Let see how many joined PTI dharna


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
اس فورم کے کتنے لوگ عمران خان کے دھرنے کی حمایت کرتے ہیں؟
Do you support this DHARNA? What you think what impact this DHARNA left?
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Siasat.pk - Blogger
!اسلام و علیکم
میں جاننا چاہتا ہوں کے اس فورم سے کتنے لوگوں نے عمران خان کے دھرنے میں شرکت کی

wait for few days let members come back from dharna.

secondly we are outside pakistan , but if we were we would have participated.

your question should have been..
HOW MANY OF MEMBERS OF THIS FORUM SUPPORT THIS DHARA and you will get ur answer very quickly


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
My full support is with Imran Khan. Because he is worried about future of Pakistan, and he is sincere to Pakistan.
Pakistan ZindaBad


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
First impact of this dharna.



MPA (400+ posts)
Hairat hay is sawal par i mean if one is doing some effort to stop innocent killings then who in a sane mind can ask, you should not ask innocent killings stop or weather it is good or bad to stop innocent killngs? kamal a yaar


Minister (2k+ posts)
Witnessing the beginning of Revolution by sitting in Karachi

I was a bit disappointed that I can't join my friends on ground who were going for 2-days Dharna(sit-in) against Drone Attacks in Hayatabad, Peshawar on the call of Chairman Imran Khan to block the NATO Supplies. Workers from all over Pakistan were preparing for the Dharna. Therefore, I decided to do Dharna at my computer and I stopped all my other activities in this regard. I knew that I can still contribute my part by staying here in Karachi and to work for the Web-management and Social Media Team of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI). It is acclaimed by all the serious observers that PTI has the most updated Website/Social Media among other parties in Pakistan. It is really great because all other parties have paid employees for this job; whereas in PTI we have all volunteers, no one is paid to maintain our Social Media. And the major reason is we have devoted volunteers who are working for the better Pakistan through the platform of PTI.

Before the event, we had made teams to delegate the work. There were teams already working i.e. Web Video Team, News Posting Team, Social Media Team, and the most important Ground team which was giving us minute-to-minute updates. We had to have much better coordination between all of us. And the problem was I was part of all these team except the Ground team. Web Video Team is led by Umar Murtaza(Rawalpindi) and other guys are Usman Razzaq(Khushab), Rizwan Chauhdry(Islamabad) and me. But Umar Murtaza was also going to the Dharna so the work load was on three of us. We had also planned to have a live streaming for the website but due to technical issue we couldn't implement it. Muhammad Nadeem & Umar Murtaza were on the field to make it possible but due to the poor wireless internet service in that area we were unable to provide that service to our website viewers.

When the caravan led by Chairman Imran Khan from Islamabad our update service was started. Media coverage was not satisfactory but we were updating everyone on Website, Facebook & Twitter. We made an update page on the homepage to share the information from ground to our supporters living in different parts of world. In this regard, our News Posting Team did a brilliant job by keeping everyone updated on the website. News Posting Team included Myself, Hammad Cheema (KSA), Imran Ghazali (Karachi), Asad Mahmood (UK) and Umair Khan (Karachi).

Role of Social Media Team was very essential both on Facebook & Twitter. On Facebook we had Mubashir (Karachi), Momina Khawar (Islamabad), Sadia Agha (Karachi), Adil Bawany (Karachi), Atta-ur-Rehman (Sialkot), Hassan Ali (Sialkot), Ehsen Naveed Irfan (Abbottabad), Umair Ashraf (Jeddah), Munzir Naqvi (USA), Seher Khurshid (Lahore), Imran Ghazali and Myself. We had gained more than 3 thousands followers on our Official Page (PTIOfficial) in just few hours and on "We Want Imran Khan to be Next PM of Pakistan" the numbers are uncountable. Our updates on Twitter played a very effective part as Twitter is followed by known personalities all over the world and we managed to share updates minute by minute immediately. Because of our instant updates on both Facebook & Twitter, our supporters were criticizing on official pages of TV Anchors and Media Groups for poor coverage. They were getting updates from our pages but from the electronic media. SMS updates from our Facebook & Twitter pages were also circulating. Few friends of mine were sending me all the updates and I had to tell them that I am updating these pages myself so please don't send me these updates. Twitter team included Myself, Munzir Naqvi, Imran Ghazali and Momina Khawar. Some of you must be amazed to know that our Central Secretary General Dr. Arif Alvi was tweeting from the stage and the most famous picture of Imran Khan sleeping at the stage under the sky was actually uploaded by Dr. Arif Alvi from his BlackBerry.His participation on Twitter had been a great help for us as we were not receiving too many pictures or videos from the Dharna spot. Dr. Shireen Mazari was also tweeting on regular intervals and uploaded few pictures too.

The major role was played by the Ground Team. We all must be thankful to all of them without them we were not be able to update our viewers. Ground Team included Kamran Bangash, Farrukh Habib, Afzaal Akram, Batool Janjua, Osama Jalil and Basit Khan. They all were busy at the ground. I saw them in TV reports; Farrukh, Osama, Afzal were raising slogans whereas Batool was raising placards and Kamran was on the stage but they were still sending us updates and it is really phenomenal. You all guys are champs esp you Kamran.

I had joined PTI as a cyber-activist but I turned into ground worker because I felt that we need to have people on ground if we have to bring real change. I still believe in it but having said that I also believe that we can't underrate the importance of technology and its use to spread information.

It was a great example of teamwork and coordination. There must be some room for the improvement but we did everything in the limited resources we had. Will share the stats and figures for the videos and news post likings with you all very soon.

We must also be thankful to those thousands of supporters on Facebook, Twitter and Insaf Forum, who were sharing all the updates on their pages and on SMS also. I guess, there is no such organization in Pakistan working on volunteers on such a huge scale.

Congratulations to the Chairman, Secretary General, Information Secretary and all other brave leaders and comrades of this revolutionary party.

Zindabad Pak Sar Zameen.



Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Hairat hay is sawal par i mean if one is doing some effort to stop innocent killings then who in a sane mind can ask, you should not ask innocent killings stop or weather it is good or bad to stop innocent killngs? kamal a yaar
I think you haven't understand the question. Reason for this question is only to determine who support Imran Khan, this is it. I am not against him.


Minister (2k+ posts)


Senator (1k+ posts)
I am against of this dharna. This will not change anything, Lets take my word and you will see that whats going to happen in coming days

All drone attack approved and give permission prior to drone attack by Pak Army, Lets have a dharna against Pak Army. this is the fact but noone can speak up against this. why dont Imran go against Kiyani and ask for Army general change???????? if he can not stop this

I know the history of Pakistan, This will make some people rich same as Judge case. One person get the Chair and many people die. I am not stupid to support anything like that.