Pakistan's export to india (must see)

Nepali Pandit

MPA (400+ posts)
The untold story of 2008's terrorist attack on the Indian city of Mumbai. The story is told in the words of its victims and the gunmen. Produced and directed by award-winning filmmaker Dan Reed, Terror in Mumbai tells the story of what happened when 10 Muslim gunmen held one of the world's busiest cities hostage; killing and wounding hundreds of people while holding India's crack security forces a More..t bay.

Featuring footage of the attacks and interviews with senior police officers and hostages, including the testimony from Kasab - the sole surviving gunman, Dispatches reveals what happened, hour by hour, from the perspective of the security forces, the terrorists, their masterminds and the victims.

Nepali Pandit

MPA (400+ posts)
After all this Pakistan government hesitates to help India. now the same people who were trained by pak intelligence to kill non Muslims and Indians are bombing Pakistan.

taul - Blogger
Nepali Pandit said:
now the same people who were trained by pak intelligence to kill non Muslims and Indians are bombing Pakistan.

---How absurd :oops:.chameleon's need to be pointed out here and who better than the one's who've for long fostered enmity than India.

taul - Blogger
--My posts have been deleted as well even though not political or religious,I believe the presence of this post here says it all about truth :P , you Can't live with your eyes closed,now can you?every now and then indian spies are being caught,but media would not sing a different tune esp when old one's catching up well all over :evil:


Councller (250+ posts)
man this guy is mulwari (kareela)bcz his ascent like this jub koye mulwari urdu bolny ke try karta ha asa he bolta ha .ma na kaha .oss na kaha . and second nation i think ur same crap post r there .which u posting agian and agian .and i hope after one year indian govt put some security guards in taj hotel .bcz if they r there they can not enter in the hotel.and i hope they also put new fire proof .and card key doors in FIVE STAR TAJ hotel.which u can not open with leg kicks.and also i hope they put smoke detectors.and water sprinkles .and i hope indian govt got some mobile jamers. or may be they did not use them .bcz they r enjoying to listen the phone chat with
and last u belong to ALFIYDA-GROUP chek this out..

and nepli_pandit next time dont bring this fazoll and crap propaganda agian and agian .
its become old now like sumjoota_express

pak hi pak

This is shamfull act performed by pakistan terriost group, and also i am ashamed our intelligence service as well our goverment support this act,To All my indian brothers and sister I do appolozies from bottom of my heart to whole indian nation, as well from people of pakistan, for this cowardly act, please forgive us, what goes around comes around, and now we are paying for this corwadly act, Look at the god act, they kill 175 to 200 people, and look at us we are dying in thousands.

taul - Blogger
pak hi pak said:
This is shamfull act performed by pakistan terriost group, and also i am ashamed our intelligence service as well our goverment support this act,.

---No one supports this heinous act but you seem delusional in insinuating Pakistan govt supports it,atleast be clear on some issues and never ever forget the bitter reality of terror caused by their own indian people in military regarding samjhota express and maale gaon :evil: .keep your mind open on all aspects just as decades long terror caused by indian Occupying forces in kashmir on poor kashmiris,though you are right about what goes around do surely come around and it did unfortunately.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Nepali Pandit said:
After all this Pakistan government hesitates to help India. now the same people who were trained by pak intelligence to kill non Muslims and Indians are bombing Pakistan.
don't you see any contradiction above?
take one side, either trained people are friend of pakistan or enemies of pakistan.


pak hi pak said:
This is shamfull act performed by pakistan terriost group, and also i am ashamed our intelligence service as well our goverment support this act,To All my indian brothers and sister I do appolozies from bottom of my heart to whole indian nation, as well from people of pakistan, for this cowardly act, please forgive us, what goes around comes around, and now we are paying for this corwadly act, Look at the god act, they kill 175 to 200 people, and look at us we are dying in thousands.

u idiot hindu we will never apologize to india
we will nuke and totally annihilate them from the surface of the earth
why u think we r making nukes ? its for India and Israel solely so just shut up
and never again u dirty hindu bastard use paki name in an excuse to india
remember if u ever again post something like that just remember u will hurt real bad
Pakistan zindabad
we r proud pakis we live and die as proud pakis
our goal in this world is to kill Israel and India
we will inshAllah soon make great muslim united states [pk flag] [pk flag] [pk flag] [pk flag] [pk flag]

InshAllah if I ever get a chance I will personally go to Dehli and hoist the falg of Pakistan there

foqia khan

MPA (400+ posts)
The Strange Case of the Indian Channels That Did Not Air the 26/11 Documentary
by Vivek Balaraman

India's TV channels have a reputation for overstatement and hyperbole. The ecstatic coverage recently of Sachin Tendulkar reaching the 17000 run milestone (though India lost the match) further underlines this reputation. And this tendency was given full rein to a little over a year ago, when channelspumping testosterone and high on adrenaline went into overdrive providing non-stop 60 hours live orgasmic coverage of the 26th November Mumbai terror attack. I suspect no other event over the past decade and a half has had as much coverage by Indian media as 26/11.

That is why the media silence that has greeted Dan Reed's explosive documentary on 26/11 is curious. The 48 minute documentary titled "Terror in Mumbai - Dispatches" co-produced by Channel 4 and HBO, consists of interviews with victims, actual CCTV videos of the terrorists at various sites, video testimony of the captured terrorist Ajmal Kasab soon after he was nabbed and most chillingly, actual audio intercepts between the terrorists and their handlers in Pakistan.

It is dynamite. As Irfan Husain, the eminent columnist who saw the documentary said about it in a column in Dawn ( ... isited-479)

The most chilling part of the documentary was the constant voice contact between the terrorists and their handlers. Talking on cell phones, the controllers urged on their pawns in Punjabi and Urdu, interspersed with the odd English words and phrases.
All through the atrocity, the handlers obviously watching the drama on TV keep urging their foot soldiers on, encouraging them by descriptions of what they are seeing on TV
And when the terrorists are clearly exhausted, the controllers urge them on: 'Throw some grenades, my brother, theres no harm in throwing a few grenades. How hard can it be to throw a grenade? Just pull the pin and throw it. For your mission to end successfully, you must be killed. God is waiting for you in heaven.'

Given such content, we would have expected that Indian news channels would be vying with each other to 'exclusively' air this video

We would be wrong.

While the documentary broadcast in the UK in July 2009, as far as I know, in the intervening 4 months no news channel in India has chosen to do so. Equally curiously, there has not been, to my knowledge, any discussion about this documentary in the news channels.


One possibility is that as the matter is sub-judice in India, the documentary cannot be shown in India. But this stands negated as HBO have just announced that they will be broadcasting the documentary on November 19th.

So why this silence?

Perhaps it is because the audio intercepts in the documentary inexorably leads us to one inference. That the terrorists and their handlers greatly profited from the live video coverage of the attack by the Indian TV channels. The handlers, possibly in Pakistan were largely able to follow minute by minute, site by site, how their operation was going on in Mumbai, thousands of kilometers away, by merely surfing Indian channels and could direct their charges holed up inside various sites based on what they saw on their TV screen. The media acted as the on site eyes and ears of the handlers and unwittingly helped them attain their goals.

Here for example is a handler telling a terrorist at the Taj Mahal

Handler: Pile up the carpets and mattresses from the room you have opened, douse them in alcohol and set it alight. Get a couple of floors burning.

Terrorist: Ok

after some time the handlers become impatient

Handler: Start the fire now, nothing is going to happen until you start the fire. When people see the flames they will begin to be afraid.

Terrorist: We are about to. You'll be able to watch the fire in a second

Handler: We can't watch if there aren't any flames. Where are they?

Some time later when some of the sea-facing rooms at the Taj are on fire, the handler, watching the blaze through live coverage, is exultant.

Handler: This is the most important target. The media is covering the target Taj Mahal more than any other

At Chabad House, the Jewish Centre, the handlers watching the still live coverage warn the terrorists when a helicopter arrives,

Handler: Heli aa gayi hai kya (Has a helicopter arrived?)

Terrorist: Yes

Handler:Shoot, shoot

The inference these intercept excerpts suggest is not new. Soon after 26/11 a chorus of voices rose against the media coverage of the massacre. A market survey of opinion about the coverage by Newswatch magazine ( showed that an overwhelming majority of those surveyed also felt disturbed by the coverage. Over 10,000 people took the online survey. The survey results are not representative of all opinion but unambiguous. Most felt that the news channels had been way over the top, indiscreet, speculative, unquestioning about information they were getting from various sources, often seemed to be goading the government to go to war with Pakistan, theatrical in terms of dramatization of events and use of colorful language, irresponsible in giving away the locations of guests still hiding in the attack sites, were obsessed with elitist institutions like the Taj / Oberoi while ignoring 'common man' sites such as the CST station and the Leopold Cafe, were intrusive while interviewing hostages, overemphasized the Pakistani angle while the operations were still on, obsessed with 'exclusive coverage' while covering the tragedy and trivialized the issue of terrorism by including celebrities and non-experts in their 'panels'. As a thumb rule, the regional language news channels were a lot more hysterical than the English language media. In the blogsphere too there was outrage such as the well written critique by Harini Calamur ( ... ews-media/). Another excellent criticism is by Anjali Deshpande and SK. Pande in ( ... mod=1&pg=1ionId=22&valid=true).

As Deshpande and Pande write (I've masked names of channels and news anchors since this would focus attention on a few channels or anchors when almost all were equally culpable ),

Channel A continued showing the operation. It also took us to the scene outside the Trident. There News-anchor-B spoke to the Deputy Chief Minister RR Patil asking him for details. She asked him whether there were any Indians among the hostages. RR Patil said he could not disclose information for it could affect the security of the people held hostage. Patil also pointed out that [showing the] firing from outside could give away the direction from, which security forces were approaching the building. Despite that the channel showed where the commandos were hiding behind pillars!
Channel C reported on November 27, around 6 P M that the terrorists were being given updates by people in other countries who are watching TV! Despite this the live coverage continued uninterrupted and continues even now.

Meanwhile there were also rumbles in the government that if the media would not police itself then the government watchdog National Broadcasting Authority or NBA would.

So not surprisingly, the heartfelt wish of the media would be to close the chapter on the media coverage of 26/11 and do nothing to direct attention on their role.

The Dan Reed documentary is thus, for them, the worst of news. It is embarrassing and damaging as it shows all too clearly the link between the media coverage and the actions of the terrorists and their handlers. And it almost casually leaves us with an elephant in the room, viz., the possibility that lives of hostages and members of the armed forces may have been lost or endangered on the altar of the fierce competition between channels for better TRPs and the need for exclusives in the midst of carnage and human tragedy.

Nepali Pandit

MPA (400+ posts)
US shares info with India on Headley's ISI links

Geneva: The US on Saturday disclosed new information to India linking the anti-terror plot hatched by terror-excused David Coleman Headley and Tahawuur Rana with some elements in the ISI and said it will reveal the name of a key Pakistani national linked to the Mumbai carnage in a week's time.

The disclosure came when National Security Adviser M K Narayanan held talks with CIA chief Leon Panetta in New Delhi on Saturday, reliable sources said.

The new information given by the US reinforces what Indian investigations have pointed to - links between Headley and Rana, who were arrested by the FBI in Chicago last month in connection with a Laskhar-e-Toiba terror plot against India, with the Mumbai carnage.

The latest disclosures nearly coincide with the first anniversary of the Mumbai carnage.

Two key suspects in the Headley-Rana case have been arrested by Pakistan, the sources said.

The two officials also discussed finer details of a counter-terror plot that is expected to be signed after Prime Minister Manmohan Singh holds talks with US President Barack Obama in the White House on Tuesday.

The counter-terror pact seeks to take existing cooperation in this area between India and the US to a new level by focusing on closer coordination of intelligence agencies and the US sharing the latest surveillance and interdiction technologies with India.

The two also discussed the volatile situation in Pakistan and Afghanistan that will also figure prominently in discussions between Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and US President Barack Obama. Increasingly,

there is a convergence of views of India and the US on the AfPak situation.

The US shares India's perception that Pakistan is not keen to act against anti-India militants even as it continues its crackdown on Taliban militia in South Waziristan, sources said.

The US was not very optimistic whether Pakistan will act against anti-India terror infrastructure, sources said.

The CIA chief also indicated that Obama will announce a major troops surge in Afghanistan. The US is hoping to see some concrete results in Afghanistan in the next 12-18 months, the sources added.

India has made it clear that it has stakes in the success of the US' AfPak strategy. But New Delhi is opposed to any distinction between good Taliban and bad Taliban. The consequences of the Taliban victory are not good for India, the US, the region and the world, the sources said.

The official, however, ruled out any military involvement of India in Afghanistan and added that there was no request from the US side on this front.

Nepali Pandit

MPA (400+ posts)
Mumbai attack suspects arrested by Italian police

Italian police have arrested two Pakistanis suspected of providing logistical support for last year's attacks in Mumbai.

The father and son were detained in an early morning raid in the northern city of Brescia, police said.

They are accused of supplying cash from their money transfer agency to pay for an internet phone account used by people in contact with the attackers.

More than 170 people, nine of them gunmen, died in the November attacks.

Mohammad Yaqub Janjua, 60, and Aamer Yaqub Janjua, 31, are accused of aiding and abetting international terrorism as well as illegal financial activity.

They were identified after leads from India and the FBI, police said.

In July, Mohammad Ajmal Amir Qasab - a 21-year-old Pakistani man and the sole surviving attacker - pleaded guilty to 86 charges, including waging war on India, murder and possessing explosives.

He could face the death penalty if judges agree to impose the maximum sentence.

Nepali Pandit

MPA (400+ posts)
one24 said:
man this guy is mulwari (kareela)bcz his ascent like this jub koye mulwari urdu bolny ke try karta ha asa he bolta ha .ma na kaha .oss na kaha . and second nation i think ur same crap post r there .which u posting agian and agian .and i hope after one year indian govt put some security guards in taj hotel .bcz if they r there they can not enter in the hotel.and i hope they also put new fire proof .and card key doors in FIVE STAR TAJ hotel.which u can not open with leg kicks.and also i hope they put smoke detectors.and water sprinkles .and i hope indian govt got some mobile jamers. or may be they did not use them .bcz they r enjoying to listen the phone chat with
and last u belong to ALFIYDA-GROUP chek this out..

and nepli_pandit next time dont bring this fazoll and crap propaganda agian and agian .
its become old now like sumjoota_express

Keep living in denial. Even your governments agrees they are Pakistanis. Now when this movie is out whole world will learn about ISI links to terrorists. Slowly are surely truth will come out. Don't you feel shame when they thank your good while killing innocent women and children. Can you count how many times they thanked your GOD. Don't you feel ashamed that these people genuinely believe they are going to heaven by killing innocent people. I understand terrorists have no religion, i am not trying to put blame on any religion. Surely these pigs had no understanding of Islam or GOD. But what we non Muslims should think when PAK government doesn't help India in prosecuting this people who USE YOUR RELIGION to kill innocent people. We watched this movie in my work, these people had not much knowledge of Pakistan and Islam in general . These people, none of them were Hindus, were shocked to the bones, i can't even put their utter disgust in writing. Pakistan needs to show that they are also victims of terrorism by helping the world find the true proprietors of this crime. Prosecute anyone in ISI / GOV who is involved in this.

taul - Blogger
Nepali Pandit said:
Slowly are surely truth will come out. Don't you feel shame when they thank your good while killing innocent women and children. Can you count how many times they thanked your GOD. Don't you feel ashamed that these people genuinely believe they are going to heaven by killing innocent people. I understand terrorists have no religion, i am not trying to put blame on any religion. Surely these pigs had no understanding of Islam or GOD. But what we non Muslims should think when PAK government doesn't help India in prosecuting this people who USE YOUR RELIGION to kill innocent people. We watched this movie in my work, these people had not much knowledge of Pakistan and Islam in general . These people, none of them were Hindus, were shocked to the bones, i can't even put their utter disgust in writing. Pakistan needs to show that they are also victims of terrorism by helping the world find the true proprietors of this crime. Prosecute anyone in ISI / GOV who is involved in this.

---You're dead right,truth will gradually surface just as the truth of WMD's surfaced as being completely bogus just adding some stuff up here..As far as understanding of our religion is concerned i'd be amazed if you really did :ugeek: no matter what,the delusional and a fabricated tune has been on everybody lips.You keep stooping to lowest of levels by relating a total irrelevant idea since "Feeling of guilt solely lies with the perpetrator" :| Ya'll ambiguity would NOT be able to scratch the reality and i bet a lot of insane videos would send shivers to people all around not just your circle.Terrorism is terrorism be it at any level and india has been in the forefront of it carrying out state level Terrorism in Kashmir for decades :evil: Introspection would alleviate some of the desperation here for all crying foul.