New Direction of Turkey-Is it the first tep towards Khilafat-ala-Minhaj Un Nabuwwa? Please comment


Councller (250+ posts)
I have no intention to disrespect any saint or anyone (Which I am not capable of, even if I want) BUT if this all is going to happen, just as Naimatullah Shah wali or others predicted then why bother???After all it is going to happen so just chill... shouldn't we???

Actually yes, we can ... we can chill ... but then we won't be part of the achievement plan that is pre-written. I think we should all be waiting for the tide to begin to participate our individual selves ... thats what the reminding is there for. Even Allah SWT and Holy Prophet SAAW foretold some happenings ... why ? what was the point ? have you ever pondered ? Why Holy Prophet SAAW elaborated in such detail over signs of end times ... ? They were a reminder ... And thats what mystics do ... they carry on Prophet SAAW's sunnah.

Sorry to say but revolutions never occur by hot debates or sitting on the Internet and telling people that one day India will vanish from this earth

I don't know why you guys are so presumptuous and behaving like self-proclaimed geniuses ... I am not telling that india will vanish from earth ... where did I said something to that effect ? I was actually telling that a generation from within us is destined to wake up and bring about a revolution ... they are actually gonna get up and do it with their hands ... and they will rode Pakistan to newer heights and then Pakistan WILL BE ATTACKED BY INDIA
and then we will respond. I think now your reading, understanding and discerning problem should be solved.

And LOL @ your insinuation about internet ... you duffer ... almost 85% wars are being fought over internet and through media ... set out of your cave and welcome to the world of reality.

When we talk about our raising, we term it as the raise of Umma but when when we need to fight a war, we look towards China....... Since when China became a part of Umma???

So you are asking me if there is an Allah ... why don't we see it ? hunh ... is that what you are asking of me ? Does not your genius tell you that things and events happen and strange occurences surface. Holy Prophet SAAW told about Afghanistan Iraq and Yemen wars in his foretellings ... and a very learned scholar says that he was astonished as to how these two countries can become the major source of faith and strife for Islam while they both were communism-nurtured ... and now you see Afghanistan and still seeing Yemen ... things do happen.

Again, no disrespect but stop dreaming and do what it takes to reach the heights.

No I disagree ... DREAMS ARE THE VERY SUBSTANCE OF LIFE ... you gotta have a dream to work for it unless you wanna be an undirected missile which could even land in a wilderness and be wasted. And I believe I am trying to do what I believe in ... at least. Not every soldier holds the gun and sets out to fight in battlefield ... if a seamstress is sewing torn out uniforms for the soldiers while they are at war ... she is literally taking part in the war ... thats the idea. think before you disregard things unmindfully ....

peace to you too.


Councller (250+ posts)
Read the works of Ib al Arbi, Imam Ghazali, Bu Ali ibne Sina, Ibn e Rushd. They all had very different approaches to the way we perceive God and his creation. Ibn ul Arbi is labeled a heretic today by some True Islamic Blooded Champions of everything right but at that time he was a leading scholar.
Try to read something besides Naimtullah Shah Walis predictions for a change.

what for ? to be a genius like you ? I pass.

Yes I am very insecure spiritually Pir Sahib. You are so good at reading the 'spirituality' of people maybe you should publish your own prophecies too!

Something is burning and smelling ... hint hint.

Dont get personal. Keep your manners intact wise guy. It shows your maturity of thought.

ok, pir sahab ... is that manner enough ?


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
I don't know why you guys are so presumptuous and behaving like self-proclaimed geniuses ... I am not telling that india will vanish from earth ... where did I said something to that effect ? I was actually telling that a generation from within us is destined to wake up and bring about a revolution ... they are actually gonna get up and do it with their hands ... and they will rode Pakistan to newer heights and then Pakistan WILL BE ATTACKED BY INDIA
and then we will respond. I think now your reading, understanding and discerning problem should be solved.

Tell me whay am i obliged to believe in NAimatullahs prophecy? Is it an article of faith?
If I dont believe in it am I a 'murtad'?

If we are being presumptuous and behaving like self-proclaimed geniuses what are you behaving like?

Especially when you have the manners of a badly raised ten year old as is evident from the following way to reply to someone who was being very respectful in disagreeing with you :

And LOL @ your insinuation about internet ... you duffer


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
nd LOL @ your insinuation about internet ... you duffer ... almost 85% wars are being fought over internet and through media ... set out of your cave and welcome to the world of reality.

Now this shows your mind state,,,, you are a kid who know how to cry or show disrespect. You have no idea how to discuss a topic rather you like to get personal. AND I expect that from you because that's what your nick represents,,,,, WOLF, right?? I don't want to call you an animal but after all wolf is an animal and that's what you are...... Perfect nick.
and my genius animal, sorry friend can you please mention some of those 85% wars fought over internet??? It will really help me by expending my knowledge.
AND keep dreaming and yelling over the internet or giving speeches to others...... People like you who couldn't even discuss a topic without getting personal,,, talk about revolutions, I feel petty for those who even read or listen to you.......



Councller (250+ posts)
Tell me whay am i obliged to believe in NAimatullahs prophecy? Is it an article of faith?
If I dont believe in it am I a 'murtad'?

Is that how you get others' opinions about yourself ? No wonder there is so much trash about muslims on internet.

If we are being presumptuous and behaving like self-proclaimed geniuses what are you behaving like?

I am stating a thing and you are continuously twisting it to your own pathetic understanding and then coming out with charming dissent ..... the obvious is way too evident. I did not knew this was a pissing contest.

Especially when you have the manners of a badly raised ten year old as is evident from the following way to reply to someone who was being very respectful in disagreeing with you :

That was a frank and friendly notion ... we say things like that to our friends ... i.e., "you duffer" ... " hey silly" ... where is the bad manner in it ?


Councller (250+ posts)
Now this shows your mind state,,,, you are a kid who know how to cry or show disrespect. You have no idea how to discuss a topic rather you like to get personal. AND I expect that from you because that's what your nick represents,,,,, WOLF, right?? I don't want to call you an animal but after all wolf is an animal and that's what you are...... Perfect nick.
and my genius animal, sorry friend can you please mention some of those 85% wars fought over internet??? It will really help me by expending my knowledge.
AND keep dreaming and yelling over the internet or giving speeches to others...... People like you who couldn't even discuss a topic without getting personal,,, talk about revolutions, I feel petty for those who even read or listen to you.......

hahahhaha ... so enticement worked ... hunh ?


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Is that how you get others' opinions about yourself ? No wonder there is so much trash about muslims on internet.

I am stating a thing and you are continuously twisting it to your own pathetic understanding and then coming out with charming dissent ..... the obvious is way too evident. I did not knew this was a pissing contest.

That was a frank and friendly notion ... we say things like that to our friends ... i.e., "you duffer" ... " hey silly" ... where is the bad manner in it ?

I think you have stopped making any sense so I will leave it here with a saying

You should never argue with idiots because they will just drag you down to their level....then beat you with experience!

Someone who doesnt know the difference between friendly banter and disrespectful comments is not worth having a debate with.

Good day to you.


Councller (250+ posts)
I think you have stopped making any sense so I will leave it here with a saying

You should never argue with idiots because they will just drag you down to their level....then beat you with experience!

Someone who doesnt know the difference between friendly banter and disrespectful comments is not worth having a debate with.

Good day to you.

yeah ... whateva ...


Senator (1k+ posts)
Step Aside our faith in this whole scenario of Turkey we should be OBJECTIVE Rather EMOTIONAL in the discussion of this Turkey Ottoman Philosophy....Even I would like Ottoman Empire should revive but the big Question mark would be on POSSIBILITY....

Asking Turkey which is secular country Going back to their Islamic route(Ottoman Empire) is same as asking Pakistanis which is religious country to go back to their cultural route(Indus valley, Subcontinent))...So being a very realistically speaking their is still a big opposition in Turkey regarding this whole Ottoman thing as they would support the idea of good relations with Arab world just like many Pakistani but becoming one nation is not a kind of idea they would like just like Pakistan...They are moving forward towards Europe driven Foreign Policies just like Pakistan is moving forward towards Arab and Central Asia and Afghan driven foreign Policy....

So Before Going towards the imagination or dream we should be more objective and realistic towards the issue because the Earth dont move according to our wishes...