OBL's body can be receovered from the deep oceans!!!!!!!!!


Minister (2k+ posts)
If they could recover a 2 years old body from the water, then why not OBL's be taken out.
See the details below:

Body Recovered From Crashed Air France Jet

'A body from the 2009 Air France crash that killed all 228 people aboard has been raised from the depths of the Atlantic Ocean.
The body has been preserved by high pressure and low temperatures while it lay in the submerged wreckage for nearly two years.
And it was still belted to an airline seat as French investigators brought it aboard their search vessel off Brazil's northeast coast from a robot submarine.
The search party located the wreckage a month ago after nearly two years of scouring the seabed.
In recent days they also found the Airbus A330's cockpit voice recorder and 'black box' data memory unit.
If the units are in good condition, they could solve the mystery about why Flight AF447 from Rio de Janeiro to Paris fell into the Atlantic during an intense high-altitude thunderstorm.
They were discovered about 3,900m (12,800ft) below the surface by submarine.
A statement from the French Gendarmerie, which has experts on a recovery boat, said that the body was pulled up on Thursday morning.
Recovering the remains involved great technical difficulty, it said, and it is unclear if all the bodies found in the latest search can be recovered.
A spokesman for the recovery operation said: "It's difficult because the bodies are well preserved on the seabed with the pressure and the temperature, but bringing them up through warmer water causes decomposition."
The French Interior Ministry said in a statement that investigators on board the search vessel had taken DNA samples from the body, which would be sent back to France along with the two black boxes and used to try and identify the victim.
Theories about the cause of the disaster have focused on the possible icing up of the aircraft's speed sensors, which seemed to give inconsistent readings before communication was lost.


MPA (400+ posts)
In other words we should do it and make a shrine of Hasrat Osama bin Laden where many people will visit. could not you choose a better way to humilate this nation further again? thank you for suggesting that but there is a little problem that we are already humilated because of him in this world and what has he done for pakistan that one should recover his body.please think wisely.


Minister (2k+ posts)
In other words we should do it and make a shrine of Hasrat Osama bin Laden where many people will visit. could not you choose a better way to humilate this nation further again? thank you for suggesting that but there is a little problem that we are already humilated because of him in this world and what has he done for pakistan that one should recover his body.please think wisely.
I didn't mention that we should make a shrine of Osama. But if a Muslim's body is thrown into ocean, why don't you think that as a part of post death ritual, his body should have been buried in the ground. Would you like such a treatment for any of your loved ones. As far as his deeds are concerned, I think he is now before the Almighty's Throne and He alone would decide about his treatment.


MPA (400+ posts)
This was the reason given by americans to bury him at sea. i think you were pointing towards that by posting this kind of thing. let me ask why to recover? will u recover his body. what interest you have? do we have the responsiblity of all the muslims in the world? and osama was a good muslim because he attacked americans? well if yes then how many muslims died in response. and i dont think i should compare osama to your loved ones. they are much better humans than osama i am sure of that.
I didn't mention that we should make a shrine of Osama. But if a Muslim's body is thrown into ocean, why don't you think that as a part of post death ritual, his body should have been buried in the ground. Would you like such a treatment for any of your loved ones. As far as his deeds are concerned, I think he is now before the Almighty's Throne and He alone would decide about his treatment.


Minister (2k+ posts)
That was an unbroken plane cockpit , where passengers died of not of drowning ( getting lungs filled with water ) but due to hypoxia or lack of oxygen , The plane was intact , with high pressure inside its passenger cabin , but under water , (rare chance as most planes break apart ) so the body was preserved , His body will be there only if it is 2-3 miles deep in water.......
