More childish posts from my esteemed countrymen!
I agree with the Indian persons post of the illiterate person laughing at the phd failure!
We have may problems to sort out and get our own house in order before we are in any position to laugh at others failures if at all we should.
This post is the perfect example of people living in glass houses throwing stones at others!
(I think i will soon be branded as a an indian posing as a Pakistani) :D
Please also try to check out indian websites like comments section of, then you'll realize how they spit venom against Pakistan but also their own muslim countrymen, posts on this site are mature and civilized compared to indians, please watch this see as Indians share their views on Sania-Shoaib marriage:
what is the problem of people or anyone
by rohit rath on Apr 16, 2010 01:09 AM | Hide replies
its better muslim gal got married to muslim guy in pak and i wish many more muslim gals do the same, the only condition is that ,they should move out of india and live in pak or any nation forever,eternal. that is best way of reducing to some extent muslim population who are breeding like mosquitoes
Our View
by Sakhi Sawant on Apr 16, 2010 12:23 AM | Hide replies
Sania or any other girl can marry with anyone, hindu, mozlem, anybody.
But when it comes to national pride, she should have re-considered her decision.
Not because of any politics but look at 2 countries.
India, safe for all. No restrictions on wearing clothes, parties anything. Sania has enjoyed all this.
Pakistan, restrictions for all & no one is safe.
No compare these 2 people.
Sania - Avg tennis player (from world perspective), tennis star/role model (from Indian perspective).
Shoaib - Avg cricker (from all perspectives). Banned from cricket.
Moreover married with one girl from hyderabad already.
He is a wrong choice for Sania.
Her life will not be filled with stardom now.
She will not get privileges in Dubai like India.
Her carrier will last hardly for next 5 years.
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Good riddance
by bharatmeradesh on Apr 15, 2010 11:50 PM | Hide replies | Hide message
More and more Mullis need to be encouraged to leave India and marry Porkis. Also shows the loyalty Of These Traitors. No matter how much you give to them in India, during war they will side With Porkis.
When an Indian girl marries a Pakistani boy
by such jano on Apr 15, 2010 11:36 PM | Hide replies
many more responses can be found on[ I could'nt put all other comments as they are abuses and spitting venom on Pakistanis and their own muslim community]