Malik Riaz Trapped in his own trap.


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
MR who was unsuccessful in influencing CJ, has tried to trap CJ's son.
As Kamran Khan was trying to implicate Arsalan in a blackmailing racket, but now he himself given proof that it was the other way around.

MR used his wealth to trap the Arsalan by recording his every move, and then wanted to blackmail him, when he has failed then he got frustrated as Kamran khan said live on TV.

Now if MR will present the documented proofs & videos, all these will prove that he has planed a blackmailing trap, so the proofs that he will present in the SC will be against him to prove his pre-planed blackmailing.

It will prove that MR is the real blackmailer not the CJ's son.

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Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
MR who was unsuccessful in influencing CJ, has tried to trap CJ's son.
As Kamran Khan was trying to implicate Arsalan in a blackmailing racket, but now he himself given proof that it was the other way around.

MR used his wealth to trap the Arsalan by recording his every move, and then wanted to blackmail him, when he has failed then he got frustrated as Kamran khan said live on TV.

Now if MR will present the documented proofs & videos, all these will prove that he has planed a blackmailing trap, so the proofs that he will present in the SC will be against him to prove his pre-planed blackmailing.

It will prove that MR is the real blackmailer not the CJ's son.

But it should not absolve CJ's Son, if he really succumbed to the temptation.....or got involved in the filthy game.........
But one thing is certain that CJ's stature in the eyes of public has increased..........May Allah (SWT) CJ be steadfast in this testing time.
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saeed khan

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
But it should not absolve CJ's Son, if he really succumbed to the temptation.....or got involved in the filthy game.........
But one thing is certain that CJ's stature in the eyes of public has increased..........May Allah (SWT) CJ be steadfast in this testing time.

Yes you are right but SO CJ Arsalan should get punishment.
It was a plan to black mail CJ, that to save his son he will keep quite but salute to CJ.
Thanks God I have never bought anything in Behria Town but I met many people who complained they were overcharged by Malik Riaz.


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
yeh sarey ka sara plan gilani zardari aur inn sarey zankha group ka thaa jo abb khood hi zaleel hongay .Beshak Allah jissay chahey izzat dai jissay chahey zillat


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Yes you are right but SO CJ Arsalan should get punishment.
It was a plan to black mail CJ, that to save his son he will keep quite but salute to CJ.
Thanks God I have never bought anything in Behria Town but I met many people who complained they were overcharged by Malik Riaz.

You are lucky.......after doing the full payment every plot owner has to pay between 3 to 5 Lak in the name of electricity/gas/water/plan approval..... Most of the plots sold are on the filled land.....your construction cost get double than the normal.


Staff member Web Desk
لگ رہا ہے کہ زرداری نے اسے برا پھنسادیا ہے تاکہ بحریہ*ٹاؤن اور ملک ریاض کی دوسری جائیدار پر قبضہ جمایا جاسکے۔


Staff member Web Desk
آٹھ سے دس لاکھ کا پانچ مرلے کا پلاٹ لیکن پلاٹ قرعہ اندازی کے ذریعے ہی نکلے گا پہلے پانچ ہزار جمع کروانا پڑے گا، اگر پلاٹ نہ نکلا تو پانچ ہزار واپس نہیں ہوں گے۔

یہی ملک ریاض کا دھندہ ہے۔ ایک پلاٹ سے کئی سو پانچ ہزار آرام سے کمالیتا ہے۔

Night_Hawk - Blogger
لگ رہا ہے کہ زرداری نے اسے برا پھنسادیا ہے تاکہ بحریہ*ٹاؤن اور ملک ریاض کی دوسری جائیدار پر قبضہ جمایا جاسکے۔
آپ نیں بات بہت پتے کی ہے .یہ صاحب بہت مہارت رکھتے ہیں ان باتوں کی . شاید ہم سب کو یاد ہو وہ ڈاکٹروالا قصہ جن کی ٹانگ پر بم بھاندہ کر پیسے وصول کیے تھے
