Prime Minister Imran khan refuses to shake hands, PM Answer to Ashraf Ghani


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Although, the act is good, but non shaking of hands is a non diplomatic and a bad impression. All other talks are good by IK.
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Imran Riaz is going too far into praising ( rather flattering) IK in order to get more views ( thus more money ) for his YouTube Channel. It’s as simple as that. Same is true for people like Adeel Warraich, Abdul Qadir, Shahabuddin etc.

Not shaking hands is a very bad optic in diplomatic world. Instead of advising IK, Imran Khan is painting negatives as positives.

Imran Riaz sb:
I am not saying that you should start bashing IK. All I am saying is that you should also point out errors ( sometimes blunders ) of IK, so that he could rectify himself.


Minister (2k+ posts)
کورونا کے دنوں میں ہاتھ ملاتا کون ہے؟؟

رسمی حال چال بھی نہیں پوچھا جبکہ اس کے بلکل ساتھ روسی وزیر خارجہ کھڑا تھا اس سے رک کا بات چیت کی
کھوتی خور پٹواری کو ایسی باتیں
کہاں سمجھ میں آتی


Minister (2k+ posts)
Too many apologists here, shaking hands is a graceful gesture, but shanking hand with tyrants is a betrayal to Kashmiri cause,
Khan sahib “tun kay rakhou”.
