Isnt this was expected from two major parties?? ....


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Me and I am sure most of the people are not surprised at all the way Two major politicical parties are behaving today ////

Fighting and Tug of war for nothing .. who is preventing these parties to ammend the constitution or what ever they want to do with judiciary ....

This era is even worst than 90s ..the way parties are behaving ..... I see no body coming on TV talking about investing in education and health ...

no body is talking about plan for economic revival ...

The Media is also not taking any interest in the above serious problems of our country rather than giving us the breaking news that Nawaz yelled at zardaari and Zardaari yelled at nawaaz...

I will say Atleast before 2008 there was stability , definitely not caos like this....

I see imran Khan interviews , he speaks in very idealistic way , thats good.. but tell me honestly will he ever be able to win the majority seats in NA to make government ..this is a very remote possibility ...even he wins major portion of the NA we has to work with same old political parties..

And why Nawaz sharif is getting old fashioned now ...... this is not 90s where you can come out on streets and do jalsa jalooos ...

I need you all to comment what we have to plan for this country , what we can do to defeat corruption ,help ourself and help others..Do remember we are 160 millions hard working nation and no body can deny that ... "hamaari kismat hamaray hee haath main hai "..

God only help those who help themselves...


Councller (250+ posts)
brother the situation got even worse after the ineligibility of the Sharif bros. I seriously think that only if PPP had fulfilled its promises made on Charter of Democracy, we would have had a peaceful political environment. I fully support the long march.

I agree with you that media and everyone else has put their focus only on judiciary but do not forget independent judiciary has always been a key to success for every nation. I dont see how a puppet judiciary will ever allow us to bring change be it social or political change in the society. Who will keep a check on the corrupt politicians?

There is no short cut we all no that. All political parties at some point started with few supporters. If we all believe Imran Khan is a man of his word than support him. I have heard it on forums, political shows etc that Imran Khan does not have enough support. Do we have any better choice? Lets say we give up on Imran Khan and say that vote for someone who can atleast represent us in National Assembly, to me its Nawaz Sharif, others will have their on favorites. This will go on forever until we unite behind a person who speaks the truth.

I am waiting to see how many Tehreek-e-Insaaf workers show up on long march. Imran Khan has claimed that his supporters will be greatest in number. People who support him but doubt his strength, its a good chance to see how much he popularity he has gained since past year. My number one leader is Imran Khan than Nawaz Sharif. The only possible way for us to bring change is to vote.


Minister (2k+ posts)
It is what was expected from zardari.He is not trustworthy and never was.Shareefs should have known that.
Anyway,first of all we have to help restore the judiciary of 2nd of november 07.No compromise on that,becouse if we compromise, then we can say good bye to indipendent judiciary for ever.No judge will ever take a stand against anybody.
Without independence of judiciary no rule of law and without rol. no peace.No peace no investment and jobs.
There for judiciary is the key.
And about IK I will say no body is born with a majority of voters behind him or her, we have to make him win if we think he can deliver.


New Member
Salam all
I am sure that ppl who visit this site must be aware of terms, zionism, dajjal, freemasonry and there agenda that they want to control the whole world and want to be yhe sole powers.these think tanks are israelis and they body they use is US.
Evrything was fine for them until the nuclear experiments by the Pakistan,This shook them and forced them to change there strategies.and with this they choke out another plan and on 9/11, they struck the US so that they can come close to pak to invade it thru afganistan.And on that they asked the Pak govt and on just one fone call our conurntry surrendered and according to americans as qouted by General Hameed Gul they said that " our biggest victory was to kneel down pakistan on just one threating cal". after this Our beloved president Musharraf became a permanent ally of the dajjal. This mushraaf sent his one more agent salman taser in logically this became anotehr ally of musharraf and in turn dajjal.and cuz of this Us there was deal of NRO, and the fremasnory were sucessful to deploy there puppets in paksitan.and the attack on srilankan team is purely the game of dajjal behind which there is Mosad, RAW and other International agenices.
This salman tasser created such a situation tht delibertaly there were no backup force behind the team and with the team there was security just by name.I am sure tht our president and governer are invovled in this attack, and it is a futhur step of freemasonray to make justifications to attack Pkaistan and then its nuclear assests.
keeping this in background the PML is doing at the moment which is better for the country( Plzz keep in min tht I am not supporting or degrading any poloical party, just giving points to ponder and decide urself).The thing is tht both parties are corrupt but sahrif family has some religious enivroment and they fear the threats to pakistan and can see the better picture.Now it depends on us how we behavve on 16th march and get this govt knocked.Plzz keep in mind PML , tht if u repeated same policies we are going to do same with you.The politician which I can see verbally is Imran Khan, we have to give himn a chance. Now we are not tht nation who can be fooled , we are now aware of the facts and wont support any ploiticain who will be a threat to pakistan.
And I have a good news for our nation that wats our destiny,It is stated in haidth .Prophet said"Zamanae e akhir main musalaman-e hind kufar-e-hind ko shikast dae kar ,sham main maryam ka bete ki madada karen gaey"
This is the bright future of our country and the gud look of our army.In these 60 years the dirt we have been facing is now being filtering out, these seculars and mullhas gonna be finsihed and we youngsters with awareness will be selecting our leaders.Just give u an example In present PML the dirt ws the forward block of PML (N) and I am sure than when ever this govt will end, the PPP will be no more and these are the some last moments of PPP.
If PML did same and didnt stand agaisnt US for sake of Pakistan , again it will be facing same end as of PPP.So youngsters You are the future of Pkaistan , U have got the power of vote, and the power to compel the govt to do what is better for Pakistan .


Minister (2k+ posts)
They don't care about the pakistanis because they all belong to elite class. They think they are "ashraful makhlooqat" and common pakistanis are "hashratul Arz". They are blood sucker of this nation.
You know what is the solution? Do not vote them!!!
This is a war against the corrupt system brother, and to win this war we all common citizens have to fight together through the vote.
Now the argument is that the 70% of the Pakistan's population lives in the villages and they are under full control of jagirdar politicians. So, we can not expect any immediate change from these poor and "out of the reach of education" pakistanis. But what about the people live in the cities?(they are 30%)
Especially in Punjab, where in about after every 100 kilometer there is a small or a big city, and there is some kind of freedom and education there. We have to utilise our available resources. and we have to fight with our best weapons.
In the next local body or general elections, we have to mobilze these urban area people to come out and vote for the change. Ask them to not to vote again these corrupt ones. This time try some thing new, try Imran Khan and his party. If he is "sachcha" in his words, then let's give him a try. If he is able to deliver in the citicies of Punjab (Start with Punjab as this province has more cities than any other province) then the message will spread very fast to other parts of the country.

To prove my solution I have a very nice strong working model in our own country. That is present city Govt. Karachi (I know people will start abusing me on this but for the sake of Pakistan, I don't care about these hates).

This is our right to have every opposition with MQM and former president Musharaf, but the fact is Musharaf never put hardles against the city govt. karachi, he just let them work, and now we see the result. They are delivering at their full. In only three years what they have done in the development of Karachi, was never be done before. Because Karachi was under the control of these corrupt politicians but MQM has sent very comon people to the govt. They know the real problems, they are local to the people and now they are serving them.
Go to Karachi now, and see the difference.