Problems Of Pakistan


Senator (1k+ posts)
We Pakistanis have a tendency of putting the blame on others and never taking responsibility.

1) We get drone attacks almost weekly. Govt says it was Musharraf who allowed those. Ok that might be the case but don't you have the guts to get it stopped now?. Call the US Ambassador, tell him that another attack and you are out of here. Also another attack and we stop the NATO supplies. Musharraf may have allowed it but what the hell are you people doing to stop the attacks?

2) Senator Charsi recently presented a list of terrorists killed by drone attacks. Question is which law says that you can kill people like that. As far as I am aware the law of all countries give you a right of a defense. With these kinds of attacks no such thing happens. And ther were housands of innocents killed in the attacks too. Did anybody take any responsibility for that?

3) We spend billions of dollars on our GREAT army and three helicopters come in to Pakistani soil, do whatever they want and run away. Where was our MIGHTY army at that time?. What is going to stop them to do the same thing at Kahuta?.

4) PPP blames PMLN, PMLN blames army, Army blames all politicians. Good to see such healthy blame games. Ultimately its the tattos in power that have the responsibility to act/govern. And no matter what you talk on the talk shows, we need action not talk.

So wake up PPP, PMLN and ARMY before the whole Pakistan wakes up.

wanderer - Blogger
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