Interpol 'not given Mumbai data'


Senator (1k+ posts)
As per BBC website, India has not shared any information with Pakistan and the Interpol, pertaining to the Mumbai attacks. All the information accessible by the Interpol has been obtained by it via Indian media. This contradicts the Indian propaganda that Pakistan has been provided enough evidence to take action, and the British and the American claims that there are enough facts available for Pakistan to "do more." This also proves that the Indian media plays a role of the Indian government's arm when it comes to propaganda machine. If you are a Pakistani living abroad then please forward the following article to the journalists in your area, who cover global issues. The link is provided below:

Sher Khan


Voter (50+ posts)
I am not sure, what India is on about. They keep asking Pakistan to do more or they will do it themselves. Do they think, they are the USA? They can do anything without giving us a proof.

Indian needs to shut up and provide some proof!