O Panetta! The Ummah lost patience with America a long time ago!

1 ummah

Councller (250+ posts)

On 7 June 2012, the US Defence Secretary, Leon Panetta, expressed his frustration over Pakistan's frustration over America's crusade in Afghanistan and the tribal areas, saying, "We are reaching the limits of our patience."Washington and its puppet in Pakistan, Kayani, should know that the Ummah has lost patience with American oppression a long time ago and the Muslims of Pakistan are no exception.With Kayani's connivance, Pakistan's armed forces, which is the most capable armed forces of the Ummah to stand in the face of America's brutal hegemony, has suffered immensely.

Rather than standing with the Muslims of the tribal areas against America's illegitimate occupation of Afghanistan, Pakistan's armed forces have lost thousands of troops in a wasteful war of Fitna in the tribal areas. A war to secure America's cowardly troops who lose their minds when confronted by a handful of meagerly armed tribal Muslims. The losses incurred by the armed forces are in addition to those in false flag attacks, that the American agencies and private military organizations launched themselves against the armed forces, but blamed the tribal Muslims, in order to push the armed forces into the tribal areas.

If this were not enough for Muslims to lose their patience, America has stretched Pakistan;s armed forces over three fronts. Firstly America pushed Pakistan's armed forces into the tribal areas. Secondly America opened Afghanistan to India so it can create havoc in Baluchistan, as well as the tribal areas. Thirdly, America asked Kayani and his small band of traitors to bow before India through normalization, encouraging India to increase its oppression in Kashmir.

And if this were all not enough for Muslims to lose their patience, what of the billions of dollars of losses to Pakistan's economy and over thirty thousand of civilian lives lost, through America's drone attacks and terrorist bomb blasts?
Indeed the Ummah has lost its patience with American injustice and now has arisen in a revolution against America, which is led for the moment by the brave Muslims of Syria who cry "الشعب يريد الخلافة الجديد" :

"The people want a new Khilafah." It now remains for officers of the Muslim armed forces around the world to turn the tide for Islam, by dusting off the small coterie of traitors that rest on their broad shoulders, as a man would dust off a fly. It remains for such officers to bless their mighty shoulders by granting the Nussrah to Hizb ut-Tahrir for the establishment of the Khilafah. And then Panetta and his friends will see what they dread to see. An Ummah honored and glorified by Islam, taking America to task for each and every one of its horrendous crimes against humanity.

وَلِلَّهِ الْعِزَّةُ وَلِرَسُولِهِ وَلِلْمُؤْمِنِينَ وَلَكِنَّ الْمُنَافِقِينَ لَا يَعْلَمُونَ

"But honour, power and glory belong to Allh, and to His Messenger, and to the believers, but the hypocrites know not." [al-Munafiqoun 63:8]

We advise Panetta and his colonialist country to discard its brutal policies and plans against the Islamic Ummah, to confine its rotten ideology of "freedom" to the dustbin of history and embrace the noble, divine, alternative ideology, Islam, which is better for them, granting success in this world and the Hereafter. And should they refuse, they must take a lesson from their predecessors in false ideologies, the Romans, Persians and the Pharaohs

أَلَمْ يَأْتِكُمْ نَبَأُ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا مِنْ قَبْلُ فَذَاقُوا وَبَالَ أَمْرِهِمْ وَلَهُمْ عَذَابٌ أَلِيمٌ

"Has not the news reached you of those who disbelieved aforetime And so they tasted the evil result of their disbelief, and theirs will be a painful torment."
[At-Taghubun 64:5]

Shahzad ShaikhDeputy to the Spokesman of Hizb ut-Tahrir in PakistanFriday, 18th of Rajab,, 1433H

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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
! Umma. brother i understand what u r talking about, but look at the whole picture, in previous times Milatry took over the power in pakistan, but this time they say we will follow the orders of presidant and chief of armed forces of pakistan, but istead of asking army to do the right thing, he writes the letter to defame his own Army to leaders of USA through his croonies, i hope u know what i am talking about.

Now if u want Army to go fight USA there are way to do it. but make yourself aware of consequences.

1. the best way is for all tribal people to stop right now what ever they are fighting about, make peace and than after Americans withdrawl, talk to settle the matters and not kill each other to settle the matters. Now that is the way of Islam.

2. Or tell the supreme commander to issue orders to fight USA but than are u ready to bear the consequences of a war with USA, they might use Atomic weapons. Are you ready for it. they might with bombing destroy all cities of of Pakistan and push us in stone age, they have said that many times.

3. I know about Tribal people only this that they fight each other when they are not fighting some one else, why is that, and i also know that many thiefs who steal cars come from tribal areas. why? please u r our brother but stop all the bad stuff and let very humbly say that stop about abusing childern. please, please, please stop all this and work with Pakistan by the rules of Islam. and not set your own rules which go against Islam.

4. why is that, that all smuggling happens from triblal areas, why it cannot be controlled, do the tribal people know that smugglng is against Islam. we all know that Pakistan has suffered due to bad Leaders but that is no reason to induldge in smuggling drugs and kill innocent people in cities of Pakistan, Islam prohibits killing of innocnets.

5. Why schools are destroyed in tribal areas, Islam wants Muslims to educate themselvs even if Muslims have to go to china. why is education for girls not accepted by tribal areas, why?

So my friend,. think about it, I donot mean to insult any one but like all Muslims to act as true Muslims and not their own concocted Islam.

I hope and pray that Allah S.W.T. help us understand and act on true Islam as narrated by our great [prophet P.B.U.H. Ameen.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
lol . one ummah . bullocks . one ummah getting beatun up by west . lol one ummah . 6 day wars wali one ummah .
haha .

iraq attacked kuwait and Iran .. haha one ummah ..
Saudis deal with israel against Iran . .. hahhahahhahhahahhahahhahahha one ummah
saudis against SYria helping west .. .... buhahhahahahahahahahahahhahahhahahahahahhahahhahahhaahhaha

you have cronies sitting in saudia . you got to rid of them before you talk about ummah


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
same croniees who want to tell ppl like osama to go to pakistan bcuz they know these ppl will be a big threat in the future so just tell them to **** to khurasan and pakistan and you will be a true jihaadi ..


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
lol . one ummah . bullocks . one ummah getting beatun up by west . lol one ummah . 6 day wars wali one ummah .
haha .

iraq attacked kuwait and Iran .. haha one ummah ..
Saudis deal with israel against Iran . .. hahhahahhahhahahhahahhahahha one ummah
saudis against SYria helping west .. .... buhahhahahahahahahahahahhahahhahahahahahhahahhahahhaah

you have cronies sitting in saudia . you got to rid of them before you talk about ummah

Mr. haha. u think that is Islam what they do, do you think that is a behaviour of a good Muslim.
A good Muslim will never kill innocent people no matter what Religion they believe in.
A good Muslim will not live in palaces and when common man is starving.
A good muslim will not tolerate if any one of Muslims are starving like in Somalia or in bangla desh or in Pakistan.
A good muslim will builld schools and not send their childern to foriegn countries for studies.
A good Mulsim will try to settle matters by negotiations and not by keeping alof and be part of problenm and not part of solutions.
A good Musli will as a leader will taske lead from prophet Muhammed P.B.U.H to lead and implement the rules as set by Prophet P.B.U.H. himself and not from any one else.

So do you see any of these traits if not than that is not a Muslim behaviour my friend.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
I'll believe in this one ummah concept when there is a khalifah and borders between Muslim nations are eradicated. Until then it's just cheap talk and nothing more.

1 ummah

Councller (250+ posts)
! Umma. brother i understand what u r talking about, but look at the whole picture, in previous times Milatry took over the power in pakistan, but this time they say we will follow the orders of presidant and chief of armed forces of pakistan, but istead of asking army to do the right thing, he writes the letter to defame his own Army to leaders of USA through his croonies, i hope u know what i am talking about.

Now if u want Army to go fight USA there are way to do it. but make yourself aware of consequences.

1. the best way is for all tribal people to stop right now what ever they are fighting about, make peace and than after Americans withdrawl, talk to settle the matters and not kill each other to settle the matters. Now that is the way of Islam.

2. Or tell the supreme commander to issue orders to fight USA but than are u ready to bear the consequences of a war with USA, they might use Atomic weapons. Are you ready for it. they might with bombing destroy all cities of of Pakistan and push us in stone age, they have said that many times.

3. I know about Tribal people only this that they fight each other when they are not fighting some one else, why is that, and i also know that many thiefs who steal cars come from tribal areas. why? please u r our brother but stop all the bad stuff and let very humbly say that stop about abusing childern. please, please, please stop all this and work with Pakistan by the rules of Islam. and not set your own rules which go against Islam.

4. why is that, that all smuggling happens from triblal areas, why it cannot be controlled, do the tribal people know that smugglng is against Islam. we all know that Pakistan has suffered due to bad Leaders but that is no reason to induldge in smuggling drugs and kill innocent people in cities of Pakistan, Islam prohibits killing of innocnets.

5. Why schools are destroyed in tribal areas, Islam wants Muslims to educate themselvs even if Muslims have to go to china. why is education for girls not accepted by tribal areas, why?

So my friend,. think about it, I donot mean to insult any one but like all Muslims to act as true Muslims and not their own concocted Islam.

I hope and pray that Allah S.W.T. help us understand and act on true Islam as narrated by our great [prophet P.B.U.H. Ameen.

all the issues u mentioned about tribals can be solved as quickly as all issues in all other parts of lands,as fighting habit,it can be solved by recruiting them in army,m not sure they have learned n studied islam deep down,they may b naturally are jangju kind..!
today this army is fighting ,supporting war against the tribals n yet u want tribals to stop! did they started the fight?
this army will never stop supporting america n tell them to leave
all the unrest n division is their own creation to keep the situation unstable.. we know united 1 stands n divided u fall..,
army jawan thinks he is on jihad while muslims on other side thinks he is on jihad..while they both are not! as the prophet said a time will come wen the one who is killing and the 1 being killed will not know the reason of killing or being killed respectively

Narrated Al-Hasan:
(Al-Ahnaf said:) I went out carrying my arms during the nights of the affliction (i.e. the war between 'Ali and 'Aisha) and Abu Bakra met me and asked, "Where are you going?" I replied, "I intend to help the cousin of Allah's Apostle (i.e.,'Ali)." Abu Bakra said, "Allah's Apostle said, 'If two Muslims take out their swords to fight each other, then both of them will be from amongst the people of the Hell-Fire.' It was said to the Prophet, 'It is alright for the killer but what about the killed one?' He replied, 'The killed one had the intention to kill his opponent.'" (See Hadith No. 30, Vol. 1)

Narrated Abu Huraira:
The Prophet said, "None of you should point out towards his Muslim brother with a weapon, for he does not know, Satan may tempt him to hit him and thus he would fall into a pit of fire (Hell)"

Narrated 'Abdullah:
The Prophet, said, "Abusing a Muslim is Fusuq (evil doing) and killing him is Kufr (disbelief)."
the only way is to reject the corrupt rulers
force them to stop war
this gov is not sincere only sincere system will educate wat islam is ,we living in cities have interest based banking ,we okay with that knowing its haram,a war with ALLAH !! so wat do u think? the system leads us to live comfortably in haram! hajab less,partially dressed billboards,corruption,rishwat we hve haram every where coz zerdari ,musharaf,nawaz,imran,king abdullah,asaad ...,..,.. non is inerested in protecting muslims,facilitating islam ,pleasing Allah !
they created mess intentionally,4 their luxury life,forgetting hereafter!
if we wont fight for islam, we will die in this war against war!
war will hapen 1 way or other !
do u see axpect peace from the kufaar? their hearts r filled with hatred against u!
they started the war with weapons without caring 4 consequences,this is their level of commitment with their ideology!
n u ,trust Allah...atleast u will be true martyr fighting kufar n not go to hell 4 ever by killing muslim
r silence is support to this war !
wat future u see under current situation? u will live hapily ever after!??? ever???
