karachi ka aik BETA apne BAAP ko NAWAZ SHARIF ki SIKAYAT kar raha hai




Senator (1k+ posts)
Ask your Nawaz Ganja who is his baap as he was the one who gaveup in Kargil sector....At least we are proud that people from my city can get VVIP protocols in USA despite that person dont even have Bank Balance or even his own house to live while all others can only do is dream....Keep dreaming...


Aur woh jo yeh 12 qatal kar ke south africa baagh gaya tha, by the way i dont like any politicians even nawaz ganja, but i know who is the worse politician party


Senator (1k+ posts)
Aur woh jo yeh 12 qatal kar ke south africa baagh gaya tha, by the way i dont like any politicians even nawaz ganja, but i know who is the worse politician party
12 Qatal kis MQM walay ki baat kar rahay ho app kyun k 12 qatal ka kuch bhi MK k sar pay nahi hai woh koi aur MQM ka leader hoga jis pay 12 qtal ka ILZAAM hoga magar wohi baat hai SIRF ILZAAM koi PROVE nahi kisi ADLAT SAY SAZA NAHI SUNAI GAI bas ILZAAM hai jaisa in pay JINAAHPUR ka ILZAAM tha usi tarhan HAZAROON AUR BHI LAGAY HOAY HAIN.....sab jantay hain k yeh sab POLITICALLY MOTIVATED HAIN jin ki koi haqeeqat nahi siwai anti-MQM propaganda k...


Whatever MK said he is right . Nawaz Ganja is pro taliban. Ye bagir dari la mulla taliban hy.

Video esa laga ra hy jasy abba ney abhi nia computer dila ho. Beta koi ni cheez lao ye bhut porani hogi hy.
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Councller (250+ posts)
THAT WHAT AMERICANS THINK ABOUT YOU. You will never understand............

Pakistan: Information on Mohajir/Muttahida Qaumi Movement-Altaf (MQM-A)

Provide information on the Muttahida Qaumi Movement-Altaf (MQM-A) in Pakistan.



The Muttahida Qaumi Movement-Altaf (MQM-A) has been widely accused of human rights abuses since its founding two decades ago. It claims to represent Mohajirs— Urdu-speaking Muslims who fled to Pakistan from India after the 1947 partition of the subcontinent, and their descendants.

In the mid-1990s, the MQM-A was heavily involved in the widespread political violence that wracked Pakistan's southern Sindh province, particularly Karachi, the port city that is the country's commercial capital. MQM-A militants fought government forces, breakaway MQM factions, and militants from other ethnic-based movements. In the mid-1990s, the U.S. State Department, Amnesty International, and others accused the MQM-A and a rival faction of summary killings, torture, and other abuses (see, e.g., AI 1 Feb 1996; U.S. DOS Feb 1996). The MQM-A routinely denied involvement in violence.


The current MQM-A is the successor to a group called the Mohajir Qaumi Movement (MQM) that was founded by Altaf Hussein in 1984 as a student movement to defend the rights of Mohajirs, who by some estimates make up 60 percent of Karachi's population of twelve million. At the time, Mohajirs were advancing in business, the professions, and the bureaucracy, but many resented the quotas that helped ethnic Sindhis win university slots and civil service jobs. Known in English as the National Movement for Refugees, the MQM soon turned to extortion and other types of racketeering to raise cash. Using both violence and efficient organizing, the MQM became the dominant political party in Karachi and Hyderabad, another major city in Sindh. Just three years after its founding, the MQM came to power in these and other Sindh cities in local elections in 1987 (AI 1 Feb 1996; U.S. DOS Feb 1997, Feb 1999; HRW Dec 1997).

The following year, the MQM joined a coalition government at the national level headed by Benazir Bhutto's Pakistan People's Party (PPP), which took power in elections following the death of military leader General Zia ul-Haq. This marked the first of several times in the 1980s and 1990s that the MQM joined coalition governments in Islamabad or in Sindh province. Meanwhile, violence between the MQM and Sindhi groups routinely broke out in Karachi and other Sindh cities (AI 1 Feb 1996; Jane's 14 Feb 2003).

In 1992, a breakway MQM faction, led by Afaq Ahmed and Aamir Khan, launched the MQM Haqiqi (MQM-H), literally the "real" MQM. Many Pakistani observers alleged that the MQM-H was supported by the government of Pakistan to weaken the main MQM led by Altaf Hussein, which became known as the MQM-A (Jane's 14 Feb 2003). Several smaller MQM factions also emerged, although most of the subsequent intra-group violence involved the MQM-A and the MQM-H (AI 1 Feb 1996; U.S. DOS Feb 1999; Jane's 14 Feb 2003).

Political violence in Sindh intensified in 1993 and 1994 (Jane's 14 Feb 2003). In 1994, fighting among MQM factions and between the MQM and Sindhi nationalist groups brought almost daily killings in Karachi (U.S. DOS Feb 1995). By July 1995, the rate of political killings in the port city reached an average of ten per day, and by the end of that year more than 1,800 had been killed (U.S. DOS Feb 1996).

The violence in Karachi and other cities began abating in 1996 as soldiers and police intensified their crackdowns on the MQM-A and other groups (Jane's 14 Feb 2003). Pakistani forces resorted to staged "encounter killings" in which they would shoot MQM activists and then allege that the killings took place during encounters with militants (U.S. DOS Feb 1996). Following a crackdown in 1997, the MQM-A adopted its present name, the Muttahida Qaumi Movement, or United National Movement, which also has the initials MQM (HRW Dec 1997).

MQM-A leader Hussein fled in 1992 to Britain, where he received asylum in 1999 (Jane's 14 Feb 2003). The MQM-A is not on the U.S. State Department's list of foreign terrorist organizations (U.S. DOS 23 May 2003).

While the multifaceted nature of the violence in Sindh province in the 1980s and 1990s at times made it difficult to pinpoint specific abuses by the MQM-A, the group routinely was implicated in rights abuses. In 1992 after the Sindh government called in the army to crack down on armed groups in the province, facilities were discovered that allegedly were used by the MQM-A to torture and at times kill dissident members and activists from rival groups. In 1996, Amnesty International said that the PPP and other parties were reporting that some of their activists had been tortured and killed by the MQM-A (AI 1 Feb 1996).

The MQM-A and other factions also have been accused of trying to intimidate journalists. In one of the most flagrant cases, in 1990 MQM leader Hussein publicly threatened the editor of the monthly NEWSLINE magazine after he published an article on the MQM's alleged use of torture against dissident members (U.S. DOS Feb 1991). The following year, a prominent journalist, Zafar Abbas, was severely beaten in Karachi in an attack that was widely blamed on MQM leaders angered over articles by Abbas describing the party's factionalization. The same year, MQM activists assaulted scores of vendors selling DAWN, Pakistan's largest English-language newspaper, and other periodicals owned by Herald Publications (U.S. DOS Feb 1992).

The MQM-A has also frequently called strikes in Karachi and other cities in Sindh province and used killings and other violence to keep shops closed and people off the streets. During strikes, MQM-A activists have ransacked businesses that remained open and attacked motorists and pedestrians who ventured outside (U.S. DOS Feb 1996; Jane's 14 Feb 2003).

The MQM-A allegedly raises funds through extortion, narcotics smuggling, and other criminal activities. In addition, Mohajirs in Pakistan and overseas provide funds to the MQM-A through charitable foundations (Jane's 14 Feb 2003).

Since the September 11, 2001 terror attacks on the United States, the MQM-A has been increasingly critical of Islamic militant groups in Pakistan. The MQM-A, which generally has not targeted Western interests, says that it supports the global campaign against terrorism (Jane's 14 Feb 2003).

This response was prepared after researching publicly accessible information currently available to the RIC within time constraints. This response is not, and does not purport to be, conclusive as to the merit of any particular claim to refugee status or asylum.


Amnesty International (AI). HUMAN RIGHTS CRISIS IN KARACHI (1 Feb 1996, ASA 33/01/96), http://web.amnesty.org/library/Index/ENGASA330011996?open&of=ENG-PAK [Accessed 6 Feb 2004]

Human Rights Watch (HRW). WORLD REPORT 1998, "Pakistan" (Dec 1997), http://www.hrw.org/worldreport/Asia-09.htm#P823_214912 [Accessed 6 Feb 2004]

Jane's Information Group (Jane's). JANE'S WORLD INSURGENCY AND TERRORISM-17, "Muthida [sic] Qaumi Movement (MQM-A)" (14 Feb 2003), http://www.janes.com [Accessed 6 Feb 2004]

U.S. Department of State (U.S. DOS). "Foreign Terrorist Organizations" (23 May 2003), http://www.state.gov/s/ct/rls/fs/2003/12389.htm [Accessed 6 Feb 2004]

U.S. Department of State (U.S. DOS). COUNTRY REPORTS ON HUMAN RIGHTS PRACTICES FOR 1998, "Pakistan" (Feb 1999), http://www.state.gov/www/global/human_rights/1998_hrp_report/pakistan.html [Accessed 6 Feb 2004]

U.S. Department of State (U.S. DOS). COUNTRY REPORTS ON HUMAN RIGHTS PRACTICES FOR 1996, "Pakistan" (Feb 1997), http://www.state.gov/www/global/human_rights/1996_hrp_report/pakistan.html [Accessed 6 Feb 2004]

U.S. Department of State (U.S. DOS). COUNTRY REPORTS ON HUMAN RIGHTS PRACTICES FOR 1995, "Pakistan" (Feb 1996), http://dosfan.lib.uic.edu/ERC/democracy/1995_hrp_report/95hrp_report_sasia/Pakistan.html [Accessed 6 Feb 2004]

U.S. Department of State (U.S. DOS). COUNTRY REPORTS ON HUMAN RIGHTS PRACTICES FOR 1994, "Pakistan" (Feb 1995), http://dosfan.lib.uic.edu/ERC/democracy/1994_hrp_report/94hrp_report_sasia/Pakistan.html [Accessed 6 Feb 2004]

U.S. Department of State (U.S. DOS). COUNTRY REPORTS ON HUMAN RIGHTS PRACTICES FOR 1991, "Pakistan" (Feb 1992).

U.S. Department of State (U.S. DOS). COUNTRY REPORTS ON HUMAN RIGHTS PRACTICES FOR 1990, "Pakistan" (Feb 1991).


Jane's Information Group (Jane's). JANE'S WORLD INSURGENCY AND TERRORISM-17, "Muthida [sic] Qaumi Movement (MQM-A)" (14 Feb 2003), http://www.janes.com [Accessed 6 Feb 2004]


am i crying? Really. Qaatal ko qaatal keh raha hoon. That is it. We don't need to prove these murders. We saw on live tv 3 years ago.

I think you were blind that time. 11 mqm workers died in 12th May, MQM published the list of his 11 worker. It has been more than 2 year no one ever claimed other party people died. Can you tell me any name of the person who died and his affiliation to any other party. Ab bhag mat jana jawab dena.

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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
I think you were blind that time. 11 mqm workers died in 12th May, MQM published the list of his 11 worker. It has been more than 2 year no one ever claimed other party people died. Can you tell me any name of the person who died and his affiliation to any other party. Ab bhag mat jana jawab dena.

MQM published a fake list, Jury is copy pasting fake lists here.
Not a single person of such name lives at addresses printed.

no one ever claimed other party people died. Can you tell me any name of the person who died and his affiliation to any other party.
you must been brain dead during this period. PPP, PLMn, JI, ANP all are on record that their party workers died,
get a life you ....


Senator (1k+ posts)
MQM published a fake list, Jury is copy pasting fake lists here.
Not a single person of such name lives at addresses printed.

no one ever claimed other party people died. Can you tell me any name of the person who died and his affiliation to any other party.
you must been brain dead during this period. PPP, PLMn, JI, ANP all are on record that their party workers died,
get a life you ....
At least they published the list what about others who dont even know their workers who died in 12 may????If this is how parties working in Karachi that they dont even know/care about their workers then I think MQM is much better because at least they got eyes on their workers while other parties dont even care who is working for their party and what that worker is doing in case their are criminals in their party then what will happened???They will use their political resources to get their criminals out and this will encourage their workers to do more crimes as they have their party protection while in case of MQM at least they would be warned that do nothing without any permission of the party.....


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
THAT WHAT AMERICANS THINK ABOUT YOU. You will never understand............

Pakistan: Information on Mohajir/Muttahida Qaumi Movement-Altaf (MQM-A)

Provide information on the Muttahida Qaumi Movement-Altaf (MQM-A) in Pakistan.




Amnesty International (AI). HUMAN RIGHTS CRISIS IN KARACHI (1 Feb 1996, ASA 33/01/96),
http://web.amnesty.org/library/Index/ENGASA330011996?open&of=ENG-PAK [Accessed 6 Feb 2004]

Human Rights Watch (HRW). WORLD REPORT 1998, "Pakistan" (Dec 1997),
http://www.hrw.org/worldreport/Asia-09.htm#P823_214912 [Accessed 6 Feb 2004]

Jane's Information Group (Jane's). JANE'S WORLD INSURGENCY AND TERRORISM-17, "Muthida [sic] Qaumi Movement (MQM-A)" (14 Feb 2003),
http://www.janes.com [Accessed 6 Feb 2004]

U.S. Department of State (U.S. DOS). "Foreign Terrorist Organizations" (23 May 2003),
http://www.state.gov/s/ct/rls/fs/2003/12389.htm [Accessed 6 Feb 2004]

U.S. Department of State (U.S. DOS). COUNTRY REPORTS ON HUMAN RIGHTS PRACTICES FOR 1998, "Pakistan" (Feb 1999),
[Accessed 6 Feb 2004]
U.S. Department of State (U.S. DOS). COUNTRY REPORTS ON HUMAN RIGHTS PRACTICES FOR 1996, "Pakistan" (Feb 1997), http://www.state.gov/www/global/human_rights/1996_hrp_report/pakistan.html
[Accessed 6 Feb 2004]
U.S. Department of State (U.S. DOS). COUNTRY REPORTS ON HUMAN RIGHTS PRACTICES FOR 1995, "Pakistan" (Feb 1996), http://dosfan.lib.uic.edu/ERC/democracy/1995_hrp_report/95hrp_report_sasia/Pakistan.html [Accessed 6 Feb 2004]

U.S. Department of State (U.S. DOS). COUNTRY REPORTS ON HUMAN RIGHTS PRACTICES FOR 1994, "Pakistan" (Feb 1995),
http://dosfan.lib.uic.edu/ERC/democracy/1994_hrp_report/94hrp_report_sasia/Pakistan.html [Accessed 6 Feb 2004]

U.S. Department of State (U.S. DOS). COUNTRY REPORTS ON HUMAN RIGHTS PRACTICES FOR 1991, "Pakistan" (Feb 1992).

U.S. Department of State (U.S. DOS). COUNTRY REPORTS ON HUMAN RIGHTS PRACTICES FOR 1990, "Pakistan" (Feb 1991).


Jane's Information Group (Jane's). JANE'S WORLD INSURGENCY AND TERRORISM-17, "Muthida [sic] Qaumi Movement (MQM-A)" (14 Feb 2003),
http://www.janes.com [Accessed 6 Feb 2004]

روزنامہ امت اخبار میں بروز ہفتہ، دسمبر 2008 کو ایک رپورٹ شائع ہوئی، جسے "اختیار احمد دہلوی" صاحب نے "البرٹا" سے پیش کی تھی۔

اس رپورٹ میں یہ بتانے کی کوشس کی گئ
"امریکی اداروں اور اقوام متحدہ نے ایم کیو ایم کو دہشتگرد قرار دے دیا

امت اخبار کے اختیار احمد دہلوی صاحب کو جواب

قارئین، اخیتار صاحب نے تین اداروں/ملکوں کا ذکر کیا ہے۔​
1۔ امریکن ہوم لینڈ سیکورٹی [جس نے سب سے پہلے یہ رپورٹ لکھی]
2۔ اقوام متحدہ کا ادارہ برائے مہاجرین UNHCR [انہوں نے امریکن ہوم لینڈ سیکورٹی کی اسی رپورٹ کو اپنا ماخذ بنایا
3۔ اور کینیڈا، جس نے اختیار صاحب کے مطابق UNHCR کی اسی رپورٹ کو بنیاد بناتے ہوئے متحدہ کے کارکنوں کو سیاسی پناہ دینے سے انکار کر دیا۔
چنانچہ تینوں اداروں کا دارومدار صرف اور صرف ایک "رپورٹ" پر ہے جو کہ امریکن ہوم لینڈ سیکورٹی نے لکھی ہے۔
امریکن ہوم لینڈ سیکورٹی کی رپورٹ کی "اصل حقیقت"

امت اخبار نے اپنا سارا زور ان تین بڑے بڑے اداروں کے ناموں کی تعریف و توصیف پر خرچ کیا ہے، مگر جو اصل ایشو تھا، یعنی بذات خود یہ "رپورٹ" اسکی حقیقت بیان نہیں کی ہے۔ اور کرتے بھی کیسے، انکا قلعی نہ کھل جاتی۔

اب ذرا آنکھیں کھول کر اور دل تھام کر اس رپورٹ کی حقیقت پڑھیں، اور امت اخبار نے جو اس میں بڑے بڑے ناموں کی تعریف کا مرچ مسالہ لگا رکھا ہے، حقیقت کو اس سے الگ کر کے دیکھیں:

(1۔ امریکن ہوم لینڈ سیکورٹی کی اس رپورٹ کو بذات خود "امریکی حکومت" نے تسلیم نہیں کیا ہے اور اسے بنیاد بناتے ہوئے متحدہ کو دہشتگرد تنظیم قرار نہیں دیا ہے۔

۔ اس "کیوں" کا جواب یہ ہے کہ ہوم لینڈ میں جس امریکی آفیسر نے بھی یہ رپورٹ لکھی ہے:
۔ اُسے پاکستان اور کراچی کے حالات کے بیک گراؤنڈ کی ذرا برابر بھی خبر نہیں۔
۔ یہ امریکی آفیسر ایک مرتبہ بھی بذات خود پاکستان نہیں آیا ہے اور نہ ہی اسے کراچی کی فضاؤں کی خبر ہے۔
۔ بلکہ اس نے پوری کی پوری رپورٹ امریکہ میں موجود اپنے آفس کی میز پر کمپیوٹر کے سامنے بیٹھ کر لکھی ہے۔
۔ اور اس رپورٹ کو لکھنے کے لیے اسکے پاس وقت کی بھی ایک معیاد مقرر تھی اس لیے یہ تحقیق بھی ٹھیک طرح نہیں کر سکا۔
۔ اور سب سے بڑی بات یہ کہ یہ رپورٹ انصاف کی سب سے بڑی شق سے خالی ہے کہ جس کے مطابق کسی بھی فریق کے خلاف کوئی فیصلہ سنانے سے قبل اس کو اپنی صفائی کا پورا موقع دیا جانا چاہیے۔
چنانچہ اس رپورٹ کا سب سے بڑا منفی پہلو یہ ہے کہ اس میں فریق مخالف کا مؤقف سنا ہی نہیں گیا ہے۔

اپنی اس رپورٹ میں یہ امریکی آفیسر واضح طور پر لکھتا ہے:

This response was prepared after researching publicly accessible information currently available to the RIC within time constraints. This response is not, and does not purport to be, conclusive as to the merit of any particular claim to refugee status or asylum
۔ پھر انہی رپورٹوں میں متحدہ کے ساتھ ساتھ بینظیر اور نواز شریف کی کراچی میں حکومتی ریاستی دہشتگردی کا بھی ذکر ہے جو کہ گورنمنٹ فورسز کی طرف سے کی گئی۔
آخر میں یاد دھانی کرا دوں کہ
امریکی سفیر حال ہی میں مصطفی کمال کے ساتھ کراچی دورے پر نکلے ہوئے تھے اور متحدہ کی شہری حکومت کی کارکردگی سے بہت مطمئین اور خوش تھے اور اسے سراہا رہے تھے۔
اور یورپین یونین سے فرانسیسی سفیر نے بھی مصطفی کمال کے ساتھ دورہ کیا اور انکے بھی یہی تاثرات تھے۔

اسکے لگتا نہیں کہ متحدہ کے دشمنوں کی دلی مرادیں بر آنے کا کوئی امکان ہے۔



Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Imran Khan, when his party needs him for elections in NA-123, left his Party, Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf (PTI) and Party Workers on Election Day and went to UK where he is campaigning for a Jew for elections, who is also the Brother of his wife Jemima.

Frank Zacharias Robin Goldsmith, a Jew by religion is using Imran Khan for getting MUSLIMS votes, Imran Khan also took him to the Mosque, It is still unclear what Imran Khan is getting in return.

