Jihad or Fasad


Voter (50+ posts)
Jihad or Fasad
By no stretch of imagination the ruthless killing of the innocent Pakistani security personnels & civilians can be termed as Jihad. It is fasad of very high grade and its committer must be called fasadi and they must not be called jihadi. Even during the real Jihad killing of aged persons, women and children is strictly prohibited, let alone the killing of their own kith & kin.
In fact Allah Almighty has provided the most horrible punishment in the Holy Quran for commission of fasad fee al ard. Allah Almighty says: The only reward of those who make war upon Allah and His messenger and strive after corruption in the land will be that they will be killed or crucified, or have their hands and feet on alternate sides cut off, or will be expelled out of the land. Such will be their degradation in the world, and in the Hereafter theirs will be an awful doom (Surah Al-Maidah: 5-33).
The silent (senseless more appropriately) majority must now break their criminal silence and come forward for coping with the hired terrorists if not; they will be itemized in the list of stubborn negligent or hypocrites. The extremist lot is comprised of handful mentally retarded people but they have equipped with loudspeaker size mouths and are outfitted with the power of ruckus & noise. They are constantly hunting and infecting with the disease the minds of youth folk. We must differentiate between Jihad & Fasad. The vicious-mullahs (ullama-e-soo viz vicious-savants) and Jamatees must not overlook that they are wreaking havoc upon fellow Muslims more brutally than the Zionist Jews and Brahman Hindus.
If in-depth analyses are carried out it will be dawn upon every one that JI has been holding the rank of Cain (Qabil- Prophet Adam pbuhs son) in culpable terrorism in the country, region and the world at large, which the later have won in culpable homicide in human history.
JI is the dangerous termites for Pakistan. I have been with them for years in my youth; I swear I have never ever witnessed such a bogus species anywhere in the world. They are so shameless, senseless, and baseless. They are so ridiculous, and uproarious. They are dope and without any hope of recovery. It is high time to be exposed and stripped-down the ugliest face of this satanic cult; JI- termites for Islam, Pakistan and Humanity.

Star Gazer

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Jihad or Fasad

By no stretch of imagination the ruthless killing of the innocent Pakistani security personnels & civilians can be termed as Jihad. It is fasad of very high grade and its committer must be called fasadi and they must not be called jihadi. Even during the real Jihad killing of aged persons, women and children is strictly prohibited, let alone the killing of their own kith & kin.
In fact Allah Almighty has provided the most horrible punishment in the Holy Quran for commission of fasad fee al ard. Allah Almighty says: The only reward of those who make war upon Allah and His messenger and strive after corruption in the land will be that they will be killed or crucified, or have their hands and feet on alternate sides cut off, or will be expelled out of the land. Such will be their degradation in the world, and in the Hereafter theirs will be an awful doom (Surah Al-Maidah: 5-33).
The silent (senseless more appropriately) majority must now break their criminal silence and come forward for coping with the hired terrorists if not; they will be itemized in the list of stubborn negligent or hypocrites. The extremist lot is comprised of handful mentally retarded people but they have equipped with loudspeaker size mouths and are outfitted with the power of ruckus & noise. They are constantly hunting and infecting with the disease the minds of youth folk. We must differentiate between Jihad & Fasad. The vicious-mullahs (ullama-e-soo viz vicious-savants) and Jamatees must not overlook that they are wreaking havoc upon fellow Muslims more brutally than the Zionist Jews and Brahman Hindus.
If in-depth analyses are carried out it will be dawn upon every one that JI has been holding the rank of Cain (Qabil- Prophet Adam pbuhs son) in culpable terrorism in the country, region and the world at large, which the later have won in culpable homicide in human history.
JI is the dangerous termites for Pakistan. I have been with them for years in my youth; I swear I have never ever witnessed such a bogus species anywhere in the world. They are so shameless, senseless, and baseless. They are so ridiculous, and uproarious. They are dope and without any hope of recovery. It is high time to be exposed and stripped-down the ugliest face of this satanic cult; JI- termites for Islam, Pakistan and Humanity.

For the first part of your writting I agree with you but as you decended upon JI I think you are being partiall. JI must have it's rogue elements but so do many more. If the verdict of an ex. member is to be taken as evidence then there are many who are from some other political parties and some deeni ones too. In the name of fairness please name all of them and hold them equally responsible and accountable.

Zeeshan Khan

Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
I agree with Abisafyan 101% on this. He has very rightly put together crucial elements of Islamic philosophy on ‘jihad’ in this concise piece. The ruthless killings of civilian and security personals can never be termed as ‘jihad’, as pointed out by the writer. It is highly encouraging to see that the writer was once a part of an Islamic organization but now he clearly refutes their principles. Slowly and gradually this nation will awake to these truths and move to a more liberal way which indeed will be our way to prosperity. Once again, brave effort Abisafyan.

Ammar isb

Councller (250+ posts)
The religious extremists have distorted the image of Islam and they have used Jihad to fuel their own interests. These are the enemies of Islam and Pakistan for they have killed more innocent civilians then the “supposed” enemies of Pakistan. Such elements have no sympathy of the masses and they can no longer fool us!
