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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Id like to be a ninja champion or a ballet dancer: Sabina Pasha

Published: January 30, 2011


Model and LOreal Paris Spokesperson Sabina Pasha on leather, fur, and the invisible man. PHOTO : FAYYAZ AHMED

What is your idea of perfect happiness?
A starry night with my boys.
What is your greatest fear?
Poverty, disease and bad circumstances.
What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?
I tend to trust untrustworthy people.
What is the trait you most deplore in others?
Being judgmental and always believing one side (that too the totally wrong side) of a story!
What is your greatest extravagance?
All my fur coats and leather boots.
What is your current state of mind?
What do you consider the most overrated virtue?
On what occasion do you lie?
When it makes someone smile.
What do you most dislike about your appearance?
Nothing I take everything as a gift from God and truly cherish it.
Which living person do you most despise?
People who bully the weak and oppressed.
What is the quality you most like in a man?
The ability to stand up for his woman and fight for her rights!
What is the quality you most like in a woman?
Sensibility, versatility and the ability to evoke true love in a man.
Which words or phrases do you most overuse?
Kasam khao!
When and where were you happiest?
When I handed my award for best emerging model to my mom tucking in my sons every night and caring for Bilal everyday I mostly like to keep other people happy.
Which talent would you most like to have?
Id either like to be a ninja champion or, on the other extreme, to be a ballet dancer!
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
I want to stop living in a fantasy world of my own all the time.
What do you consider your greatest achievement?
Being an obsessive mom of two little boys, a supporting wife, a strong-willed model and above all representing the worlds top beauty brand, LOral Paris, as a spokesperson for two years in a row.
If you were to die and come back as a person or a thing, what would it be?
A lioness.
Where would you most like to live?
Pakistan, Pakistan and Pakistan!
What is your most treasured possession?
My dreams.
What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery?
Being rich and lonely.
If you didnt do your current job, what would you choose to do?
Id be running a Sufi music channel.
What is your most marked characteristic?
An instant smile and a drop dead belief in people.
Who is your hero of fiction?
He s somewhere in the fog right now the invisible man!
Published in The Express Tribune, Sunday Magazine, January 30th, 2011.(http://tribune.com.pk/story/109890/id-like-to-be-a-ninja-champion-or-a-ballet-dancer-sabina-pasha/)


Staff member
Re: I'd Like To Be A Ninja Champion Or Ballet Dancer By: Sabrina Pasha !!!

Canadian bro, you won't get many hints on this thread, this is a girl's stuff and there are few girls here and they are mature ones, they don't take interest in this kind of threads.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: I'd Like To Be A Ninja Champion Or Ballet Dancer By: Sabrina Pasha !!!

Canadian bro, you won't get many hints on this thread, this is a girl's stuff and there are few girls here and they are mature ones, they don't take interest in this kind of threads.

OK Waseem Bhai.It wont happen again.


Siasat.pk - Blogger
Re: I'd Like To Be A Ninja Champion Or Ballet Dancer By: Sabrina Pasha !!!

Canadian bro, you won't get many hints on this thread, this is a girl's stuff and there are few girls here and they are mature ones, they don't take interest in this kind of threads.[/QUOTE

are U general-izing here ??


Senator (1k+ posts)
Re: I'd Like To Be A Ninja Champion Or Ballet Dancer By: Sabrina Pasha !!!

Oh well.

Don't dare say anything about ''GIRLS''. No matter where ever our friend wanderer is ''wandering'', your comment will not go un-notcied. :-)

Aur agar Jan ke amaan paoo.N to :

You are not happy because Waseem bhai considers the female members as ''mature ones''?. I am sure hes talking about mental maturity and it has nothing to do with age. :-)


Staff member
Re: I'd Like To Be A Ninja Champion Or Ballet Dancer By: Sabrina Pasha !!!

Oh well.

Don't dare say anything about ''GIRLS''. No matter where ever our friend wanderer is ''wandering'', your comment will not go un-notcied. :-)

Aur agar Jan ke amaan paoo.N to :

You are not happy because Waseem bhai considers the female members as ''mature ones''?. I am sure hes talking about mental maturity and it has nothing to do with age. :-)

Raja bro, exactly i am talking about mental maturity, and I don't think there is any way I can guess member's age right.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: I'd Like To Be A Ninja Champion Or Ballet Dancer By: Sabrina Pasha !!!

Raja bro, exactly i am talking about mental maturity, and I don't think there is any way I can guess member's age right.

Waseem Bhai " Super Moderator " means you can assess very thing,what to talk of age.Dont be so modest.


Staff member
Re: I'd Like To Be A Ninja Champion Or Ballet Dancer By: Sabrina Pasha !!!

Waseem Bhai " Super Moderator" means you can assess every thing, what to talk of age.Dont be so modest.

lol, canadian bhai I don't think my assessment can always be right, especially when it matter of woman age.


Staff member
Re: I'd Like To Be A Ninja Champion Or Ballet Dancer By: Sabrina Pasha !!!

Canadian bro, you won't get many hints on this thread, this is a girl's stuff and there are few girls here and they are mature ones, they don't take interest in this kind of threads.

are U general-izing here ??

Generalizing, hmm maybe but i am talking about this forum only, and let me be honest there are only three women that I know on this forum and the only reason is they made their Ids of girlish names, :) and I found them very mature.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: I'd Like To Be A Ninja Champion Or Ballet Dancer By: Sabrina Pasha !!!

Generalizing, hmm maybe but i am talking about this forum only, and let me be honest there are only three women that I know on this forum and the only reason is they made their Ids of girlish names, :) and I found them very mature.

Waseem Bhai,The problem with people from The Sub Continent is that we are basically " Conspiracy Theorists".We tend to imagine something to be true although in actuality it may not be so.They always perceive a contact between a man and a woman to be of dubious and of "sexual" nature no matter what. So called "accused" may be honest and just be discussing every day simple things but Lo Behold" How you dare that".In the end " Conspiracy Theory" always wins no matter what.That's the way we are and that's how we will remain.Regards.


Siasat.pk - Blogger
Re: I'd Like To Be A Ninja Champion Or Ballet Dancer By: Sabrina Pasha !!!

Oh well.

Don't dare say anything about ''GIRLS''. No matter where ever our friend wanderer is ''wandering'', your comment will not go un-notcied. :-)

Aur agar Jan ke amaan paoo.N to :

You are not happy because Waseem bhai considers the female members as ''mature ones''?. I am sure hes talking about mental maturity and it has nothing to do with age. :-)

Oh well here we go again....

Im glad for the warning you've given for the better cause. Lol yes, NO comment goes un noticed, specially if its about girls...

You see my only question to "Waseem - Super moderator" was if he was generalizing...
even a 5 year old girl states she's 4 ... Its the girls right.

FYI, Maturing does not equalize to age in reality...

I wonder why 3 other people enjoyed ur post ?? Im sure it must be the men...


Siasat.pk - Blogger
Re: I'd Like To Be A Ninja Champion Or Ballet Dancer By: Sabrina Pasha !!!

Generalizing, hmm maybe but i am talking about this forum only, and let me be honest there are only three women that I know on this forum and the only reason is they made their Ids of girlish names, :) and I found them very mature.

There you go again, general-izing !!! There are exceptions u know, to every law, rule, theory etc etc...


Siasat.pk - Blogger
Re: I'd Like To Be A Ninja Champion Or Ballet Dancer By: Sabrina Pasha !!!

Waseem Bhai,The problem with people from The Sub Continent is that we are basically " Conspiracy Theorists".We tend to imagine something to be true although in actuality it may not be so.They always perceive a contact between a man and a woman to be of dubious and of "sexual" nature no matter what. So called "accused" may be honest and just be discussing every day simple things but Lo Behold" How you dare that".In the end " Conspiracy Theory" always wins no matter what.That's the way we are and that's how we will remain.Regards.

yes Canadian, its all a conspiracy theory .... all of this general-izing.... just coz they ids were of girlish names , he found them very mature..


Siasat.pk - Blogger
Re: I'd Like To Be A Ninja Champion Or Ballet Dancer By: Sabrina Pasha !!!

Waseem Bhai " Super Moderator " means you can assess very thing,what to talk of age.Dont be so modest.

super moderators have super powers .........dont they ??


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: I'd Like To Be A Ninja Champion Or Ballet Dancer By: Sabrina Pasha !!!

Oh well here we go again....

Im glad for the warning you've given for the better cause. Lol yes, NO comment goes un noticed, specially if its about girls...

You see my only question to "Waseem - Super moderator" was if he was generalizing...
even a 5 year old girl states she's 4 ... Its the girls right.

FYI, Maturing does not equalize to age in reality...

I wonder why 3 other people enjoyed ur post ?? Im sure it must be the men...

Thanks.That's a good one wanderer.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: I'd Like To Be A Ninja Champion Or Ballet Dancer By: Sabrina Pasha !!!

super moderators have super powers .........dont they ??

Do you think this is a correct way to use " super powers ".Oh I forgot he heads the " Morality Brigade " also.


Staff member
Re: I'd Like To Be A Ninja Champion Or Ballet Dancer By: Sabrina Pasha !!!

yes Canadian, its all a conspiracy theory .... all of this general-izing.... just coz they ids were of girlish names , he found them very mature..

Well, well, well, I never said that because they have girl's names as their ids, so they are mature, off course I assessed them with their comments on this forum.


Siasat.pk - Blogger
Re: I'd Like To Be A Ninja Champion Or Ballet Dancer By: Sabrina Pasha !!!

Well, well, well, I never said that because they have girl's names as their ids, so they are mature, off course I assessed them with their comments on this forum.

Ofcourse, how silly of anyone to think otherwise.
Lol, guys are soooo predictable.