of freedom fighters and it is necessary to kill who are supporting them or who are paid for stone throwing.
but manage ur own karachi graveyard and bluchistan where innocents are found hanging with trees and are killed by ur army or agencies

i am pretty sure i am younger than u r..:lol:
right..because india is so decent that over 2000 people cross into india, you people murder and bury them in mass graves and no hangama on international media over it..:lol:...i suppose now you will say the thousands of kashmiris who have gone missing under the supervision of 700000 indian troops present are buried in pakistani kashmir instead...
the pakistani army is not operating in karachi...same advice goes to you but save your troops which are being killed off by separatists in your various states...
oh and btw, most pakistanis accept that there is an issue in karachi and baluchistan and very vocally we blame our government for not managing it peoperly...many blame parts our army as well..i think its a shame that you indians are so blinded by your hatred that you refuse to admit that any kashmiri or other seperatists are killed off by your own government and forces...if you want to come on a pakistani forum and give us advice on human rights violations, learn to become a better human first..


MPA (400+ posts)
this is not only limited to virtual media but if you go outside and try look some motobike number plates then you'll definitely find every third bike with Katrina Karina Kamina pictures on it [hilar]


10% set religious places related picture on their computer machines 30% set their family & lovers and you know guys what other 60% do? they set katrina karina and other famous bollywood kanjris as wallpapers [hilar]

i personally experienced many SHoday Pakistani


i am pretty sure i am younger than u r..:lol:
right..because india is so decent that over 2000 people cross into india, you people murder and bury them in mass graves and no hangama on international media over it..:lol:...i suppose now you will say the thousands of kashmiris who have gone missing under the supervision of 700000 indian troops present are buried in pakistani kashmir instead...
the pakistani army is not operating in karachi...same advice goes to you but save your troops which are being killed off by separatists in your various states...
oh and btw, most pakistanis accept that there is an issue in karachi and baluchistan and very vocally we blame our government for not managing it peoperly...many blame parts our army as well..i think its a shame that you indians are so blinded by your hatred that you refuse to admit that any kashmiri or other seperatists are killed off by your own government and forces...if you want to come on a pakistani forum and give us advice on human rights violations, learn to become a better human first..

i am pretty sure i am younger than u r..:lol:
every aunty says so:lol:..and its the habit of the ladies to hide their age

because india is so decent that over 2000 people cross into india, you people murder and bury them in mass graves and no hangama on international media over it..:lol:...i suppose now you will say the thousands of kashmiris who have gone missing under the supervision of 700000 indian troops present are buried in pakistani kashmir instead...

we have border with you,its not new thing to provide cover firing to militants,it happens daily.U forgot kargil in which ur army infiltrated and stood their then ran away when fired..they were in thousands..kashmir is hilly region..its not easy to protect every hill..especially during snow.every year hundreds of militants are killed by army.so count ur own chicks which u send there,then talk.
there are no 700000 soldiers there,there are about 300000 soldiers there,i dont know from where u get that data:lol: or even less than,even this numbers of soldiers are not present including rajastan region and u r talking abt kashmir.:lol:

the pakistani army is not operating in karachi...same advice goes to you but save your troops which are being killed off by separatists in your various states...
oh and btw, most pakistanis accept that there is an issue in karachi and baluchistan and very vocally we blame our government for not managing it peoperly...many blame parts our army as well..i think its a shame that you indians are so blinded by your hatred that you refuse to admit that any kashmiri or other seperatists are killed off by your own government and forces..

i dont care about pakistan army,and in kashmir also..paramilitary forces are used not army for this kind of operations,so keep ur self update..there are lot of forces there..regarding to human kind lecture..keep ur self upto karachi and b-stan where ur own citizens are killing ur fellows and in b-stan..ur own agencies kill those innocents and hang them with trees and sometimes there bodies are not found there,
so i have no doubt,y u r given this treatment by god,coz he knows wat u r and what not:lol:

if you want to come on a pakistani forum and give us advice on human rights violations, learn to become a better human first..
same goes to u..;)


MPA (400+ posts)
enough of pakistani citizenship word..its quite boring now.try smthing else:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

reality bites.. besides presence of indoz over Pakistani website isnt exciting either.. desperado u will never ever get Pakistani nationalty .. Repeat.. never ever :p


this is not only limited to virtual media but if you go outside and try look some motobike number plates then you'll definitely find every third bike with Katrina Karina Kamina pictures on it [hilar]


10% set religious places related picture on their computer machines 30% set their family & lovers and you know guys what other 60% do? they set katrina karina and other famous bollywood kanjris as wallpapers [hilar]

i personally experienced many SHoday Pakistani

every pakistni show about movies is haunted with famous bollywood movies ,why people not watch pakistai movies??why pakistani are not nationalist??why they dont watch local movies???[hilar][hilar][hilar][hilar][hilar][hilar]
even cinema owners are not ready to screen the local movies??why why why...especially those faggot syed noor[hilar][hilar][hilar][hilar]

paksitani dance on indian songs still theyy asy bad about indian movies and songs [hilar][hilar][hilar]