Mugal1, looking at the face of Pervaiz is not a priority in my life. Why should I bother to listen to a person who has no knowledge, education or understanding of the Holy Quran? As for the non-sense on "forces of nature" BS, humans know very little about the universe. Anyone making definite statements like "Angels" are forces of nature and only mentioned as metaphor in the Holy Quran, is totally misguided and also misguiding others.
Here is something, which may make you think, I know you are beyond redemption after listening to idiot like Pervaiz but may be, just may be!!
There are numerous Ahdiths which described that the Angels are beings created from light. Their physical attributes are not visible to human, but they are capable to reveal themselves.
43:19And [yet] they claim that the Angels - who in themselves are but beings created by the Most Gracious - are females: [but] did they witness their creation? This false claim of theirs will be recorded, and they will be called to account [for it on Judgment Day]!
Forces of nature are not beings.
25:22 [Yet] on that Day - the Day on which they shall see the Angels there will be no glad tiding for those who were lost in sin; and they will exclaim, By a forbidding ban [are we from Gods grace debarred]!
So, on the day of Judgement when we shall see the Angels, there would be no glad tiding for you, whatsoever.
I suggest you keep yourself in the darkness and keep believing in liars like Mirza or Pervaiz, good luck to you.
The fact is the Holy Quran mentioned that Prophet SAW, saw Gabriel AS twice in his AS true form. Once during his As descend when the whole visible spectrum was filled with his As presence. Ahadiths traditions tell us, he AS had 600 wings.
We as Muslim have to believe in every Word of the Holy Quran. Prophet SAW was not seeing "Forces of nature" in their true form. He has described to the Sahabas the shape and nature of Gabriel As.
And when the Holy Quran decree us to believe in Allah SWT, in His Prophets, in His revelations and in His Angels, all the other three are realities, so why only the Angels would be "forces of nature"?
Don't tell me you believe that Allah SWT is also a "Force of Nature" or "Nature" itself is God ( nauzobillah). I am sure after following Mirza and Pervaiz nothing is beyond you.