Jang doing propaganda against Amnesty Scheme


Minister (2k+ posts)
Asset declaration is time taking process and its pretty normal to receive low declaration in first week as people are busy filling forms and taking legal advice but just after one week of fbr launching the forms jang has declared it as failed scheme. Intellectual dishonesty at its best


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Minister (2k+ posts)
I'm actually shocked that 1000+ applications have already been received in a week given that we pakistani's usually like to do shit at the last moment!

It doesn't matter what Jang says! The people who have received notices from FBR during the last month know that this is their only face-saving option!


Senator (1k+ posts)
Asset declaration is time taking process and its pretty normal to receive low declaration in first week as people are busy filling forms and taking legal advice but just after one week of fbr launching the forms jang has declared it as failed scheme. Intellectual dishonesty at its best


عمران خان نے کہا تھا 'میں ان کو رلاؤں گا' مگر یہاں تو الٹا ہو رہا ہے۔ جنگ والے تم لوگوں کو رلا رہے ہیں۔

fawad ali

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Time will tell. Not a single amnesty scheme has worked in Pakistan and there is a reason for it. Because they know that if they do not avail this scheme, nothing will happen. No one can dare touch them. This confidence is still there


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
everything slows down during Ramadan. This amnesty scheme should have been announced in November of last year and ended by 31st December 2018.


Minister (2k+ posts)
This is ill advised amnesty by FBR. People voted PTI to get back the looted money and assets from the corrupt elite not to give them amnesty. Once people will have no issue paying taxes once they see the corrupt elite being forced to pay taxes. But unfortunately PTI atm like JKT Aleem Khan and Azam Swati type elite will not let it happened.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Nawaz was chosen by General Zia for his Low IQ coz Gen. Zia wanted a 'damp squib' who never had any political experience or political struggle & would simply serve his Master Gen. Zia, that just what Nawaz did till death of Gen. Zia, even after his death.

Nawaz's contributions in Pakistan's politics:

Nawaz introduced so-called 'Horse Trading' in politics. First time Pakistanis had witnessed "Changa Manga ki Siasat" in Pakistan. (buying MPs & MNAs with a briefcase full of money)

Nawaz invented "Lifafa Journalism." By bribing media house with Govt. advertisements & by buying TV Anchors & Columnists with Lifafa full of money he literary diminished the ethics & integrity of entire print & electronic media.

Noora undermined Pakistani Judicial system by attacking Apex court. Nawaz Sharif & his PMLN party attacked Supreme Court Judge Sajjad Ali Shah in November 1997

In 1998 chief justice of the Lahore High Court Justice Qayyum was called by Shahbaz on behalf of Nawaz to fix five years jail term for Zardari (first time in the history of Pakistan) & Justice Qayyum obliged, thus demolished the very Judicial ethics.

Architect of 'Saazishi politics': Nawaz & his party PMLN instigated Saazishi politics in Pakistan, they planed & collaborated with nondemocratic forces to bring down PPP government not once but twice. Later on, the same procedure was applied by Benazir Bhutto to dismiss Nawaz’s Govt.

Destroying Institutions: Nawaz & Shahbaz systematically destroyed all state institutions of Pakistan...NAB, SECP, NEPRA, OGRA, NADRA, FBR, ECP. Punjab Police, PIA, Pakistan Steel Mills, State Bank of Pakistan by putting their front men,
without merit, in those institutions.

Compromises on Pakistan's security: Dawn Leaks controversy reflects the mindset of Sharif family i.e. Nawaz & Mariyam Safdar. How they paint the Pak army negatively in the newspaper with fabricated planted stories.

Times of India writes:
"Modi, Sharif had hour-long ‘secret’ meeting during Saarc 2014.
Narendra Modi and his Pakistani counterpart Nawaz Sharif held an hour-long secret
meeting on the sidelines of the Saarc summit in Kathmandu."
Hindustan Times writes in April 2017:

Steel tycoon Naveen Jindal's brother Sajjan "secretly" met with Pakistan prime minister Nawaz Sharif on Wednesday at Murree. Only two other persons were presented in the meeting other than Nawaz, Shahbaz Sharif & Maryam Safdar.
Subjects of the meeting still unknown to Pakistanis.

After Nawaz's ouster from PM office, an Indian diplomat said on an Indian TV talk show, 'Nawaz's removal will be a big setback for Indian as we (Indians) had invested on him to a great degree.

Till today Nawaz never made any comment on Kulbhushan Jadhav the Indian spy. For him, Modi's loyalty is more important than Pakistan.

During his four and half years of PM-ship, there was no Foreign Minister for Pakistan. He never appointed one. There was nobody to counter anti-Pakistan propaganda in international forums. This was done by design to allow Indian narratives to win over Pakistan's narratives.

What should you call Nawaz? the Nelson Mandela, Che Guevara of Pakistan or
Mir Jafar.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Today the biggest enemies of the country are Geo-Jang and Dawn. India does not need Raw these days. They have invested wisely in these two groups. What the hell is IB , MI and ISI doing?


MPA (400+ posts)
ایک وقت میں میر جعفر اور میر صادق تھے، آج ان کے نام تقریبا وہی ہیں دیکھنے کی نگاہ چاہیے ، جنگ اخبار انتہائی بے غیرت ترین اخبار ہے ، ان کا اخبار روز کسی نہ کسی اینڈین خبر کو لگاتا ہے اور پسِ پردہ پاکستان کے دشمنوں کا ساتھ دیتا ہے، میں لعنت بھیجتا ہوں اِس اخبار کے ایڈیٹر "میر" پر قوم کو ایک خاص طریقے سے برباد کرنے کا زمہ دار ہے
