Here is the proof that Zardari was hit on the Face Indeed!


Minister (2k+ posts)
our pm suddenly thought he could become an adult
zardari kicked on his hot spot and he is back to his self.
this is a god given opportunity for zardari & co to skim billions
why would he agree on a committee out of his control.

no committee but i was very surprised on kashif's remarks in today's program
he commented that this committee was not a good idea, i wonder why?

they must form a committee and imran khan should be made head of this committee.

imran khan...........zaid hamid................mustafa kamal.................a.sattar edhi.....................amir liaquat hussain...................hamid gul


President (40k+ posts)
اس ملک کو لوٹنے کے لیے امریکہ شیطان نے ہمیں &a


Iss ke chahrey se hi khabasat barass rahi.

After getting hit with a shoe, he says this....


The Title should be like this

سیاسی اداکار تصویریں بنوا رھے ہیں

اس ملک کو لوٹنے کے لیے امریکہ شیطان نے ہمیں چنا ھے

ڈاکو صدر زرداری۔

بھڑک بھی ماری تو ایوان صدر میں۔ ایوان صدر میں بیٹھ کر چیلینج قبول کیا ہے اور وھی بیٹھ کر پاکستان کو بھی بچائینگا۔ ھا ھا ھا
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