How will Pakistanis and history judge CJP Jamali?


Councller (250+ posts)
In my opinion people will remember him as one of the bravest judges in history of Pakistan. He said- while being CJ and essentially being the most powerful person in Pakistan- that Nawaz Sharif and this government is like a Monarchy (badshahat).

His speeches at district bars and on the bench have really pinched the rulers in the same way a nimazi is effected while listening to a Khutba at Jummah. CJ Jamali took up the Panama case and asked tough questions of NS and his family and offered Pakistanis hope that this time NS and the corrupt will certainly face the music. Unfortunately the CJ has to retire and we all will really miss his blunt remarks. In some ways he reminds me of JI Chief Siraj ul Haq. This nation that loves to offer a WAH BARI WADDI GAL KITTI AY will really miss CJP Jamali. You know like Afridis sixes even when Pakistan loses.
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Minister (2k+ posts)
یہ حرامزادہ انصاف یا دلائل نہیں بلکہ اپنی پنشن کے لئے کیس کو لٹکا رہا تھا۔


Minister (2k+ posts)
To thread starter !

Please convey my La'nnat to this Be-ghairat CJ Jamali whenever you remember him with golden words !
Thank you


Councller (250+ posts)
jis mulk mean hawa ki betian 500 rupee mean bikti hon..uss mulk kay mahtram judges ka bhi tu koe rate ho ga.qiyaamt bhi ani hay yia bhi hum lagta hay serif wohi sochtay haen jin maen kuch Allah ka dar rah gia hay...........warna jis tarah her koe iss mulk ko looot raha hay lagta nahi keh un ko qiyaamat pay yaqeen hay.

Dr Adam

Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Justice delayed is justice denied.

Second shocking news in 24 hours, PIA plane disaster was the 1st.
All hopes of the people of Pakistan to get justice against the mighty stand shattered today after CJs announcement and postponement of the case. The hard truth is ----- people in power positions are not interested in saving the Pakistan of Muhammad Ali Jinnah. RIP.


jaatay jaatay bhi apna ratab halaal karr ke Nooray Butt ko usko Paltoo nai aamad ke hawalay karr gayaa for a clean or for a technical safe passage


President (40k+ posts)
Weak and timid man who buckled at crunch time and did not avail the oppertunity to stamp his name in the conscious of a nation...


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
ملک اور قوم انصاف کے لیے ان اندھے قانون کے محافظوں کی طرف دیکھتی رہی اور یہ اندھے سوکالڈ قانون کے محافظ، سعید الزمان صدیقی کی طرف دیکھ کر اپنا مستقبل بناتے رہے۔


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Question !!
How will Pakistanis and history judge CJP Jamali.

Answer !!!
1. Commission Wala JUDGE
2. Another Commission Khor


Councller (250+ posts)
Many of us live in Pakistan but some of us do not. For those who live in Pakistan, when you see the likes of CJP Jamali, will you have the guts to express your admiration or lack there of for him in his face- once hes not serving?
