Its useless to blam musharraf for the benazir murder


Councller (250+ posts)
ZARDARI murdered Benazir now he is blaming Musharraf coz he knows he is an easy target for Pakistani awam. But how silly our awam is!


y we dont have to blame him, he put our country on distruction way, and u people say he is the innocent and good, shame on u people how support him, u have to go infront of ALLAH. plz try to understand difference in good and bad. By the way he is resposible for everything which is happening in pakistan, remember ur 4 khalifah, ur KHALIFAH HAZART UMER FAROOQ (AS) said, words r like that " IF THERE IS ANY HUMAN OR ANIMAL SLEEP HUNGRY ,THEN AS A KAHLIFAH I HAVE TO GIVE ANSWER TO ALLAH Y THEY SLEPT HUNGRY. plz think like a muslim not as a fan of politician.


MPA (400+ posts)
She is dead, they should let her be.
I think i found a letter where she wrote that she was missing Zardari and wanted him to join her. And her corupt brother Nawaz too. She is lonley with out them, i hope they will join her soon. So we can blame that on Musharaf too:)


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
She is dead, they should let her be.
I think i found a letter where she wrote that she was missing Zardari and wanted him to join her. And her corupt brother Nawaz too. She is lonley with out them, i hope they will join her soon. So we can blame that on Musharaf too:)

lolz wah bahut khoob :)


MPA (400+ posts)
Who else to blame? Why did he got the spot cleaned up within 30 mins? It was his government.

Just answer this question and could go free ;) eventhough there a lot that he has to answer


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)



MPA (400+ posts)
look guys every body has his own opinion and i am proud to be a FOLLOWER OF MR MUSHARRAF,

he has nothing to do with benazir,s death,

please leave her in peace, she was a leader.



Senator (1k+ posts)
We as a Nation are paying the price of many things that happened during the military rule. The present water crisis that we are facing (according to my understanding ) is the result of the Indus Basin treaty signed during the tenure of Gen. Ayub . No need to talk about Gen. Zia Sb's time as everyone knows about it. Gen. Musharraf Sb's decisions are already affecting us. And, I am not sure what will be the situation in the next 15 years.
Personally speaking, I don t see Gen. Musharraf returning to Pakistan. And even if he does, any Zardari like accident can work for him otherwise he has no chance.


Senator (1k+ posts)
This is the problem of Pakistan. We have mixed view of how government should be. Some people are of predominantly Arab idea thinking that anyone powerful enough to go make the government should rule the country (dictatorship) and others believe in more Islamic system of democracy. Whatever, your likes and dislikes are, whether or not you are seduced by the charms of Musharaf, no country should go against their constitution. Dictatorship is against the spirit and constitution of Pakistan. Pakistan will be out of its turmoil when you people have learned just that.


Councller (250+ posts)
Every body has forget Benazir lead the most corrupt government in Pakistan. Now She, have died, she is martyr. She was responsible for killings which took place in Karachi & elsewhere. She was responsible for supporting land mafia in KHI. All politicians of Pakistan are corrupt. Jaise karne waise bharni.
