I will participate in next Elections - Musharraf (facebook video)


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Bara Sharif Ban Kar Baitha Hai Bhagora
Where are these fists now.

To abuse him I had to become his supporter, is that fair Facebook
I am sure more people have gone there to abuse him than to support him and ended up counted as supporters.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Bara Sharif Ban Kar Baitha Hai Bhagora
Where are these fists now.

To abuse him I had to become his supporter, is that fair Facebook
I am sure more people have gone there to abuse him than to support him and ended up counted as supporters.

I hope you didnt use your real name. He will come and get you lol


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
when he runs for office, how will he answer if people ask him about dr Afia and all other missing people.

any comments from any one? How would YOU answer if you were in his position
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Councller (250+ posts)
when he runs for office, how will he answer if people ask him about dr Afia and all other missing people.

any comments from any one? How would YOU answer if you were in his position

Before casting aspertions on Gen Musharraf regarding Dr Afia, one should go through the facts. Dr Afia siddiqui was picked from afghanistan according to her own sister Dr Fouzia Siddiqui. Her mother called Gen Rashid Qureshi many times regarding dr Afia's release and said she consider Gen Musharraf as her son, He's a great leader and she has never said nor she thinks that dr Afia was handed over by Gen Musharraf. These lies are only being spread by the media. Those who blame Gen Musharraf for her abduction and take up the case of missing persons should raise the issue of Aimel Kansi first who was handed over to the foriegn authorities when nawaz sharif was the Prime Minister.


Councller (250+ posts)
Bara Sharif Ban Kar Baitha Hai Bhagora
Where are these fists now.

To abuse him I had to become his supporter, is that fair Facebook
I am sure more people have gone there to abuse him than to support him and ended up counted as supporters.
I am one of the supporter! No doubt about that!
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Councller (250+ posts)
View Poll Results: Who would be able to bring positive change in Pak?

Voters66. You have already voted on this poll
  • Zaid Hamid

    21 31.82%
  • Pervez Musharraf

    17 25.76%
  • Nawaz Sharif

    5 7.58%
  • Altaf Hussain

    9 13.64%
  • Imran Khan

    30 45.45%
  • Pakistan People's Party NOT Zardari

    2 3.03%
Not bad Mr Musharraf!


Councller (250+ posts)
No I used Altaf Hussain as my ID and his picture
Lots and Lots of NICE Words.
Ab Kya Ho Ga Kaaaalllya

Did you spend similar hours of bashing on Nawaz Shrif and Zardari's profile? Should have done!


Minister (2k+ posts)
میں نے فیس بک والوں سے یہ درخواست کی ہے کے جہاں فین کلب ہوتا ہے وہیں پر ایک بٹن مخالف کا بھی ہونا چاہیے، اب اگر میں مشرف کے خلاف کچھ لکھنا چاہوں تو لازم مجھے پہلے تو فین بٹن پر کلک کرنا ہوگا، اس کے بعد میں جو بھی مشرف کے خلاف لکھنا چاہوں وہ لکھ سکتا ہوں وہ لکھوں، مگر ہوگا یہ کہ ، میرے مخالفت کے ریمارکس تو فورن نکال دیے جائیں گے مگر میرا نام فین کلب میں رہے گا، اب یہ تو زیادتی ہے کے میرے اصل ریمارکس تو ہٹا دیے مگر فن لسٹ میں ایک نمبر کا اضافہ کر دیا، میرے خیال میں آدھے سے زیادہ اس لسٹ میں وہ لوگ ہیں جنہوں نے ٹھیک ٹھاک مشرف کو سنا ئی ہوگی ، مگر ان کے سا رے ریمارکس ہٹا دیے گیے ہیں
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........lalant haY tum pay, musharaf...............................from 2 lakh pakistani..........................
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.......how many times i through "LALANT" upon ur bloody face and heart............................involves in lal majid....................u r the first man who proves that pakistan is a terriost country...................!!!"LALANT hay tum pay.....................LALANT HAY TUM PAY x 2,00000=(LALANTS)


Minister (2k+ posts)
Bara Sharif Ban Kar Baitha Hai Bhagora
Where are these fists now.

To abuse him I had to become his supporter, is that fair Facebook
I am sure more people have gone there to abuse him than to support him and ended up counted as supporters.
میں نے فیس بک والوں سے یہ درخواست کی ہے کے جہاں فین کلب ہوتا ہے وہیں پر ایک بٹن مخالف کا بھی ہونا چاہیے، اب اگر میں مشرف کے خلاف کچھ لکھنا چاہوں تو لازم مجھے پہلے تو فین بٹن پر کلک کرنا ہوگا، اس کے بعد میں جو بھی مشرف کے خلاف لکھنا چاہوں وہ لکھ سکتا ہوں وہ لکھوں، مگر ہوگا یہ کہ ، میرے مخالفت کے ریمارکس تو فورن نکال دیے جائیں گے مگر میرا نام فین کلب میں رہے گا، اب یہ تو زیادتی ہے کے میرے اصل ریمارکس تو ہٹا دیے مگر فن لسٹ میں ایک نمبر کا اضافہ کر دیا، میرے خیال میں آدھے سے زیادہ اس لسٹ میں وہ لوگ ہیں جنہوں نے ٹھیک ٹھاک مشرف کو سنا ئی ہوگی ، مگر ان کے سا رے ریمارکس ہٹا دیے گیے ہیں


Senator (1k+ posts)
Come Musharaf Come to Pakistan. People are waiting for you with their shoes in their hands. They want to beat you. You have done enough damage in 10 years. If you want to win the election in Pakistan make sure to put Shoes as your Intakhabi Nishan because ballet boxes are gona be full of shoes with your name on them.
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Come Musharaf Come to Pakistan. People are waiting for you with their shoes in their hands. They want to beat you. You have done enough damage in 10 years. If you want to win the election in Pakistan make sure to put Shoes as you Intakhabi Nishan because ballet boxes are gona be full of shoes with your name on them.

Joota as Intihabi Nishan, Suits Musharraf really well.
