(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
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I heard that too. My source tells me these pigs were the NRO beneficiaries in disguise
We have pigs in supreme court. This is an old news man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
طافو کلوے کی سپریم کورٹ میں پیشی
لوگ بارلا سمجھ بیٹھے
since you are out of your mind and are unable to stick to the topic of the thread, I wont bother wasting my time with you.
You wrote:
We have pigs in supreme court. This is an old news man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I f you have the right to refer to SC judges as pigs, why I can't say the same thing about Tafu Kalwa jab keh woh shakak anur akal say lagta bi hai.
and you confirmed it one more time!!! that you not only are not capable of sticking to the topic, but also not capable of understading simple coposition either.
Judges are part of supreme Court, they form supreme court as it is under our constitution.
What does any politician have with forming or being part of a supreme court?
Judges are not the only ones going to SC building,
Lawyers, Mulzim, Mujrim and ordinary public inclding politicians go there too.
Taffu Kalwa is one of the Mujrim who may decide to go there or will be forced to go there in shakles like Sultan Rahi
unless you want to have him a fate like Mr Akino had on one fateful day on Manila Airport
I just assumed or may be predicted that Kalwa went there and people thought he is a Barla and informed newspapers as he likes to reamin in headlines
everything very relevant to the topic.
Really? it is related?hahahahahahahahahahahah
I rest my case
I am convinced that your brain has left.We have pigs in supreme court. This is an old news man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanx for correction. I wanted to say one time pig attacked on march 9, 2007 but by mistake I wrote first time. I agree with you. I have always condemned NS for that.my friend shaheedchoudry you are wrong first time supreme court were was attack by PIG brothers nawaz sharif and shabaz sharif
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