India's interference in Pakistan - India must decide: Tiger Economy or under Talibans regime!!!!!!!


Re: India must decide: Tiger Economy or under Talibans regime!!!!!!!!!

Its bi party treaty and such treaty can be scrapped if either of the members refuse to follow it.
why india should have treaty with pakistan?China has no treaty of rivers with india,They continue to absorb all water of brahmputra and other rivers!!

you are full of hollow consequences!!Let BJP come into power,we will demand first for those criminals and if pakistan reject,we will scrap the treaty!!

Bro you never go back from a treaty regardless of other problems or issues. India and China are operating under international law of water sharing so far they have not violated it.


Re: India must decide: Tiger Economy or under Talibans regime!!!!!!!!!

Bro you never go back from a treaty regardless of other problems or issues. India and China are operating under international law of water sharing so far they have not violated it.

China and India have no water sharing deal !!
China continues to be making 100 dams on rivers which flow to india


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)

Being stupid and being JAHIL are two different qualities....but when they club together.....make people an AVATAR in fools paradise....
thats where whole world found you people today when they caught you RED handed sleeping with OBL

you people will go to war with america and china will jump into that???????? and india becomes sandwich....hahaha

china can't dare to capture TAIWAN ( a 100 km lengthy country) and u people dreaming CHINA jumping with you in a hell.

GOD is one....he don't discriminate with his creation.....if he does....he can't be GOD.....
this is where muslim societies started declining when they were fed by jahil mullas that victory is GUARANTEED for the Muslims.
muslims advanced in some part of the world...when war was fought with muscle power ...on horse back....

when world started moving towards intellectual warfares, called gazis couldn't make/match a move in that direction.......
thats why you people found yourself irrelevant in todays world......change (in mindset) that drives people are not ready for that.

you can't operate your RADARS (imported from christian countries) you can fight with countries (like USA) who is at least 500 year ahead
of you.

DON'T live in fools paradise, try to ride one horse and be committed to that.

I must have siad something real terrible that lit a fire beneath your bum so watch that blood pressure!!! Problem here is clearly that you believe in everything that the media says but don't have the balls to openly attack us so require the USA so do it on your behalf! I don't believe that OBL was killed in Abbotabad when he probably expired many years back and has died up to nine times in recent years!

Certainly China will get involved but we're not dependant on them because we're fully capable of defending ourselves. They're in it for themselves and we have our own interests. "China can't dare to capture Taiwan" yet these are the same people that are sarrounding you and kicked your ass in 1962, remember??

Actually Muslim people have contributed greatly to civilisation that is even acknowledged by westerners themselves so i don't know what you're on about but yes for the past few centuries we've been sleeping. I agree that Allah does not discriminate and only helps those who do so themselves therefore throughout history power has always shifted hands. I can understand your anger afterall Muslim's in India ruled you Hindu's for a thousand years that you're still very bitter about. You must be the most ignorant person on this planet thinking Muslims to be irrelevent when we're the most important people on the planet and the only challenge to western secularism and imperialism where as you Hindu's are no match for them just like India with it's 400 million beggers only produces giggles in western circles. Enslaved we maybe at this moment still most natural resources like oil and gas are in Muslim lands thus the invasions to conquer them!

If the USA is 500 years ahead of us then they're 2000 centuries more advanced then you Indian's who still go in droves to the Muslim Middle East for jobs because your fake and overpopulated "Shining India" has nothing to offer them. The Christian west only uses you fools but in reality has nothing in common with you and will eventually drop you like a bad habit, reality is that Hinduism and Hindu people are a challenge for no society and never were let alone the advanced western powers thus throughout history you have always been pawns then disposed like garbage after being used, LOLZ!!!.

If our radars are from Christian nations then your's are from Zionist Israel who again only uses you retards to fight their war against Islam and Muslims!. I don't believe our radars failed unlike your army who were found wanting after the Mumbai falseflag when their unprofessionalism was exposed infront of the world, they were caught behaving like boyscouts on TV whilst the entire world laughed at them then you froze unable to take any action against the perceived enemy!

Being a retard is worse then jahalat so worry about yourself and accept that an attack on Pakistan will snowball into something much bigger that will eventually engulf the entire region. Trying to hide your ignorance with silly jokes only makes you look like a monkey in cage!!!
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
have you heard a saying in punjabi

KOI ROYE MAANWA NU...te KOI ROWE MASSIYAN NU....(get it translated if you don't know punjabi)

...What is point of chest beating INDIA at this point of time...when you people have proved your actual
identity......that you are only bunch of FOOLS ,who self claim big GAZIS and flag bearer of islam.

There are other HOSTILE countries like Iran...north korea etc in the world...they have been taken
seriously and respected by one segment in this world because they have a stand and stick to an ideology.

what is your ideology...opportunism....

state a pakistan can be compared with a over-smart girl who try to affair more than one guy for money
and insecurity and consequently becomes a prostitute....becuse of circumstances created by herself.

you can't date same time with USA...china...saudis..bin laden & al-qayeda for money....
what has happened...was inevitable.

I said it before and saying it again go and F....... your mother India and solve your own problems.Dont worry about Pakistan.What we do here is our business.Just shut up......that's it.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
I must have siad something real terrible that lit a fire beneath your bum so watch that blood pressure!!! Problem here is clearly that you believe in everything that the media says but don't have the balls to openly attack us so require the USA so do it on your behalf! I don't believe that OBL was killed in Abbotabad when he probably expired many years back and has died up to nine times in recent years!

Certainly China will get involved but we're not dependant on them because we're fully capable of defending ourselves. They're in it for themselves and we have our own interests. "China can't dare to capture Taiwan" yet these are the same people that are sarrounding you and kicked your ass in 1962, remember??

Actually Muslim people have contributed greatly to civilisation that is even acknowledged by westerners themselves so i don't know what you're on about but yes for the past few centuries we've been sleeping. I agree that Allah does not discriminate and only helps those who do so themselves therefore throughout history power has always shifted hands. I can understand your anger afterall Muslim's in India ruled you Hindu's for a thousand years that you're still very bitter about. You must be the most ignorant person on this planet thinking Muslims to be irrelevent when we're the most important people on the planet and the only challenge to western secularism and imperialism where as you Hindu's are no match for them just like India with it's 400 million beggers only produces giggles in western circles. Enslaved we maybe at this moment still most natural resources like oil and gas are in Muslim lands thus the invasions to conquer them!

If the USA is 500 years ahead of us then they're 2000 centuries more advanced then you Indian's who still go in droves to the Muslim Middle East for jobs because your fake and overpopulated "Shining India" has nothing to offer them. The Christian west only uses you fools but in reality has nothing in common with you and will eventually drop you like a bad habit, reality is that Hinduism and Hindu people are a challenge for no society and never were let alone the advanced western powers thus throughout history you have always been pawns then disposed like garbage after being used, LOLZ!!!.

If our radars are from Christian nations then your's are from Zionist Israel who again only uses you retards to fight their war against Islam and Muslims!. I don't believe our radars failed unlike your army who were found wanting after the Mumbai falseflag when their unprofessionalism was exposed infront of the world, they were caught behaving like boyscouts on TV whilst the entire world laughed at them then you froze unable to take any action against the perceived enemy!

Being a retard is worse then jahalat so worry about yourself and accept that an attack on Pakistan will snowball into something much bigger that will eventually engulf the entire region. Trying to hide your ignorance with silly jokes only makes you look like a monkey in cage!!!

Very well said.Thank you........


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
FACT! India has the most number of prostitutes on the planet so is in no position to talk about the affairs of other nations when she daily bares nude!. Guess which nation has the largest number of AIDS victims...???... "Shining India" does it again!!

FACT! Bin Laden has "died" many times and in this latest hoax we're still to see his body moreover why was he so-called buried at sea instead of being captured, exposed and interrogated??

If the USA wants a fight then just bring it on, the first thing we'll do would be to permenantly block supplies to Afghanistan choking the Americans completely. This will finally unite the Pakistani people who are fully capable of fighting and defeating the American's. Accepted that their are many traitors within the establishment from the government to the ISI and army but they're in the minority! Lead by a patriotic government we'll fight until our last breath!!


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: India must decide: Tiger Economy or under Talibans regime!!!!!!!!!

1.Bangladesh,bhutan,nepal have anarchy and instability ?I never meant WOT is a game.I said pakistan is playing double games in WOT.

Double Game? How dare you? Do you have a little bit Idea How many most wanted Alqaida members were captured by Pakistani Forces and Handed over to US??

That is why your Agencies are today at this earth level.

pakistan doesnt want to eliminate taliban.Afganistan ,india shared culture,tradition since gandhara empire (4000 BC).Pakistan may be 64 year nation built on religion but afganistan is not.

PkRevolution: India shared culture? The culture you lost long time ago? HIV Culture is the latest you can offer to world nations.

India remembers IC 814 hijacking carried out by militants from kashmir (pakistan) with support of taliban,it still has not forgotten those 20 K militants most of them were siphoned off ,after seize of afganistan!!

PkRevolution: Ulta Chor Kotwal ko dante .

If i were Indian i would shame for it. A Muslim Friend from India (Telecom Engineer) was telling me the behaviour of Hindus with them in India. Shame to India. You don't respect human rights, you are violating this in Kashmir and with muslim minorities in all over country. Kashmiri's till today are facing your brutal forces. This is you are proud of??

We did not forget killings of Muslims during separation, we did not forget Kashmiris killing , raping and Samjhota Express.

India wants stable Afghanistan without taliban!!Not a stooge of any nation.We want afganistan which is peaceful and friendly to us!!

PkRevolution: Just wake up. This shows me that you are nuts.

Russia failed, US failed and India has failed already before started. I give you good suggestion: Give rights to Kashmiris to decide whatever they want. Give rights to Indian Muslims in your country. Stop this theater of lies you are cloning from USA.



Balochi separatist dont exist.Its pakistan isi who is killing innocent balochis!Why hasn't pakistan presented the allegation in form of substantial proofs in world forums

PkRevolution: You have no Idea about Baluchistan. Balochis are Pakistanis. Do you understand?? It is like i say India is Bombing Sikh Yatris. You are nuts.

there is 1 embassy,3 consulates in afganistan.India is among top 5 donors and it is building road,parliament and want to assist afganistan !!We have business,economic interests in afganistan.Afgani people love india for its contribution.

PkRevolution: You did not write how many Indians have been beheaded by Afghanis?? You are not Friend but Foe. By Supporting Terrorists against Pakistan you can never develope your business but destroy. 3 Million Afghanis are still guests in Pakistan. They will never support our foe in such terms. Only few whome you bought with dollars are keeping you smile but not for long time.


Indian company consortium wants to mineral resources from afganistan and we plan to spend 350 billion dollar to buy those mines

Living in Denial...Thats reason all sunnis treat shiya inferior.....Taliban is production of pakistan(dont need to put blame on saw 5 days ago)


PkRevolution: Sunni Shia in Iraq, Sunni Shia in Arab states, Sunni Shia in Pakistan. Just wait what the time will answer you.

i have read it too and could you quote a single column from pakistan Indus water commissioner who agrees to your claims..there are minor differences which are being resolved with respect to heigth of dams.What does dams do??They harness electricity (i hope you knw diff between dams and canals :P )

PkRevolution: I ignore you here.

Ahha......Rain helps pakistan in sugarcane production,Wheat production....Does pakistan get enough rain in winter to get bumber harvest:)

Believe it that india has never stopped water for last 64 years (even in war times....but dont test our patience).

PkRevolution: Stop water but think before the consequences. That will be reason for JIHAD against Hindus. It is our Patience that we are still giving you chance to come to good sense.

We dont want war,want to be at peace but we want pakistan to hand over indian citizens who are hiding in pakistan (Dawood ibrahim lives in karahci:who married his daughter to javed miadad(cricketer) son,Salauddin :UJC council chief,Chhota shakeel,Deccan mujahideen chief :who ran away to pakistan in 2008,and many terrorists :Hafeez saeed who runs his terror camps(LET chief ,then changed name to JUD)behind charity cover!!

What? You are telling here that Indian Citizens are terrorists????

India doesnt need to carry out surgical should simply block water until you dont handover these criminals to us!!

PkRevolution: I bet you don't know the meanings of surgical strikes. Pakistani Forces are the most experienced Forces of the world. If surgical strike than it will be from our side on your Hindu Terror Organisation in India. Hindu Terrorism will be answered with Muslim Jihad which Indians will never forget.

India doesnt even reside any pakistani fugitive!!why every country is declaring pakistan as epicenter of terror??

PkRevolution: It is War between religions. Christians need help from nuts that is why you are taking profit out of situation.
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Re: India must decide: Tiger Economy or under Talibans regime!!!!!!!!!

PkRevolution: It is War between religions. Christians need help from nuts that is why you are taking profit out of situation.

Pakistan is the only country to produce fake wiki leaks claims!!

(Guardian Uk:

Pakistani media publish fake WikiLeaks cables attacking India
Comments alleged to be from WikiLeaks US embassy cables say Indian generals are genocidal and New Delhi backs militants