another attack on us from Washington. How they forget their own faults
American education system produces:
Ted Bundy
John Gacy
Jeffrey Dahlmer
Jim Jones
Timothy Mcveigh
Ronald Reagan
Bob Guiccioni (the sleezball editor if porn magazine)
Son of Sam
Jerry Springer
ted turner
George Bush
Madelene Albright
mercenary groups
Bernie Madoff (scammed $50B from investors and nobody knows where the money is, probably sent it to Israel. he is a Jew)
Jewish terrorists
Economic oppression
American's education system is pathetic. Kids don't know what is 2 + 10 (I am serious)
My former American supervisor, a Senior Systems Analyst, actually used calculator to check if a number multiplied by 1 is actually the same number!!!!:lol::lol:
list goes on